The Like and Get Likes thread III

Even though Apple were the real magicians, Microsoft had their small-time magic in their own right. I remember first time launching Microsoft Encarta and the startup sound, the virtual tours, the number of entries absolutely blew me away(the magic of that fizzled after I found out about Wikipedia). Same goes for Microsoft Flight Simulator. It was an ultra-realistic experience. Engine sounds, physics. Being able to fly many, many aeroplanes. I also remember doing acrobatics in the air with the Boeing 747-400 jumbo jet. I tried the same thing in EVE, but quickly found out that bigger ships don’t steer that well though.

That cat is probably from BPCC unit.
Best Pest Control Cats.

Timezone lovelies. :heart:



Guessing that the background moves instead of the ship in MS flight sim.


Eve Online I take it as the ship is moving inside a cube.



Nighties people! Today I managed to be absurdly busy after dinner… :thinking:


Time to go to bed… nighties lovelies!

Also: say “hi” to Mercury, from about 200 km…

The probe BepiColombo keeps changing its velocity with gravitational assists so it can be eventually captured by Mercury on December 5th 2025, and will take some data on each flyby over Mercury.


This is a very hard working kitty. I hope he gets lots of pets for his hard work! :ok_hand:


TIL: eMule is not dead, rather it’s kept alive by Spanish and Italian boomers sharing old films and music (according to reddit). And as any P2P, of course, it will download stuff as fast as sharing peers and your network allow… like, 30 mb/s for my home connection. And so it is NOT suspicious when you get a 3 hours long film, 2.1 Gb file size, in about 5 minutes. Yep, image quality is poor (some of that stuff wasn’t even released in DVD). But eMule is the only game in town for boomers interested in oldies dubbed to Spanish (or downright Spanish oldies).


Time to go to sleep… nighties lovelies!

Also: quite realistic movement, but…

…it only plays the moves it’s been trained for, so eventually game designers will have to decide what they want the character to be able to do and as whether nVidia has their moves at the library o whatever resource this software generates…


For the past 24 hours I am…I was deathly ill due to doing these in the last 48 hours:

  • Not getting any sleep at all.
  • Not having breakfast.
  • Overworking at the car mechanic shop. Slightly over 12 hours.
  • Lungs extreme exposure to dirt and dust.
  • Drinking mineral water which stood under the sun for a while.
  • Eating soup and lahmacun from a dubious restaurant.
  • Chugging down an ice cold water canteen at home.
  • Eating unwashed fruit.
  • Eating spaghetti with almost spoiled tomatoes.
  • Having a bath in first hot, then cold water.
  • Sleeping without duvet while air through window was blowing.

RESULT: Confined to bed, loss of virtually all eyesight, Coughing like “Coffin Henry” (a beggar known for his cough from the late Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series).

I don’t think I have that infamous illness because I don’t have any fever.

Lesson I learned: Be easy on yourself.

Timezone lovelies. :heart:


You could have gotten yourself in something more serious. But fortunately you must have been healthy before doing all of it, so your organism could fight with all it got, and survive, and you didnt try any dubious treatment methods that would make it worse. There is you tube channel about strange cases of behavior that resulted in people nearly dying, or actually dying. Chubbyemu


Just dropping by for a quick greeting: nighties lovelies!

Tomorrow i’ll be back with a video, just it ran longer than expected.


I’ve gotten better today. The symptoms subsided greatly and after 2 days in bed I now rarely cough. My body told me I needed to drink 3 liters of water throughout the day so I listened.
Either way I’m now more gentle with myself.

Thank you for your support Nana(and LAGL)! :smiling_face:

Timezone lovelies. :heart:


Here I come with a video… nighties lovelies!

Also: just try and see what happens…

(Frankly, I think that after being sprayed with epoxy goo and shattered glass, he should start wearing a safety mask…)


Time to go to bed, with another video. Nighties lovelies!

Also: nobody died and nobody could be held responsible for the screw-up…

…but, what a beauty of a screw-up it was! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Time to go to sleep… mighties lovelies!

Also: …and this is why rollercoasters don’t have circular loops.


Only in India :poop:


Huh… guess we might call that festival a real shitshow… :sweat_smile:

And then I go to sleep, as usual. Nighties lovelies!

Also: how animals fight!

Hmmm… worms aren’t much inclined to violence… :thinking:


Exactly one week has passed since I started feeling sick and I still cough. Boy, what is this DoT effect I’m afflicted with?

My current ear worm:

Poor chicks. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Timezone lovelies. :heart:


“Will officially be turned off on August 5th.”


Also will shut down Gunjack and Sparc. All CCP VR games are ending on August 5th. :woman_shrugging:t2: