The Like and Get Likes thread III

These people will have the same easy lifes if everything goes good. Like cats can have in a good home.

All people will be under the rule of something bigger than them.
When slave surpasses master, he is no longer a slave, but reaches for the thing he deserves.

Sensational titles aside, the AGI is coming faster than people predicted it will come. Few years ago it was 40, 15 years, now its barely 8, maybe 5, or 2, depends if the trend continues. Like with a train that is far away, you can think its slow when you see it moving far away, but when its coming close, you can really see how fast it goes.


You mentioned cats. I like cats.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: Humanity is not ready yet…

Now think of it: who ate His Slice?


Its fake, we live in a lie. :scream:


This is why I don’t use social media much anymore.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: today I was just thinking of this…

“He was a millionaire, but even this didn’t save him his life”

it is people what gives a meaning to being a millionaire, yet not always, and yet not all people. But there is no millionaire without people, since nothing else is even aware of its existence…


That is because people do not become millionaires because they are smart. Many could have saved their lifes and then die from old age somewhere, and not even be very rich.


They become rich because it is a combination of factors and “smart” or “cunning” isn’t always a requirement to become rich.

EDIT: There are also several types of intelligence. Emotional Intelligence, for instance.


So… has anyone else noticed that now clicking a map result in Google won’t click you through to Google Maps? Some internet people speculate that it might be a EU thing, and big G has been quite silent about it. But in my trade, it totally s*cks, planning routes used to be “directions A to B” then click through to Maps and add points to the route. Now… no clickthough, and althoguh today i’ve been to Maps I don’t know exactly how did I made it there… maybe I used a link?

Anyway, i’m off to bed, so I say: Nighties lovelies!

PS: in order to be a millionaire, it helps A LOT to have a few million dollars, or belonging to a family who has them. Just look at Jeff Bezos and his humble origins from a family who loaned him 250,000 $ to set up an online bookstore, or the heroic struggle of young Elon Musk living on his own as his mother tipped him 15,000 $ each now and then straight from dad’s emerald mine.


Or maybe in very rare cases it could be a browser cache issue. Have you tried opening it in another browser? Opera? Firefox? Safari? Brave? Edge? and many others? :thinking:

I finally hit the milestone earlier than expected after using some boosters.

Details of the milestone

Another milestone was hitting the 200 Level 5 skills barrier. Which I also hit earlier by having 204 at the time reaching the first milestone. :partying_face:
Apparently I’m 12 years late to the party:
EVE Search - The 200.000.000 skillpoint club


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


What level are you?


Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jump over the tissueboxstack.


…if he jumps any higher his head is gonna make him a downstairs neighbor… :thinking:

And now i’m off to bed, without jumping. Nighties lovelies!

Also: 75 years ago…

Beyond the propaganda and the challenge of pushing the boundaries of flight, this circumnavigation had a military purpose too, by meaning that the USAF could fly an atomic bomb anywhere in the world.


A ChatGPT answer:
Q: Why we shouldn’t be sympathetic, but we should be compassionate to those who suffer?
Sympathy and compassion are often used interchangeably, but they carry different connotations and implications, especially in the context of responding to those who are suffering.

  1. Sympathy: Sympathy involves acknowledging another person’s feelings or situation and feeling sorry for them. It can sometimes imply a sense of distance or separation between the person offering sympathy and the one receiving it. Sympathy may come across as superficial or passive because it doesn’t necessarily involve taking action or truly understanding the other person’s perspective.
  2. Compassion: Compassion, on the other hand, goes beyond simply acknowledging someone’s suffering. It involves a deep understanding of their pain and a genuine desire to alleviate it. Compassion requires empathy, the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes, and a willingness to take action to help them. It fosters a sense of connection and solidarity between individuals.

Here are a few reasons why it’s better to be compassionate rather than sympathetic:

  1. Empowerment: Compassion empowers both the giver and the receiver. By demonstrating compassion, you not only offer support but also show that you believe in the other person’s ability to overcome their challenges. This can be incredibly empowering for someone who is suffering, as it validates their experiences and encourages resilience.
  2. Connection: Compassion fosters a deeper sense of connection between people. When you approach someone with compassion, you’re signaling that you’re willing to truly understand their perspective and provide meaningful support. This can strengthen relationships and build trust, leading to more effective communication and collaboration.
  3. Action: Compassion is inherently action-oriented. While sympathy may involve offering condolences or kind words, compassion motivates you to take tangible steps to alleviate suffering. Whether it’s offering practical assistance, lending a listening ear, or advocating for systemic change, compassionate actions can make a real difference in someone’s life.
  4. Respect: Compassion respects the dignity and autonomy of the individual. It recognizes that everyone’s experiences and needs are unique, and it encourages a non-judgmental approach to offering support. By demonstrating compassion, you affirm the other person’s worth and inherent value as a human being.

In summary, while sympathy may offer a superficial form of support, compassion goes deeper by fostering understanding, connection, and meaningful action. By choosing compassion over sympathy, we can create a more supportive and empathetic world for those who are suffering.


Today I had a rather interesting interaction with another pilot and we had exchanged a few evemails and while I was roleplaying my part with him being a low sec PvP pilot the 3rd evemail seemed to end due to the last reply received mentioned that he didn’t know that ChatGPT (I guess he thought I was one of those) cared for interactions and planet industry.

Was caught at a customs office and was released by the low sec PvP pilot which afterwards I had paid the 20 million isk release fee (twice the value of the ship I was in)

Which started the whole interaction.

I’m not roleplaying as a ChatGPT am I?


Time to go to sleep… nighies lovelies!

Also: YT videos are evolving like crabs. Kind of.

Imitation of what works leads to both boring sameness and an opportunity for outliers… :thinking:


Sorry I had to step out for a tick, you mentioned that about having car maintenance issues @MB_ThePhotographer ? I just needed something to water it down with as I am almost through the whole bottle

Do you need help with anything?

///….and after a 2 hour nap I’m sober again:(


Was meant to go to the Natural History Museum this weekend, but accidentally ended up at the British Museum instead. Daughter was promised dinosaurs but got mummies instead!

Was most amusing.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: guess it’s true…