I would never play vaporware like Scam Citizen…
Ease on the hostility
I thought my laptop was a good bargain, worked well with windows, had some nice power, etc. Then I get my hands on it, and the UEFI/BIOS part is nearly empty. I can turn on/off secure boot, change boot, time, add passwords, and that’s pretty much it… The rest needs Windows to tamper with, I can’t even get ownership of my TPM without it. I did here they planned to remove TPM management from windows so… I’ll have a useless chip in my laptop when that happens.
Currently Downloading Ubuntu Gnome, can’t decide what to go for. Ubuntu, Arch (never went well in testing), Mint, SteamOS, Clear Linux… so many choices.
Ubuntu > Familiar
Mint > OOB experience
SteamOS > Better Dedicated graphics drivers
Clear Linux > Better intel experience
Arch > Has Jasper
Let’s see which one cracks first this time, Windows or Linux
A side bit… I wonder how easy it’ll get to merge them. Wine + Ubuntu, Windows + LSS, the line gets blurred with the biggest difference being active kernel. The fact the Linux guys dual booting got the full environment of Ubuntu running inside windows was step one…
Like this
http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/unity-on-windows-10.pngAnd this, talks about steam on PS4, before it was patched out. Beautiful
Red Star OS is the best Linux distro out there.
Today was successful. Time to make tonight a dream.
Good night,lovelies.
Timezone o/
Here we call this kind of situation “to wake up with your hand in a guzunder”.
They had three dacades to pay that bill, it was just about time to get a shocking awakening. Pay your bills folks, even the small ones.
Typical American shoddiness. Try and contact the residents about that silly tax? Oh come on, that’s not anybody’s job. Try and contact someone about a letter reclaiming taxes? Oh come on, none of your business. Try and warn the owners that you will no longer be managing and paying the tax? Oh come on, why bother?
Shoddiness and laziness all over the place.
Wait, are these… panties?
WTF anime
Japan, you dont stop surprising me.
Mmmmm, green tomato curry.
I’m a Caldari deputy since a few days so now I can :
I urge people to do the same and stand up as rule abiding posters and show you care!
Good morning LAGLers! How about a weird story of an amateur submarine sunk, a missing woman and suspected homicide?
Oh, haven’t you heard of migratory panties?
They always come back in panty season.
Compiling Codelite takes longer than compiling Linux
But at least Codelite has a progress indicator (at 57%), whereas the kernel make just finishes at some point
You forgot the bit where someone did it on purpose to profit somehow.
And I just remembered this magical sequence…
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