The new design is clunky, a waste of space and lacks old features

My favorite thing about the new forums is not being banned. It’s a shame I haven’t played this game since last year…

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[quote=“Morrigan_Laima, post:160, topic:3763”]Or, you can learn to navigate here, which isn’t as daunting as it looks.

Its not just the navigation - I physically find it impossible to keep up with information that is tacked on to the end of a thread without a form of break - and I’m almost positive that I’m not the only one. Oh sure you stated I could permabookmark parts of the thread, which would work if the thread wasn’t 2500 replies long, replies only display at groups of 5-10 only to be replaced by another set after you scroll, which in turn can hide stuff.

So please, don’t think I’m doing this because I hate change. This is a bad forum for what we are going to be using it for, and alternatives should have been offered before going down a single route, rather than being blinded by the “oh wow” factor that this forum offers.


still terrible


Hmm, so far I think I like these new forums. Feels easier to read, and there is a robot. Robots are always good.

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It’s not about hating change. It’s about hating pointless change. How many people were crying out for infinitely scrolling threads? No-one that I can remember. Just CCP implementing things that nobody asked for or wanted, as usual.


Old forums loaded instantly. Now I get this when opening a new section:

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New forums are awesome. I’m a training alpha so pretty much useless. This gives me something eve related to do.
Love the format, it’s lightning fast for me and a stricter set of policy helps deal with problematic clients more expediently.
The old forums seemed ok, but some sections were toxic waste dumps. They have their tiny practically inactive crime and punishment section now.
Great improvement and thanks to the people who worked hard on it.

FYI you can scroll through 100 posts in a second using the vertical slider on the right or tapping the post count on your cell.

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The OP is spot on, the new format sucks.
Here i am typing a reply in the bottom corner of a 1440p 27" display.
Mobiles should have their own style so no point saying that the desktop version of the forum is as it is because mobile readability, that’s just bullshite.
You’d be hard pressed to show those screenshots to anyone and have people favour the new format.

Don’t take this as an “I want the old forums back” post, i think change and keeping current is good but only when it’s done well and for good reason.
So not complaining about the platform, just want reasonable density and easy reading CCP, and i believe the current format has failed at that.

Happy with the unlimited scrolling.
Feel things like the the avatar, days since post, likes etc… all being in separate corners make the forum look scattered.

Have only just returned to the game from a long absence, but when googling EVE related stuff it’s always nicer to read from the old forum screen.
I care not what the platform is or was, just how it looks, how it reads and how it is to use.

Enough of typing into a postage stamp in the bottom corner of my screen.


New forums are horrible. It’s barely possible to even find the right place to say how horrible they are because they are so horrible. Totally disorganized, useless pictures of users, cannot find what I’m looking for. Not gonna use them.

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I uh…like the layout. Functionalilty and support…hmmmmmmmmm

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the new forum is “new” … thats the main problem i think … in a few months we all use it like the old befor …


the break was very hard … its is a wast of space on a screen … it looks good on mobiles but still there its a wast of space … good in the end is that it is better to read then the old forum on really big screens but i have non … have seen that in the office … anyways … i liked the old forum … was only there for a few months and i will get used to the new forum …

if you can get it a bitt less space waste would be nice …


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Try the wide style

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Why aren’t old forums working?

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Watch out, if you speak the truth you’ll get oms from the evs where they call you trolls.

Meanwhile no Plex price drop in sight and bugs galore but hey at least the devs wasted time making this terrible new forum.

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This is a feature that I think could improve the forum a ton! @Arline_Kley

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In a nutshell,

that design looks like yet another attempt to bring “mobile” UI to a desktop. Guys, Microsoft attempted it with Windows 8.1 and failed spectacularly.

Valuable information like poster’s name are omitted in favour of gadgets like a slider taking up at about 25% of the horizontal space. For real?


you can use the “wide” version which makes the space taken up by that horrible thing a lot smaller (or what I have done is remove it altogether) - sadly it seems that CCP has once more put on the stupid hat and gone with the shiny with little function, rather than the functional that they can bring shine to.

The designers of Discourse are rather special snowflakes believing that signatures are the work of the devil, and as such have not coded that bit into their forums either. I wonder if CCP actually bothered looking at other forum designs before going this way. and if they did, why did they not offer up a “demo” of each forum type so that we could look and judge what WE wanted.

Oh wait. that would have been sensible.

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Go to your settings and use the wide screen mode. It reduces the space used by that side bar by a significant amount.

@Arline_Kley The reason that side bar exists is because it allows you to scroll to a specific post, or date your default browsers scroll bar is not capable of doing that.

In addition to that, your browsers scroll bar only scrolls to the top of the rendered page, the forum slider can go well past that point, this means you can skip rendering sections you don’t want to see all together.

Or they could have used the tried and tested method that every other forum uses: pages.

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the issue is no one wants the slider PERIOD we dont want a feature to make it slightly less obtrusive than its standard highly obtrusive setting.

old forums had no slider and worked perfectly and were more functional and user friendly. why add a feature that isnt needed, takes up space, and obstructs the screen.