The like and get likes thread

Ah, jealousy.

Personally I find that same entitlement mentality in anyone in the younger generations or just the average internet dweller.

In the conversations you’ve had, you’ve done nothing but insult the US. I’m sorry that you are so very butt hurt about us here. If it will make you feel better, I’ll just sit here all smug and arrogant and ignore you.

Please have a nice life.


I think you’ll find, Yiole, that most of the posts in this line contained plenty of insults to us Americans.



I don’t like this conversation, I refuse to like it.


It’s alright. I’m done.

Thanks LAGL. Peace.



Citing clips from comedy shows doesn’t help you much btw, but anyways, you claim to be an expert on net neutrality and our (US) ISPs, however, For some of us do work in the technology industry…

First, our internet is typically cheaper than that of European nations, Some of the folks I know spend quite a bit more on internet than what we Spend in US vs. the speeds. I have a 400Mb line and it is quite cheap to Be honest. I don’t even need that either, but the cost difference is not Bad compared. So, I am not sure where you find the notion that somehow
we spend a fortune on internet.

secondly, Net Neutrality is not the idea of a free internet, the selling Points state that it’s a free internet, but that’s the selling points. Under the hood, the idea of Net Neutrality that was offered in the US
was to regulate the internet like a Utility. That was the goal behind The FCC’s policy. The US, being a free market scoffs at the idea of most Socialistic behaviors such as this for obvious reasons that occur in
European economics. One issue of Net neutrality being, that if it is Regulated like a utility (Water, electric, cell phones) that was the
goal of the entire FCC vote, was to treat it like a Utility. That only Leads to government oversight and regulative fees such as utility fees, City and county fees and many of the other things such as that. That’s
why we typically pay $20 extra a month on cell phone utility fees which We do not have for internet. Which is why people oppose FCC commissions Net Neutrality regulations. That also leads to government controlling
the internet as opposed to individual corporations, which yes, some Track your behavior (so do most government in first world nations Including EU and US, big surprise there.). But once the government gets
a foot in the door, it only leads to greater and greater governmental control. Perhaps, in Europe that works well but in the US, most people Want less governmental control, not more.

thirdly, Time Warner is a horrible company to cite as an example, they Have the lowest customer service rating and their policies and practices
are not in main stream interests of the populous. That said, most major Corporations do receive priority bandwidth, but they also pay for that. Sometimes a substantial amount. That is why youtube, Netflix etc can Provide the streaming service that you enjoy. Doesn’t mean that me, as a Private citizen, cant as well, but I am not willing to pay that amount.
Net Neutrality on the other hand is the ideology that everyone should Have equal rights and bandwidth as one another in its philosophical
nature. The problem with that is that to bring speeds equal, you have to 1)purchase a substantial investment in hardware to support higher Bandwidth levels, or 2) drop the speeds to make it “equal”.

So don’t get too carried away with the flashy word “neutral”, because it Does not mean freedom, it does not mean more power to the people, and it
is not cheaper, it is the exact opposite of what you are saying, and Before you become an expert on US FCC regulatory practices and how the General US populous views Internet freedom, I’d tone it down a bit.


I’ve seen enough nationalistic crap to bore all of you for a couple of lifes… you’ve never seen butthurt until you’ve seen a Bolivian debate with a Chilean or a Peruvian!! :grin:

Frankly, I don’t share this harsh attitude. But then, I have hope on the EU as a way to end 1,700 years of senseless bloodshed, and mind you, the last couple of times, your people also had to come and shed blood. So it kinda amazes me how or why the USA don’t understand what are the stakes with the EU. Nobody has ever triend anything even remotely similar… to unite 27 countries with 53 different nations in them and a endless shared history of hate, mistrust and war. It’s not easy and it’s not perfect, but the alternative is that either our grandsons will kill your grandsons, or yours will kill ours… so what the hell with the antagonisation?

Corporations are psychos. They deserve no simpathy nor mercy. If they abuse, someone must stand against them. Google is nobody to manipulate the way 550 million people make their decissions. If a shop is offered as best choice when you look for an item, it should be by own merits, not because it partnered with Google and Google manipulated its software to harm the non-partnered competitors.



how this thread feels right now, really


I never claimed to be an expert. Pretty much all my knowledge about US ISPs and net neutrality come from HN comments ( and the articles linked there.
Now combining what they write all the time with what you wrote there, I think you believe too much into the “reasons” Comcast and others cite why this is a bad thing. You know, almost everyone in the US working in tech disagrees with you for good reasons.







Dont get me wrong, Carlin would say that his country is full of :poop::poop::poop: anywhere he would live. :slight_smile:


What can I say about my country… Its full of :poop: too.

And CCP got one thing right about New Eden, everywhere in lore, isnt it full of :poop: too? People killing, warmongering, slaving, fanatics, revlutions, drugs…

Apes throw their :poop: at opponents. We are really not different. Only :poop: became more sophisticated. Sad but true.


ycombinator? Well I don’t know what ycombinator is? But I don’t quite Think that is mainstream :slight_smile: I work in the industry, have for many many Years, and it has been discussed heavily for several years among the
"community", I can’t say what the news agencies are reporting, most of Them aren’t technology experts :slight_smile: they are too busy writing fake news
stories about Russia at the moment anyways :smile:

but to get back on topic…

The problem with net neutrality is that it has a cute name, it sounds All warm and fuzzy, its cuddly, “neutral” “free internet” right?

Everyone is equal, that’s what everyone wants.
If you treat it like a Utility, which yes, that is what the FCC planned To do in the long run, that was the main talking points for a long time, Maybe not the vote from last year but this idea has been thrown around
for a very long time. So, it’s not some conspiracy theory, that is what They planned to do for a long time, ok? On utility bills, you have fees
such as line access fees, you have federal communication fees, you have
city and county fees etc., on top of governmental regulation which I Mean the tax code in the US is 9,000 pages long, what the heck do you Think they will do to Internet communication bills?

Other side to this, would be that either ISPs will need to drop probably 10’s of millions of dollars in new network hardware to support increased Bandwidth levels to bring everyone up to the same speed levels, or, they Will save their profit and drop the bandwidth levels on their packages To somewhere around 50Mb lets say and reset the price levels to where I
end up paying the same as I do for a 400Mb line, or more. Probably more If they add in utility charges.

Bottom line, it will end up costing more in theory. Now, we haven’t Really seen it in effect here, so perhaps that is just a theory, yet I Would rather avoid theory than test theory in this particular instance





Nini o/

They’re also providing that news aggregator with a very literate and active tech community.

Hasn’t NN been a thing for 3 years and it’s now being rolled back by Ajit Pai, a corrupt Comcast politician? Pretty much all I’ve heard about it is lobbying by internet companies like Twitter, Facebook and co. in favor of Net Neutrality with republicans and ISPs on the other side lobbying against it.
The folks over at Mozilla and the EFF sure are in favor of Net Neutrality and I believe that says a lot. Here in Europe something equal has been passed into law I don’t even know how long ago. And let me tell you that we don’t pay 100USD for a 400mbit connection. We pay way, way less than that and get decent equipment along with it (I constantly read how Comcast is providing utter trash equipment and advertises speeds they can’t ever possibly provide and have no intention of providing either).


I really like the parrot emoji :parrot: :parrot: :parrot:


@discobot will today be a day unlike any other?


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


@discobot why aren’t you answering questions anymore?