The Orca

Are you playing different EVE?

Not currently subbed, but I read in a dev blog, perhaps in patch notes that the drones were changed to not auto aggress NPC’s, so people could not AFK rat or bot as easily. Are you telling me that this is not the case?

Why leave? I thought you were an AFK Orca miner, you have all the time in the world to stay!

Nope, I need 857 units of Blue Ice. Besides… AFK is semantics.

You’re never living that one down…You know you destroyed the entire Orca obsessed, gotta nerf the Orca or die, faction with that one. AFK is just semantics…aaaahhhaaa LOL. That’s on speed dial.

They made it where they get agro. They can still auto aggress npcs but if there are ships that are a similar size or smaller than the size drone you’re using there’s a good chance you’ll lose them being afk.

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Yup that’s me. Orca, three mining boats and two drones. Bringing the Augmented back, ore bay is full. Other mining boats are in a Wormhole so yield is below usual.

Enjoing being forum warrior?

That patch was reverted

Debating when to re-sub actually, and checking back the state of the game before making the decision. Does that bother you?

I will go check to see if that is true, thanks for the information though.

If only that was how you started. But it’s nice to see you concede, if just a little, in the face of new information.

It was reversed because it messed with drone assist.

But CCP teased that they may do a ground up rework for drones instead. ‘Soon’…

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Yes. People that are discussing about possible changes, without currently playing or understanding state of the game kinda bothers me.

You are easily annoyed then. Still the Orca is fine without the ability to AFK mine, so it needs to be focussed on that. I can say that because I have played this game for a long long time and have two Orca’s in my Corp hanger.

So you are one of those people… I would ask when you last time (afk) mined with orca. But it kinda feel pointless when having something in station makes you expert in that degree

I have never mined AFK with an Orca, but have mined ATK in the Orca. More importantly I have observed many people who have used the Orca AFK, especially that ice miner.

Still it hardly matters, what is important is the AFK nature of the Orca due to the way drones work, and the issue is ice mining in hisec.

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I own an orca too and I hardly use it because anything else makes more isk than mining. If the problem is afking orcas, making it where you have to hit a button after every cycle they return ensures that people aren’t afk and are actually earning their isk.

You don’t need to explain it to me. Anyway, this whole discussion is not about afk or isk. They want nerf orca because it takes effort to gank it. Forcing people to fly barges that have zero tank or exhumers that have zero tank and price of BS.


The Skiff has a pretty meaty tank, which is why I use it along with an Orca. I think my Skiff fit can take 13+ Catalysts in a 0.5 system. Actually that was before the recent adjustment to resists, so could be less now…, but still a pretty tanky ship.

PS the + indicates just over 13, 14 would blow it up.

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One of the issues here is that gankers have a hard time killing Orcas.

The other issue is gankers that kill miners for the fun of it are no better than stage coach robbers in the USA old west. Or idiots shooting kids in Chicago currently.

Go PvP somewhere - oh, sorry, PvPers shoot back don’t they…


The butt hurt is strong with this one :rofl:


He is not wrong about gankers having a hard time killing Orca’s. Also killing mining Orca’s is a zero sum game, it is like doing AG. Of course gankers want the tank reduced, they even moan about the Skiff and Proc.

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The skiff and proc do tank too much. But i also think the others tank too little. That’s why I’d like to bring them all closer together slightly so they aren’t so polarised.

Separating their roles was good. But not all roles are equal if you get what i mean.

There are other mining barges that have more yield/storage and weaker tanks there are other exhumers that have more yield/storage and weaker tanks… Having two options like that as in T1/T2 for more PvP orientated players is a good thing for Eve in my opinion. I always use a Skiff.