The Like and Get Likes thread III

I’m late to bed… but better late than never! Nighties lovelies!

Also: how to turn a room into a camera obscura…

Keeping the cat out appears to be a necessary but ovorlooked step… :grin:


Good morning lovelies. :heart:


Old story but first time I have seen how it all went down.


…the easiest way of abandoning a plan is to tell someone our intent to do it. That liberates our urge to do something about the plan, and without that urge we can just think about something else… like I do with every idea I have all day. It’s easier to just come up with another idea (often ideas just happen on their own) and carry on the useless loop of inaction. Just this week alone, I’ve had an idea for a alien invasion story plot, a idea for a plot of black novel about a murder, an idea for a potential business and some other idea I don’t remember. Plus a few songs whose memories popped in my mind (oh yes: the fourth idea was a parody of a song’s lyrics), plus random memories of negative events in my life (the joys of being depressive, anything might remind you anytime of something bad, embarrassing or inappropiate you experienced in the past… but finding happy memories is a task).

Having lots of ideas is a convenient way to never do anything unless you feel like it. Some people only have one diea in their lives and stick to it. I’ve had enough ideas for a thousand lives and having them is my way to live my life without going nowhere I didn’t plan to go… and didn’t tell anyone.

Nighties lovelies!

Also: a robotic arm to inject yourself without a needle…

I don’t think this could work without supervision… people are extremely bad at following instructions (and they NEVER read).


I never really understood reluctance to injections.
At 5yrs old, my daughter had to show she could self inject insulin in order to be discharged from hospital, after being diagnosed with T1 diabetes.
To demonstrate how, her mother and I were required to do ourselves with saline showing her it was OK.


Time to go to sleep, without injections, pills, infusions, balms, boring music or other assistances. Just good ole circadian clock, melatonin spikes and the crew. Nighties lovelies!

Also: taikonaut Wang Yapin has become the first Chinese woman to perform a spacewalk

Mission commander Zhai Zhigang is wearing the suit with red stripes and Ms. Wang the suit with yellow stripes.


Time to go to sleep… so I say, nighties lovelies!

But first, a detour to the tower of Hanoi…

She’s quite amused by Maths… :grin:


My missus is polish. She introduced me to Karpatka. It is delicious:)


Gave a like in spite of the forced google search.

That looks delicious.


It’s so nice It’s unreal.


Looks nice. After I looked for it at English Wikipedia, then choux pastry led me to the Spanish Wikipedia, then after still not getting what it is I looked for at the Catalan Wikipedia and there it was, a perfect instance of popular pastry (in Spain/Catalonia) made with choux pastry. :grin:

(El Karpatka es un pastelillo o tarta con base de hojaldre, una capa de crema de vainilla y cubierto con una capa de pasta de lionesas y azúcar glass)


Yeah it’s like choux pasty. Lots of cream. Prerogi is also really nice and i live that :slight_smile:


“Hack the world!”

Whoa… whoa stop!


Angelina Jolie was hot at 20 even with the Romulan hairdo.
And also was hot at 21.
And at 22.
And at many age points above and below (if legally allowed to be hot).


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: the little Mars helicopter that could made its 15th flight

It’s often the simplest hardware what outperforms NASA’s expectations… Ingenuity is still alive after 6 months and 15 flights, vs 1 month and 5 flights expected. Further, as the winter season progresses atmospheric pressure on Mars is descending and now Ingenuity has its rotors spinning at 2700 rpm instead of 2500 to compensate for lower density. Currently Ingenuity is tasked with scouting the ground ahead of Perseverance.


Time to go to bed… nighties lovelies!

Also: this is a thing. It does things.

Apparently it’s got the funding they needed and so should go into production sometime in the future…


If it will keep spinning blades from time to time, even dust storms may not affect it so much, flying may be too much then, but occasional spin of the blades may keep it clean I think. So it could work for years even, maybe… If I would make this small helicopter, I would use the blades as solar panels.


Timezone lovelies. :heart:


Well, the solar panel sits on top of the blades, I don’t know how helpful are the rotors to keep dust away from it… Ingenuity will die, as other Mars devices, from cold when the solar panel can’t keep the battery loaded and the warming system shuts down until the electronics are too cold to function. But that won’t be soon.

And now I’m off to bed… nighties lovelies!

Also: this is a thing. It does things.

I’m not sure that I would go the same route if I had to control a quadrupedal running machine with input from the limbs of a standing bipedal… :thinking: