Apologies to you @Shipwreck_Jones and @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode for entertaining members who like to lie to create drama and get threads locked.
I hope this thread gets cleaned up and not closed.
Apologies to you @Shipwreck_Jones and @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode for entertaining members who like to lie to create drama and get threads locked.
I hope this thread gets cleaned up and not closed.
I mean, you made a statement, I point out that it was false?
No idea why you’re dying on a hill for someone who doesn’t even like the game they are playing, yet continues to play
Where is the lie?
What’s funny is you and epeen are actually trying to get the thread locked by mentioning it in the first place.
DC and I are engaging in discourse, and I believe it actually proves Shipwreck right.
Create drama? Mina literally is the drama ROFL.
Bottom line, peeps don’t know what game they are actually playing. Shipwreck’s point stands.
When all else fails, try to gaslight the mods with a vain attempt at backseat moderation.
I believe that’s chapter two of Epeen’s popular self-help book “The Anonymous Contributor: How to Utilize Every Digit of a Room Temperature IQ on an Internet Forum” that’s been hitting all the best-seller lists recently.
Mr Epeen
For sure. He’s really been off his game. When I first came back, he at least attempted to mask the bitterness better.
Now its just kinda… sad really.
I just feel for the bro honestly.
Looking at the turds you call ‘posts’, I seriously doubt you have feelings for anyone but yourself.
And adding “honestly” at the end of your sentence just shows how dishonest you are.
One good thing is, lots of forum members already know you for being full of sh- so I’m content
Same goes for your Alt Destiny_Corrupted by the way.
I don’t.
I actually think it’s hilarious and enjoyable that there’s some huffed-up boomer out there who’s so obsessed with and offended by my existence that a solid half of their forum activity (the half that doesn’t consist of desperately bragging about their 200-billion-ISK net worth to anyone within earshot) consists of trying to Jedi mind-trick the mods into getting rid of me.
I am not destiny’s alt lmao.
Heh. Thanks for making me giggle mate
How amazing your insight is based on this internet forum
Actually I’d say most on the forum know where I stand on a variety of issues.
But then I guess your insight isn’t as good as you thought huh?
DC and I tend to agree on some things and wildly disagree on others. We also have very, very different posting styles.
This is, and spock voice forever shall be my only main. I have no need for alts.
You feel sore about it? Come find me in one of your dessies
I get where you’re coming from. Still, I can’t help but feel bad for them.
True. I’ve read a lot of his posts and all he can do is belittle, insult and debase people.
Whoever it is that writes behind the Alt “Gix”, his posts show how insecure, toxic, pathological and full of rage that individual must be irl.
Of course, Gix’s case is a mild instance of delusion so I can only imagine someone worse than he is, because there are men who are much worse, and often it’s not even their fault.
That’s sad.
What I find so wild since I’ve come back to EVE is the absolute way alt culture has taken hold. I mean I get it, I do. However, as an EVEian of old, I always followed the CP code.
This is, and always shall be, my only char I post with and play with of any consequence LOL.
If you’ve actually read a lot, you’ll notice that I also post in a wide variety of threads, and do often helps the noobs as they were.
Full of rage? Actually sir, I am currently full of chicken penne
Oof, and you play the gender card as well.
All that I have fought with on this forum has usually gone on to expose themselves as absolute trash pandas.
Indeed, I was much maligned for championing women’s rights not too long ago. The words don’t bother me tho bruv
I very much know who I am and why I play this game
Its ok tho. Keep proving Shipwreck right
They’re so self-unaware, that they don’t even realize that they’ve been made into case studies for the OP’s argument. They think we’re actually derailing our friend’s thread and trying to get it closed!
I think Gix is actually Destiny Corrupted.
Her posts are long and intricate ( never mind the lies ) while Gix’s are short and curt and full of spite. It’s basically the contrary of Destiny and maybe that’s why Gix seems to be such a jerk, because behinf Gix exists no one but Destiny trying to camouflage her style while Destiny_Corrupted is his main.
That’s my theory and I’m sticking with it.
Not really important who is who. What I find interesting is how hard they/he try to paint people into a box and then start punching that box. That’s just incredible to me. I’m still geeking out about it.
You’re still new to the forum. You’ll quickly see that’s the trolls’ modus operandi. You’ll quickly learn to differentiate between a genuine poster and trolls who pretend to be genuine posters.
I was giving genuine advice to someone who was saying how they’re going to get their last few remaining rust buckets blown up and then quit the game. Advice that likely would’ve kept them in the game (and enjoying it) for many more years. Without patronizing them like a child.
You people just can’t seem to understand that the answer isn’t an attack against your very existence. But the answer can be very uncomfortable to hear.
Like I said, I’m looking forward to your own impending rage-quit thread. Two, maybe three weeks?
It’s kind of interesting that you think we’re trolls, considering:
Even trolls can make good posts. And you don’t so much troll as your alt does. Gix is the epitome of a troll while you try to stay on topic, thereby marking the difference between you and your troll alt Gix.
@Fifi_Brin_D_acier Now you’re getting it. You catch on quick.
This is really funny, but I miss the days when people accused me of having more than a single forum alt.
I’m a fast self-learner. My english is already better just when I participate in this forum for a couple of weeks… of course, Google translate helps a lot