The Like and Get Likes thread III

Poor doggy, it’s a little upset that it isn’t getting cuddles… so let’s bite and murder the plush dog. And this is difference from cats, which would be plotting YOUR demise too, not just the plush toy’s…

And now is my time to go to sleep. Nighties lovelies!

Also: Richard Branson went to space. Kinda.

50 miles? Their first flight reached >100 km, but now the commercial version apparently has settled for the “above 50 miles” definition of where space begins space… a definition which nobody uses outside of the USA. :woman_astronaut:t2:


Very very interesting…

How would humans evolve? :thinking:


The video wouldn’t load for me because apparently it is on a banned website.
I right clicked on the video and pasted it into my VPN browser to see it is from 4 network. They usually have great stuff while at the same time having NSFW stuff which got them banned.

Honestly, I’m afraid of dogs since 1998. One day I was walking to a stationery store on a lukewarm afternoon, through an alley and came to a t-section when I heard a barking sound in the distance behind me. The sound came closer and closer and louder and louder. Suddenly I stopped and turned around to see a rabid dog, 2 meters away from me with crazed eyes and foam around his(or her) mouth. I couldn’t move because I didn’t know what to do and this was the era before the internet. I stood still for 10 minutes, while the dog kept barking at me. In the corner of my eye I saw 5-6 people walking through the other street. They saw me and understood the situation and asked me to slowly walk towards them. So I did and the dog went away, I reached the store safely with the help of those guys and bought a tamagotchi like millions of people. I was smart enough to return home through the main street.

Now, I’m not afraid of puppies(nor golden retrievers) but big dogs like dobermanns, pitbulls and rottweilers scare me since that day. Maybe I could do EFT tapping session on that issue. :man_shrugging:


One advantage of cats over dogs is that not even the larger breeds of domestic cats can be a threat to people -and anyway both Maine Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats are gentle giants. Whereas large dogs often come from breeds selected to kill animals, even large animals, and all dogs have a insctinct to go for the throat as killer move. The world’s top favorite pets are predators, but one of them just never grows larger than 1/6th of a person and on average cats are 15 to 20 times smaller than their staff… err, I mean, owners (pfft!!) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

And now I’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: meanwhille, in Australia…

The disappointment in its eyes is telling…


This should help their future development. Games like… Nova? :eyes:

WARNING: Explicit.


Level 70. Finally! I can take it easy from now on. I even got the slow flying mount&training and still have 500g left.

Good night lovelies. :heart:


Here’s an unusual video:


Time to go to sleep… but not before sharing a massive “also”. Nighties lovelies!

Also: Starlink is gonna crash and burn hard, not unlike other Elon Musk “business” ideas

Essentially it can’t pay itself, it’s losing money with each customer and will keep losing it faster than they can get new customers… and certainly faster than the pathetic bandwidth that will be delivered to each customer once they pile up on the poor, pityfully underpowered satellites. Plus a serious chance of triggering Kesler Syndrome with so many stuff up there in the 550 km orbit space. Plus crashing hard on ground based astronomy and, huh, our abbility to detect potential hazardous asteroids. Plus… well, you get the gist. It’s a terrible idea, terribly implemented, and will fail terribly -and let’s all hope it won’t bring down anything else with it.


Message from Hayley:
“Hello LAGL! Did you guys miss me?”

and her most beautiful photo(imo) :


Always +1 for some extra Hayley in our LAGL!

And now I’m off to bed. I’ve been thinking about what the future looks like for SpaceX and I keep wondering where’s the market to pay for the rockets they’re developing… specially when Musk pretends that Starlink, which is a dead end, actually pays development for SpaceX…? And Musks’ other ideas also aren’t that good, actually. Hyperloop is a terrible concept unfit for reality and surrounded by shady companies. The Vegas Loop is a unmitigated disaster and the Boring Company apparently ran out of projects(?). The Tesla Semi looked like a impossible and well, it’s far from being a reality. Musk is a lot of shiny but few delivery, and stuff like the speculation with BitCoin and Tesla Motors is downright shady. A complex thing, Elon Musk and the distance between his hype and reality.

Nighties lovelies!

Also: NASA thinsk they’ve pinpointed the point of failure within Hubble telescope and will try to fix it…

They will use a backup system, which means that any further failures on the energy management system could be the last. HST is old, hasn’t been serviced since 2009 and will never be serviced again so when the last backups are gone, the HST will be gone with them.


Elon musk is making me sad.
As I said before even if not in this thread: When the Hubble Space Telescope’s hardware(and backup hw) becomes unusable, they should send a space shuttle, pack it into it, bring it back to earth and display it in a museum.

With this internet speed I COULD play EVE Online without lag :heart_eyes: :

Timezone lovelies. :heart:


They will probably make a replica shell to show it, if they want to have physical object in museum. Else it would be a really expensive piece of furniture if they would send spaceships to get it back and no politician or scientist would vote for that.

They will let it die a proud death of a space object, going out in flames in our atmosphere.


Someone even made the evolved humans from “All Tommorows” images into 3d animation. :scream:


So late…! Nighties lovelies!

Also: let’s talk about milk…


Some icy deep to watch in this very hot weather.


Earlier today I was very ill. I only ate salad and white rice and I don’t know what make me sick. I would throw up every 15 minutes and feel a searing pain in my stomach. I looked up Mayo Clinic and other sources and I’m almost certain that my illness isn’t cancer. :man_shrugging:

Now I’m drinking plenty of previously unopened bottled water. Because my affliction might be from open bottles.


The video mentions many things but they forgot about the MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) in the raw milk that is destabilized through pasteurization. MSM is a vital ingredient for human body. There are still much research to be done on various stuff.


Good evening all, its been about 8 years since I was last on here. Hows tricks been? Does anybody remember the lore about a traditional LAGL Monacle?


Mmm… I think I recall your name. But just that, and now i’m off to bed. Nighties lovelies!

Also: Chinese rover Zhurong released a photograph of its parachute and back heat shield

By examining the picture, engineers will evaluate the damage and find ways to improve performance for future missions.


I was very active back in the day, one of the top LAGL’ers for a while. Alice Saki, Graygor and Randon McNally I remember from back then. I don’t suppose any of them hang around these days?


They do but they don’t “LAGL” anymore. They’re on different parts of the forums.