The like and get likes thread

Why not just ignore them? There are almost no harmful spiders around here, and they eat pests.

The name earwig comes from a myth people once believed that they would crawl into your ear and lay eggs in your brain. If this was true though, they may become endangered from the lack of brains people seem to have lately… :smirk:.


Because i’ve been bitten, several times.If they’re ANYHWERE ELSE in the house other than near my bed, I’ll legit ignore them.


By which? There are only 3 harmful spiders in the PNW, and they all favor dark areas like crawl spaces, or piles of things on the floor.


I have no idea, I’m not stopping to ask them. Like I said, it’s not like I’m out hunting them 24/7. If they make it into my house, fine, I don’t care. But if they end up in my bed, I’ll try to put them outside

If they bite me, it’s personal


I am confused, how do you not know which if you were bit by one that is noteworthy? You would have had to know when it was treated, otherwise it was intert, or not a spider at all.


Are you asking out of genuine curiosity in regards to my ability to identify spiders based on their bite?
Are you asking out of some righteous desire to protect the arachnid foe?
As you said yourself, there are only a few significantly dangerous types, I was not attacked by any one of these types, the ones that did are still a problem.

Just fyi, I’m not trying to be a pest, I apologize if it’s coming off that way, I’m trying to determine the origin of these questions


The origin is from my fingertips lol

But really I am just curious, I have seen what each of the bites can do, its pretty ugly, but can be treated if addressed quickly. It helps to know which spiders I will ignore, and which I will take outside lol. I do not get many spiders here though, but used to get many in other places, esp with crawl spaces.

P.S. spiders are not a foe, they eat many other things which are far more annoying.


These were very common in the wooden house that my grandparents lived in. They were just walking on the outside walls around the house, nobody really bothered with them.

There are also bigger fellows that look kinda similar.

I have personally seen one some time ago, I thought it was a mouse at first, but then came closer and it was a big Mole Cricket.


I googled mole cricket, creepy and awesome all at once :open_mouth:


I’ts the kind of critter I would just walk away from… slowly… :rofl:


I want you on my team.


I am a proficent mosquito-smasher (if I see them resting on a wall, that’s the tough part). I am also proficent rescuing houseflies banging on windows (with a glass and a piece of paper). But I avoid crushing anything “juicy” enough to splatter. :scream:


When I was a teenager I would shoot flies with rubber bands, I used to have very good aim. I decided that it was too cruel for my taste later on, now I avoid killing anything I do not have to. Fruit flies may get it if they attack my food though, annoying fruit flies. :confounded:


I used to catch flies with a net and let them outside. There were a few in my house.


I stopped killing flies after one left a godawful splatter on a clean window. :face_vomiting:

Mosquitoes aren’t exactly harmless, since females may leave a blood splatter… but chasing them is diffcult so it’s good sportmanship. I use a folded towel and the trick is to aim ahead of the critter; they always take off in a straight line before they can turn and evade the warhead, so you need a large warhead and aim in the area where you’ll catch them even if the mosquito U-turns. That, and whip the wall as fast as you can (if your strike sounds like a loud “BLAM!!”, you’re doing it right).


I have not tried snapping them with towels, not a bad idea. I rarely get them in the house, but when camping their lives are forfeit as soon as they go in for a bite. :unamused:

I wonder if the towel will work on fruit flies, or if they are too small for it :thinking:


I have two guardians that devastate flies the moment they get in

My cats

They love chasing them down XD


I have an electric swatter for those flying critters. It looks like a tennis racket. I just flail it around and if it touches a fly midair, it will shock it and fly can even lodge between the wires. Then I am just throwing them outside window fo other bugs to eat them. Bug eats bug in this world.


My friend has one of those, of course I cannot help touching it for giggles. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I remember seeing my uncle with one of those! It was so much fun when I was a kid to watch the flies get toasted on that thing lol