I mean bro, all you gotta do is biomass and stop posting LOL.
In the end, I believe EVE will be known as out the Top 3 MMOs.
Why you may ask?
You are the proof. Not only is it one of the longest running still, but it has people like you.
People who claim to hate the game. Hate CCP. Hate the players. Yet can’t stop engaging on forums and in the game.
That is success right there. And you wanna know why, dear bear of care?
Because losing in EVE can actually matter. Conversely, “winning” means much more. I don’t just mean losing a ship in battle. You can lose whole star systems. Whole alliances. Relationships. It can all burn.
Currently I am playing a wide variety of MMOs, New World being one of them. Now PvP in that game is a joke. You literally lose nothing and people still lose their minds.
What you fail to understand, is the bigger picture. There is a reason why EVE has gone on so long. What’s funny is people blame CCP for the current stagnation and “boredom”.
I disagree. It is us that has changed. The players. You say null is boring? Only because people want it to be. No one wants to risk. No one wants to really get out there and take territory. There’s no real in game reason to go to low except for certain things.
We have all the tools we need to make it dynamic and engaging. The real question is, are you?
Either you enjoy the game and you would wish to continue playing, as Alpha or Omega, or you’re done with the game. But in the last case, why not just stop playing? Why give it some arbitrary external countdown timer in the form of ‘20 ships to lose’ before you can ‘finally leave the game’?
If you don’t enjoy this game anymore, why not leave now? There are so many games to pick from, why not leave this game behind and play something else?
Because I have 20 ships left in hangar besides the ones I can buy for isk. Once I’ve spent all my isk I could have 150 Destroyers and continue playing as Alpha for a few more months or more or less.
I enjoy it good enough, although it’s not my favorite game in my computer but I do enjoy the couple of hours I spend on EVE just about everyday.
I do play something else, several somethings else too but I’m not going to let my stuff on EVE be wasted. I’m going to use it to the last isk and then I’ll be done.
If you enjoy the game, why talk about ‘once these ships are exploded I will no longer login’?
It’s like you’re trying to find some justification to leave the game behind, but you enjoy it too much to actually leave it behind, so all you can do is tell others how you have plans to leave it behind but actually don’t.
Why not pick one of: leave the game behind or just enjoy the game?
(There’s nothing wrong with leaving games behind - I do it a lot when I’m bored of them and play something else for a while. I just don’t go to their forums to tell everyone how I’m planning to leave the game behind while I still play that game.)
I’ve already explained that earlier in the thread.
It’s more like I want to enjoy my stuff until it’s gone and then quit. I mean, I did pay for that stuff, why waste it?
Because I’m complicated that way. I want to use my stuff until exhausted, until I have 0 isk and 0 ships.
I didn’t come on this forum to “tell everyone blah blah” it just came up in the convo in this thread and then Destiny_Corrupted and his alt started to have knee-jerk reactions. At no point did I advertise that I’m leaving as the sole point to a post.