The Like and Get Likes thread III

:judge: :balance_scale:


I am here, and I am going to sleep on my bed, roughly one meter behind my back… nighties lovelies!

Also: where are you?

Guess that the way to set some galaxy-wide coordinates system would be refering to objects far away and at a specific time… probably a standard would be set for far object relative motion so it was regular enough, observable enough and thus predictable enough both past and future to define the current 0,0,0 based on its relative position to the reference 0,0,0 at time 0… but then, how do you synchronize clocks when travel at near speed of light alters time passage, and local gravity conditions alter it too? So a clock passing by Jupiter an hour ago would be affected in a different way than a clock passing the same spot now thus farther from Jupiter’s mass… :thinking:


Yes, and time is not important, its all relative position anyway. The position always changes, so only issue is to predict it. If it cant be predicted, then you have to know what you search for, and area of search.




Timezone lovelies. :heart:


Seriously, who asked to have July temperatures in May? 20 degreees at night? Some places expected to reach above 35 degrees tomorrow? Nighties lovelies! Enjoy mild temperatures while they last!

Also: Advanced Manufacturing Lab…

Lots of techie toys to tinker with… :lab_coat:


Time to go to sleep if the heat wave allows… nighties lovelies!

Also: thank you very much :bowing_woman:t2:

This is the last Vangelis theme Ishtanchuk/Yiole/I played back from YouTube, just last tuesday. The tab is still open on the browser as I haven’t finished listening to it. So many thanks, Vangelis. Πολλά ευχαριστώ.




Okaayyy… impressive make up skills, but some of those tiktoks are a kind of stuff i definitely do NOT want to see in my dreams… :fearful:

And now i’m going to sleep. Apparently I’ve developed a new dreaming skill: dreaming full length feature films. Last one I had a couple nights ago, I dreamed my boss accidentally turned our travel agency into a store for selling geek stuff and as I explored the new wares I knew I could sell them with cool backstories to geeks (as in, “this is a replica of weapon X by character Y in show Z = total coolness and shut up and take my money”) while my boss didn’t even suspect I had that hidden skill. Kind of related to the amount of times my boss has acknowledged to me that I did something well done at my job: zero times in 14 years. :roll_eyes:

Obviously, none of my mistakes, moot decissions and/or fukkups ever went without consequences (some of them have been really epic) but I’m kinda tired of never being acknowledged on the good stuff. Sometimes I feel like an elephant being judged by the abbility to climb trees… even if my life decissions kind of led to me unknowingly postulating for a jbb that requires some tree climbing. :thinking:

Nighties lovelies!


I am sure you would sell epic geek stuff with great skill, just judging from all the stuff you post. :slight_smile:


Also you’d make a great consultant for music. You have an incredible repertoire of song knowledge that no cutting edge A.I. can even come close yet. :slight_smile:


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: China’s energy decarbonization plan: at least they’ll be trying…

600 km2 of power installation? That’s 6x the size of my city… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Meanwhile in china.


It is that time of the year: The anniversary day of the person writing this having arrived on this planet. I’ll share my cake with you all if Tenla provides the beverages. I think she can make only tea or coffee, so our choices are a bit limited in that area. :cake: :birthday: :tea: :teapot: :coffee:


Party! :partying_face:


Here we go again, this time its monkey business…



I’m going to bed a bit earlier. As i’m disengaging from Chimeraland (totally worth the ride, for 3 months) I’ve considered looking for games featuring cosntruction. Though of Dual Universe and even installed it, but looked for extra info before poking nay money for a month subscription and i’ll be skipping it. No physics, no actual challenge whatsoever, bad mood among players as a wipe might be coming, and what killed the deal was that there’s literally zero features on planets. No scenic spots. No resource hubs, no farmable trees or plants or anything. Just some shiny rocks scattered all over the place in every planet.

I’m not sure on what I fancy. Do I want some survival/construction? Probably. But I don’t want to die if I forget to log in and eat for a day, nor want to be bothered with aggressive mobs everyfuckingwhere. Had that in Age of Conan and bloody hated it.

Also i’d like a SF setting, no Fantasy. Guess I’ll keep looking for stuff… nighties lovelies!

Also: YT suggestions striek again, score a hit

This is a Oiran procession, reenacted at a theme park. Oiran where elite prostitutes in the Edo age of Japan. They were rare, extremely expensive (could charge the equivalent to some 30,000 to 50,000 dollars a night), and although being prostitutes they rarely had sex and only if and when and with whom they wanted. They were hired for prestige and their entourages could be as much as 70 people. They wore these massive shoes and walked this special walk, carrying lots of wooden decorations in their hairdo (Queen Amidala from the SW films was inspired by Oiran headgear) and as you can see from this reenacter’s expression, they were elite and bloody knew it. A Oiran was the perfect female, skilled in arts, knowledgeable, supreme entertainers and (each now and then) the best sex money and personal prestige could buy. Not to be mistaken for Gheisas, who were artists (and also could be pretty elite), but unlike Oirans and gheisa apprentices (maikos) gheisas were simple in their appearence. Fancy kimonos were for maikos, the more fancy the more junior they were. A top level gheisa would wear quality but simple kimonos as was regarded as a distilled, ultimately refined version of art. The exquisite 1% left after removing all the superfluous.


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: how to photograph a not so small black hole from a godawful long distance…

It is interesting how they must process all the stuff going around the actual imaging in order to get thousands of partial images whose shared features become the actual image… an image of images, a metaimage created with actual data and lots of processing.




What time is now? Beddy time! And so I go to sleep. Today my father has been able to climb to bed on his own, as his left leg has been gaining strength through guided rehabilitation at hospital and exercises at home. This means he might no longer need me to lift his leg to put it in bed, just maybe he’s not ready still to get out and back in bed at night if he needs the toilet. But, progression has been made and I’m glad he’s slowly regaining mobility and authonomy! :grin:

Nighties lovelies!

Also: jetpacks are not just toys for action sports.

They still lack flight endurance (roughly 5 minutes with fulll fuel) but think of the possibilities…