The Like and Get Likes thread III

Is it time to go to sleep? Yes, it is. Nighties lovelies!

Also: the enshittification continues…

Reputation: you only got one, and good luck spoiling it.


I think I saw a Nana in space. :smile:


Yes, that was me!

In other news: oldest bread in the world, doesnt look very apetizing now. :poop:


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

PS: apparently that bread piece was an uncooked loaf of fermented bread which was just left behind and managed to reach our days… Like the baker thinking “that one is rising a little slow, gonna let it rise all night and cook it tomorrow” and then nothing else happened for 8,600 years. Guess they’ll find out what was used in it, whether wheat or something else. Maybe can even figure the recipe…?


Light clock is a simple explanation what time is, its always light traveling in space on paths, everywhere.

You are made of energy that is tied into atoms, and that energy is light, electromagnetic wave. It will always travel the same speed inside you, even when you move with it alongside some path. As its light, it will have to move longer paths, and for outside observer your light clock (time) ticks slower.

One universal thing for everything is light. From it everything is always made. Its the only one thing that is its own antithing also.

The antiparticle of a photon (a particle of light) is a photon.



TIL: that gamma rays optics is a thing after a team in 2012 proved that gamma rays can be refracted; the problem with gamma rays is that their wavelength is smaller than the distance between atoms and so they just ignore matter unless they hit a particle, which is quite difficult since atoms are mostly empty space. But by using gold prisms the team found that gamma ray refraction is possible, which opens a completely new field of high energy optics. Also, a team at the CERN is working on using part of the LHAC system to manufacture high energy gamma rays “on demand” by accelerating lead ions and crashing them straight on with a laser beam so the electrons get a crazy amount of energy and release it as gamma rays by a mean more controllable than decaying isotopes.

And now i’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!


1989: Somehow, I remember this game being older. :oldtimeyparrot:


I think the bread might’ve gone a bit stale.

Happy International Womens Day


That Tchaikovsky really hits the eardrums fittingly there.


Silly idea, of course it would now work…

But situation is not so clear with sandworms from dune:

Can they be real somewhere in the universe? :thinking:


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!


On the subject of sandworms, no to be nitpicking, but to be nitpicking… calcium IS a metal, just it haves an inclination to combine with phosphorus, hydrogen and oxygen and the resulting alloys are akin to ceramics and thus are brittle, but also are the kind of stuff the chemistry of life can handle. I don’t know if it would be theoretically possible to have metallic bones rater than metal ceramic ones, but I guess it would require quite a lot of energy to get those metals free from oxygen and hydrogen, and the question would be how to obtain that energy by chemical means since removing hydrogen or oxygen from metals requires more energy than is generated by mixing them. My guess is that Herbert just went for “cool” without giving much thought on whether it was physycally feasible or don’t.

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: this series was the very first animation series to be aired in catalan language through the catalan public TV back in dirt old 1984.

It is just one of those childhood things that stick with you, like never reminding that the show was actually called “Dr. Slump”, not “Arale”. Arale running over the police car was a running gag that even now brings a smile to my face… :laughing:


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: not sure what’s the situation in the EU…

…but wow. Here in my neck fo the woods, one of the major supermarket chains is known for their 15 cent a piece reusable polyehtilene bags, made with a high percentage of recycled plastic. I’ve used the same one for literally 3 years (i don’t do much grocery shopping, admittedly) and they’re quite sturdy, notably thicker than the usual ones, an other than soiling and wear and tear of the printed imagery, it still does the job to keep stuff together and reasonably sheltered from weather while you carry it. I also use plastic water bottles for longer than is sensible but I only use them to fill a glass and so they’re biologically clean, even if God only knows what those old plastics might still be releasing into the water after literal hundreds of refills from the tap…


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: let’s make some money…

…or some coins at least.


How’s the weather in Hek these days?


Sometimes politics are just too much even for followers like me. That people, politicians… they don’t live in anywhere resembling reality. Sure you know already, but… but… WTF did even happen today in the Catalan parliament? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I’m going to sleep. Preferably without dreaming about EVE Online, because last night dreams and the events from last evening just have surpassed my WTF-proofing. Nighties lovelies!


Hello like givers and receivers.

I hope we are all having a good day.

Good night @Yiole_Gionglao!


Welcome ISD Kai. I personally am having a good day. I hope you are too.
It is always warm here. Would you(and everyone else who reads this, but never posted in this thread) care for a cocktail? :sunglasses:



That is some perfect MEME about LAGL. :ok_hand:

I dont know, but still must be better than what happens in Haiti.