The mining permit scam

Bumping isn’t “illegal”. They are only “criminals” when they press F1.

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yeah, so … what ?

BTW bumping is not illegal, but abusing it is against the EULA IIRC.

What do you consider is abusing it?

I have no idea why you ask me.

ask this guy instead.

AND answer the previous question : so what ? WTF was your previous comment about exactly ?

However, persistent targeting of a player with bumping by following them around after they have made an effort to move on to another location can be classified as harassment, and this will be judged on a case by case basis.

I’m not talking about following them around New Eden, which is the only stipulation of bumping that they elude to being a no-no. Is this what you were referring to, or were you trying to make a point by saying that bumping another player that doesn’t involve following them around is “abusing” the mechanic?

YOU introduce bumping by saying “it is not illegal”, in a reply to my post. I ask you why you introduced it. And I correct you by telling that bumping issues (that I heard of) are not about legality IG but about game rules. And then you keep spouting nonsense.

The first post you replied to was in response to black pedro saying ganking people is perfectly legal (for a ransom). It had nothing to do with bumping. So I asked you

Yes, you are aware that The New Order started enforcing their permits through bumping, correct? Yes permits are offered after ganks often times, but the whole idea behind the permits and charging 10m came from requiring it for prolonged bumping.

I was pointing out that you’re looking at this at a limited point of view by only mentioning ganking.

Precisely because we are talking about laws, and bumping is NOT forbidden by concord law.
So to remain on the topic, I just don’t talk about it.
Otherwise I could also talk about the colors of the flowers in late winter. Am I limited if I don’t ?

Who gives a ■■■■ about how it was X years ago. Only bittervets need to look down on people when they want to consider the present.
You are only bringing something completely unrelated to the topic and then call me “limited point of view”. Is that irony ?

Indeed, ganking is defined as a crime for gameplay purposes, however CCP also intend for it to be a viable way to play the game; on the other hand mining permits are extortion and extortion isn’t defined as a crime at all, by either CCP or the NPC authorities.

My comment was intended to present a conundrum about what constitutes as a crime in a virtual universe where crime is allowed to flourish.

If players wish to add their own laws within the bounds of the more broadly powerful ones (akin to a city bylaw adding extra restriction within acceptable limits) the only ones to stop them are the ones that can stop them from enforcing it.

Totally, having a big stick and using it to enforce your will are very much a part of Eve.

Yes it is.

I did not know you ignored them. Here they are :

I don’t ignore the rules, and have been familiar with Crimewatch in its present form since its inception.

Every time you post in order to demonstrate your knowledge of Eve, you reinforce the impression that you know nothing.

Personally I’m happy to admit that I know nothing of life outside of wormholes and hisec, nor do I know much about PvP beyond knowing how to avoid it.

Except, mining permits are required of haulers of all flavors. I regularly bump freighters and jump freighters for their compliance in purchasing a mining permit. Look at all the CODE compliant haulers that display their mining permit in their signature and you’ll see.

I’m not quite sure what you’re doing here, I think you’re lost.

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I removed my earlier reply when I realized that it has already been said by so many of my peers. Here are my two cents, and I’ve made it easier to read for all you miners out there.

:angry: “Mining permits is a scam”

:sunglasses: “They are not, they are used to help reinforce an important lesson that High Sec residents need to follow THE NEW HALAIMA CODE OF CONDUCT. The cost of a permit has not gone up at all in the last 7 years, nor do we sell enough to fund our operations, we have New Order shares for that. We don’t need your money you sad pathetic High Sec miner, we just want you to realize that this might be something important, like ISK is for you.”

:confused: “Mining permits are a protection racket”

:sunglasses: “Wrong again miner. When a person fails to follow THE NEW HALAIMA CODE OF CONDUCT his or her permit is instantly and automatically revoked, in other words, it’s only a matter of time before we bump or blow your ship up again. The permit doesn’t protect you, the Code does.”

:sob: “Mining permits are extortion, murder, ransom, or bullying.”

:sunglasses: “Dude get a grip. You’re playing Eve. We’ve claimed High Sec as New Order territory, and we are in full compliance with all the rules of the game. We have set laws that we feel are for the common good of all citizens and we have the will and the means to enforce them. Who cares what the definition of a law is.”

:sunglasses: “You should try to do more to protect yourself. Maybe move to Null Sec to mine, or learn to pvp, or you can get a permit and follow the Code.”

@ISD_Sakimura, if you have spent any game time in Null Sec please take a minute and read
THE NEW HALAIMA CODE OF CONDUCT. If you take off your carebear glasses, and put on your Null Sec pvp goggles you’ll see that the New Order’s mission is not to scam but to help High Sec miners become better players.

And we are NOT a religious cult. We just believe that High Sec is worth fighting for.

Praise James 315, the saviour of High Sec! May he reign 1000 years! \o/


Let’s not forget the infotainment value of the CODE. blog. The funds from permits and shares help to keep that publication stocked up with great articles. Almost like a magazine subscription. :grinning:


You mean ?

That alone is worth 10 mil iskies.


That’s the one. Incredible value. Easily worth more.


The difference between the rules and the laws. I’d liken CCP’s rules more to something like physics (or even God, conceptually) IRL - they define and design the constraints, and then whatever happens within those constraints, happens.

For example, it’s against the rules to avoid concord. If you find a way to escape their their punishment, not only have you committed a crime, but you’ve also broken the rules. Or if you bot in null, you’ve broken the rules yet not the laws. In both cases, “divine intervention” happens.

While CCP encourages crime to flourish, they do so in a back-handed way by punishing us for it at the same time.

Not gonna lie, I’m enjoying the metaphysical implications of the conversation.


Actually no. I agree with the laws and still pickpocket.
I guess I should add that I always give stuff back when I take it.

CODE could have done something useful, or at least interesting, but they didn’t.

Some of the things they do are definitely negative for other players (and to some extent for EVE), because (as you’d expect from this kind of thing) they select the least appropriate targets.

OTOH this is one of the main objectives of many active EVE players - to quote something I read in a post a few days ago (surely an ancient EVE cliche): “EVE, where I’m not having fun unless you’re having fun”. SO CODE are actually EVE “BAU” but with better documentation than most.

The most telling thing concerning CODE is that they haven’t been opposed by the sov-holding EVE “elite”.

I’m telling you that CODE., as a criminal organization in Eve Online, is not able to produce laws.
I think YOU are lost. Because nothing you say refering my posts is related to what I am saying.

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The Sov-Holding "Elite"cares not for highsec. It’s that simple really

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Mafias create laws and are criminals.
Your point is moot.

Please leave my thread if you don’t want to understand.

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