That’s not an average, that’s a median.
Why not? That’s the way it’s done it this forum.
You could swing a bat at the irony.
We have proven pathological liars and emotional abusers in here but it’s okay, move on, nothing to see here.
See, here’s why your kind will never win.
Players like me regularly log into the game, kill a bunch of whiny boomer carebears, and enjoy every second of their time here.
Players like you, on the other hand, are always on their way out. You’ll do some mining, run some missions, beg for some handouts on the forums, and ultimately you’re going to lose a barge, or get scammed, and then it’s a rage post in General Discussion about the “griefers” and you’re gone. Or maybe you’ll just go quietly into the night.
The opportunity to rise above this will of course be sincerely offered to you, as it was offered to Mina. But the odds of you capitalizing on it are exceptionally low, and we know this.
You are content for us. There is literally nothing you can do to us, neither in-game, nor on the forums, while you possess your current attitude. And once again, you could change this, but you probably won’t, so like I said before, I am eagerly anticipating your upcoming forum exit interview.
I already won.
Go tell your lies to someone else.
But then the person making themselves a vampire to victimhood is actually you ! How can you maintain a detailed record of every single hurt or offence and act as if doing so is integral to your entire game…and then claim that it is others who are the whiny victims when you are carrying your own victimhood around like a trophy.
Oooh the irony! Simply in.cre.di.ble
I’m getting so confused. The false equivolancy is mind boggling.
But I’m not claiming to be a victim?
Their behavior is objectively wrong, but I don’t feel victimized by it.
It’s like the video of Arnold Schwarzenegger getting kicked by some random moron while attending an event, and he actually thought the guy tripped and fell or something. He wasn’t hurt by it, but the other person still committed the crime of assault.
I enjoy the recordings I’ve collected of video game players I’ve defeated talking about how they will murder my family or molest me to death.
Gee, I guess that makes me a much worse person than the…people who threaten to kill my family or molest me to death. That’s some primo logic right there.
Like lying isn’t wrong, maybe?
When you’re strong, you don’t have to lie, because others aren’t able to enforce their will upon your truth.
This is why I’m posting on this character, and not a week-old alt with a hidden profile.
It’s a sign of mental degeneration and obsessive compulsion.
I guess you’re weak then because you did lie.
What lie are we talking about?
The bigwigs in the came constantly over-estimate their power and influence. Fact is, 99% of the time your factions, those of Aiko, and others, have little to no effect on my game at all. In fact I spend a lot of time wishing I would bump into you guys.
Read the thread.
That’s only because you haven’t reached the point at which you’re a viable investment of anyone’s time yet.
Nobody cares about you Cilly…
@Destiny_Corrupted You got yourself.
You didn’t expect someone to scroll up and find your post.
Much easier for you to succinctly explain it to me since I’ve asked. You know just so we are all clear on exactly what the issue is.
Generally speaking when someone says “read the thread” it usually means that some silly little comment has been blown out of all proportion over the course of poster to poster exaggeration to the point that the person saying “read the thread” actually doesn’t understand themselves what wagon they hitched their comment to. Somebody said someone lied. I better just go with that.
So what was the lie?