The Like and Get Likes thread III

The ‘Coffin Dance


The meme below is unrelated to LAGL or its posters:


Today I had a “21st century moment” when a Chinese young woman entered our shop and used her phone to translate her Chinese words into Spanish ones, and also translate my answers back. At first I didn’t quite get what she was asking, until I understood she was looking for a place to make photocopies of some papers. Unfortunately slow reaction time me was so shocked by the novelty and unexpected situation that I completely forgot about a place where she could had done that AND also forgot about the Chinese owned shop down the street, which with any luck might be people speaking her same language/dialect.

And yet… speaking Chinese to a phone, the phone translates to spoken Spanish, then translates spoken Spanish back to spoken Chinese well enough to convey simple ideas. Welcome to the 21st century.

And now I’m off to bed. Night night lovelies!




On the other hand, the energy for your stupid combustion engine is stored using about 40 to 50 kilograms of matter, whereas your electric engine gets electricity from some 900 kg of batteries which barely last as long as 25 kg of fuel for an ICE, among other things because you’re hauling around those 900 kg of dead weight even when there’s no energy in them.

But then, if we could just keep the source of electricity still, feed a moving vehicle though some array of conductive materials and (just to top it off) drive metal wheels on metal bars rather than lose energy to the enormous friction of rubber on asphalt…

Yes, guess I went full “it’s trains, stupid”. Electric railroad trumps everything transport by such a margin that it’s not even a contest. At least for distances where building the railworks makes sense…

Bonus: sudden track attack because, metal.

(I was todays years old when I noticed that the original “Metall auf metall” has a different sound than “Metal on metal”…)


I dont know what she used but Google had that for few years already. Also if she had that phone she could have found the other closest place where she could do that on google maps or whatever map app she had.


And trolley cars. Or horsecars. Some are still in use in cities. Rapid Transit.

But when you can walk everywhere because its close, you dont even need those.

Or just a bicycle.


Construction work started in 1956, for the World Fair of 1958.


Night Night


I’d guess that her first try was finding a place to do photocopies. But then the translation software translated “copies”, so maybe there’s not even a word for “photocopy” in Chinese?

And then… tough luck finding anywhere where they still do photocopies in 2024. The place I forgot about is a graphic print service some 5 minutes walk away, and certainly she was not the first person asking us whether we know of a place to make photocopies in the area (less the language barrier).


They do, such as small convenience stores, they will most likely also have a computer and printer there aswell as need it for their business, and print stuff out for you if you super cute.


A passage from Pax Amarria:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel ultrices risus. Quisque a nunc eros. Morbi tincidunt, orci vitae lobortis lobortis, sem libero malesuada ligula, eu gravida lectus ligula ac augue. Fusce bibendum lobortis massa vel commodo. Vestibulum in quam luctus, dictum purus in, rhoncus nisl. Praesent commodo, leo eu luctus imperdiet, erat erat rutrum odio, nec pretium dui ante tincidunt tellus. Nulla malesuada gravida dui in vulputate. Etiam eleifend nibh sit amet elementum rutrum. Nulla ut efficitur nulla, ut venenatis ex. Aliquam consectetur volutpat tortor, in vestibulum magna ultrices in.

Sed ullamcorper sapien eget fringilla aliquam. Vestibulum consectetur nec odio vel lobortis. Sed eu arcu feugiat eros elementum interdum. Nullam in leo dignissim ante tincidunt faucibus. Phasellus non mauris dictum, pharetra orci pretium, pretium tortor. Cras mi tellus, tincidunt ut tempor non, lacinia a dui. Fusce non sodales lacus. Donec ut orci pellentesque, consequat diam eget, condimentum felis. Pellentesque cursus est ornare erat sodales vestibulum. Maecenas lobortis orci eget urna dapibus, id sodales nisl malesuada.

Proin pharetra a odio et fermentum. Integer risus leo, tempus eu lobortis eu, gravida vel eros. Morbi tristique sapien ligula, non egestas nunc pellentesque ut. Etiam sagittis lacinia elit ac molestie. Maecenas vitae massa accumsan, accumsan nunc sed, porttitor sapien. Ut iaculis eget tortor ac imperdiet. Aenean pulvinar mattis felis sed efficitur. Vestibulum placerat velit orci, at auctor augue pulvinar quis. Nunc volutpat luctus nibh, eget porttitor arcu tincidunt quis.

Nulla aliquam commodo lectus, eget vestibulum nisi finibus quis. Integer aliquam lacus vitae mauris tincidunt, vitae tempor nulla cursus. Morbi luctus erat in nisl vestibulum, sed bibendum justo ullamcorper. Vivamus neque nisl, pellentesque ac venenatis at, pretium in diam. Sed at tortor dapibus, faucibus quam eget, finibus ipsum. Phasellus at consectetur ex. Maecenas consequat, sapien vitae fermentum rutrum, leo erat rutrum nulla, vel sodales libero sapien sit amet augue. Quisque ac dictum tortor. Sed sollicitudin ligula auctor ultrices dictum. Suspendisse faucibus aliquam sodales. Quisque feugiat dui tortor. Vestibulum pretium nec erat non blandit. Sed imperdiet ipsum sit amet mauris eleifend feugiat. Cras tincidunt, purus consequat tempus ullamcorper, ante neque facilisis elit, ac posuere nisl turpis accumsan dui. Nulla volutpat erat sit amet metus lacinia, ut bibendum magna efficitur. Duis nec fermentum nulla.

Pellentesque blandit gravida tortor, at ultricies enim porta ac. Vestibulum leo nunc, sagittis ac velit et, posuere efficitur sem. Donec in justo mattis leo vehicula blandit. Integer eu mi at ante malesuada eleifend et non elit. Nam accumsan a elit at placerat. Nunc eu facilisis magna. Nullam efficitur augue ac sollicitudin molestie. Proin vehicula mauris risus, a ornare sapien posuere et. Fusce consequat quam ac tellus congue convallis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis vel nisi iaculis, hendrerit urna in, dapibus sapien. In iaculis, libero ut vulputate egestas, quam sapien porta diam, vel interdum sem magna sit amet mi. Phasellus nulla sem, tincidunt vel nisi ac, posuere imperdiet dui.


You do realise that you have an uncanny resemblance to @God_Emperor_Kane .
Are you his evil twin or something???


I dont see it


Probably because @LordOdysseus looks have been altered due to his evilness, he shows no mercy murdering defenseless unarmed capsules.

His acts of evil make @God_Emperor_Kane look like a saint.


Podding…podding never changes.
I mainly pod those who don’t give back likes in this thread. :smiling_imp:


@Uriel_the_Flame didn’t give a like


Maybe the hisghsec safety law enforcers should punish me in-game for this atrocity.




Time to go to sleep… night night lovelies!

Also: Barcelona. Sunday 25th April 1909 at 11 a.m.

The filming of the film was publicly announced, thus many people came to the film locations to be recorded. The camera and cameraman were on a rail cart pushed by a tramway.


Night Night