The mining permit scam

Players who do not abide the law are criminals.
An organization that makes/requires/encourages criminal action is a criminal organization.

CODE. criminal DO agree with the law. They just don’t follow it, but they know it and actually accept it very well. If they did not agree with it, they would either play another game or go in NS.

Is it a crime if it is explicitly allowed by the rules, albeit at a cost?
Extortion and ganking are both within the rules of the game, ergo neither is a crime because both are legitimate gameplay options explicitly allowed by CCP.


CODE. agrees with the New Halaima Code of Conduct, which they follow.

Because it’s the only law that has to be followed…

CCP Rules =/= Law
CCP rules are CCP Rules, and everyone should follow them.

Those rules are also the reason Permits are being sold… :grin:

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Better direction of arguement; scam in the EVE universe, rule following in ours.

Bollocks. Study some history.


Laws being set by the person with the biggest stick, and the willingness to use it.



I cannot for the life of me believe that you responded to this. This is how I absolutely know that EvE never was and never will be for me… And no, I did not mean to imply that I should be allowed to dictate policy.

But the fact that an ISD is actually sitting here discussing these things like it isn’t obviously a scam and or protection racket literally blows my mind. I mean what are you honestly doing man?

Your position alone should make you entirely neutral, and lead you to not engage in nonsense RP dissection, let alone having players of the game talk to you as though you are soft in the head. Code has every right to exist, and to play the game the way they are doing… But to be drawn into this discussion and let them disrespect you in this manner absolutely floors me.

It’s your game guys. Do as you will.

Clockwork Carebear, signing off. Over and out.

Yes, especially not for the users who created these “laws”. :rofl: CODE has turned into the biggest joke besides the Gala, Grand Prix and other CCP things.

Don’t you find it funny that this “joke” has directly influenced the gameplay of most of Highsec? I wonder what they would be capable of if they weren’t a “joke”.


Such a joke
That’s why people are still crying for nerfs 6 years after its creation :sweat_smile:

You’d fall into that “joke” category, as would the skin sales, Dracvlad, and so many other things

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A joke doesn’t necessarily have to be something that’s not serious. The joke with CODE is their “law”, which they themselves actively break every time there is a moon to harvest. Their few alt armies can gank, but the whole Law of High Sec thing is nothing but a sorry excuse and a shadow of its former self. Thanks to them. :smile:

Has it really? I still see tons of unmolested AFK freighters. And worse even, also AFK freigthers of CODE and CFC. I also still see lots of mining swarms with barges and exhumers. What exactly has changed?

What do they happen to be flying? Retrievers? Hulks?

Sure it has. You have entire systems that have been struck with fear. I’m not saying that people don’t AFK or autopilot. The fact that CODE. really doesn’t do a lot of freighter ganking anymore and yet here you all are still moaning about their lack of achievement speaks volumes.

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… and Procs and Skiffs and Covetors. Just like always. And of course AFK Orcas like CODE. Learning from the best, I would say.

In the past, people didn’t fly Skiffs nor procurers

There’s a helluva good reason people switched to those… :wink:

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Not really. Most extortion is just that - clear threats of violence or harm unless something is handed over or an order is complied with. The Mafia or Yakuza aren’t scamming people; they take stuff from people by intimidation or actual violence.

So no, it the general case the mining permit isn’t a scam. It is a fee one pays to the local thugs to mine rocks they claim as theirs. The only case I would agree with you it drifts into scam country is if someone asserted that the mining permit was something CCP demanded or something. Pretending that there is some out-of-game requirement to pay the fee is false and would be misleading.

In that case though, I would suggests that also drifts into EULA-breaking territory of exploiting a lack of game knowledge of new players. Of course, I have never even heard a rumour of that happening, so we kinda are arguing semantics of a hypothetical here. Saying “give me 10M ISK and obey my rules or I will bump you out of this asteroid belt I own or perhaps gank you” is straight-up extortion and not a scam as it is true as a cursory glance at the CODE. killboard will show.

It’s also perfectly legal. I don’t have a problem with a well intentioned ISD warning new players that New Eden is a dangerous place full of extortionists, petty thugs, and space bullies, but as written, it gives the impression that since “no-one can own highsec” such demands are dishonest or against some rule. They are not. Players are free to demand pretty much whatever they want from any other player in the sandbox, and whether you choose to comply or not has more to due with how much antimatter is about to rain down on you than what sov icon is shown in the top corner of your UI.


In this case, it is explicitly defined as a crime by Concord; and a cost is exacted, much like one would pay a fine for speeding. That said, if one does the crime and accepts their consequences, the law then considers the matter settled. There is no provision for repeat offense within the concord-enforced law.

If players wish to add their own laws within the bounds of the more broadly powerful ones (akin to a city bylaw adding extra restriction within acceptable limits) the only ones to stop them are the ones that can stop them from enforcing it.

Oh highsec. At least you’ve not changed

Being criminal is explicitly allowed by the rules.
I did not know you ignored them. Here they are :

Mafia or gangs are not the only one who make extortion.
Mafia ARE scamming people. Because mafias rely on corruption to make their operation look legal.

And here is the scam : the rocks are not theirs. They are not the only one claiming it, and they are not the only one killing people, and they will not protect the miner who paid them.

Nobody talked about out-of-game.

It is not. The only law of HS is concord, and concord calls such a behaviour as “criminal”.