The Like and Get Likes thread III

Is my little finger broken? No it isn’t. But, is the bone in my little finger whole? No, it isn’t whole neither. Last saturday the little finger on my right hand fought a one-on-one battle with a handrail and took a serious crash. A painful sunday later and on a monday of bloated finger later, turns that a tiny sliver of bone detached from the surface of the bone, probably pulled by the sudden snap of the tendon upon hiting the handrail. Now it hurts, but should heal on its own in about a week… but in the meantime holding the mouse or striking the keys on the keyboard is uncomfortable since my little finger hurts and is tied together to the finger next to it and both are in a partially bent position which puts them in the way when reaching for things below the palm level. Also it makes impossible to hold the mouse with three fingers resting on top of it (small hands, I have them).

I hope it will last just a week, for sure, and will heal properly (right now I can’t bend my little finger into a clenched fist position, not even ignoring the pain… it won’t bend further).

Night night lovelies!

(Also: crashing your hands on stuff, even accidentally, does hurt).


True and the pain is almost instant, not like when kicking a toe you stub your toe and wait a good second and a half waiting for the pain.


If its yours, just flag the OP and under “something else” ask that it gets reopened


2nd workout, fast paced, and learned some stretches for a client who has no curvature in her neck


…sudden track attack, because of an earworm situation…

I don’t think anyone understands nor wants to know what this is about and so I’m comfortably within the safe side of forum rules.

Also, today I logged in for the first time in dunno how long and checked apparel at Jita market to see whether something triggered a wish/need to create a new outlook or even a new portrait for any of my girls. Not the case, sadly. Also I was feeling a little guilty for having a part in deraling the portraits thread. Might go and drop a pro tip because I learned quite a bunch of funny things to know when avatars and portraits where hotter than now.

But now i’ll be off to bed. Night night lovelies!


Time to go to bed… looks like the tiny bone piece in my little finger is on its way to healing, as my finger it’s still bloated but now hurts less. Night night lovelies!

Also: thoughts from the deep… If the Titanic was made of iron and sank when they added water to the iron, why didn’t it sink when they added the iron to the water? :worried:


Not even the Women’s ‘Executor’ Coat (green/gold) ?

Or you might already have that snassy coat.


Get better soon Yiole!

Hope it heals well.


Oh, I own several of the “Executor” series, just not the green/gold. But then, I don’t think the “Executor” coats had the little bit of cleaveage the “Sanctity” dress delivers when not wearing a “top” piece:

Also, I had forgotten that Yiole wasn’t wearing anything else than three (visible) pieces… dress, stockings and shoes

Damn, those are some curves… “Sanctity” dress, yeah, sure…


Time to go to sleep… night night lovelies!

Also: well, honesty didn’t work too well, did it?

Here’s the thing, we are animals who eat animals. We also eat and use stuff made by animals and also use body parts from animals for different purposes and all in all we are like a big family of animals who live thanks to other animals.


…sudden track attack…!

I’ve never been to France, which makes sense since I’ve barely traveled at all; like a good hobbit, I like being at home and staying there if I can. And now it’s time to go to sleep… night night lovelies!


Time to go to sleep… night night lovelies!


Don’t you hate when the bottle shop closes early on Sunday?

/last week or so I had saved like 200 bucks from drinking less and had boosted my New Eden bankrolll.

This week I am going through withdrawal and am drinking again.


We live in interesting times.


Learning is exciting. Sometimes it’s pleasant, sometimes it’s unpleasant (FAI I ended quite fed up when learning about the design of the crematory ovens used in Auschwitz) but as a rule of thumb, learning always feels useful and sometimes is challenging, sometimes it’s exhilarating, and sometimes just makes oneself feel alive.

And now I’m off to bed, hoping to sleep and get some rest. Night night lovelies!

Also: this is one fun crazy game…


Im always learning something new with how the human anatomy, physiology and kinesiology works


So, it’s been announced that there will be a Civilization VII… I played the hell out of III and IV, eventually moved to V and have liked it (but enver palyed a smcuh as the odler oens). Didn’t like the art style of Civ VI and knew that I would get stuck with its features and unable to go back to V so… never tried it. Waht I knoiw for sure is that I have never bought a Civilization game brand new. Always wait and see until they’re ironed out and players decide whether is a must or a miss… then buy it for a discount with as many bundled expansions as possible. Worked well for IV and V.

And now i’m off to bed. Night night lovelies!

PS: my finger just healed up, it’s still a bit bloated and hurts when moving some ways but it’s doing all its work as before… not a lot, but it’s a honest job and someone has to do it.


Learning how to learn is fun.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra


Becoming friends by fighting a common enemy!