The Permanent Green Safety Brigade

Apart from all the times they have. If you insist on always being a dck at least be a factually correct dck. It’s better for everyone in the long run

Mr Epeen is no dck. He’s cool and funny.
DC is a dck and he’s not cool nor funny.

Keep that up and he might give you a biscuit.

He’s not a tightwad, if he wants to gift someone I’m sure it would be more than biscuits.
On the other hand, DC wouldn’t even give you a cracker :sweat_smile:

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time Epeen is near

I feel like I’m intruding on a………moment.

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Gawd, another delusional one. This forum is a trip.

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Actually, my argument has nothing to do with how competent they are as players. It only has to do with my personal observation that they cry much more, and more loudly and petulantly, when they lose their in-game assets.

Also, pretty much every single case where people went off at me and made threats and such, it was someone middle-aged or older. Like they’d tell me to get in their corporation’s Ventrilo or TS, and would then proceed to threaten to rape me for 2 hours, and it was always some guy who sounded like he’s a few years away from the grave. You can easily observe this today just by sitting in the ganking channel and prodding the jackpot cases.

When I have trouble sleeping, I sometimes listen to the recordings or read the chat transcripts I saved, and it helps to calm me down and let me nod off.

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Get over it. It’s not a crime to go off on anyone.

Did you make a police report against them?
If no, why not?

What matters the age?

I was threatened by youngsters before, doesn’t make it a generality.

You obviously have a bais against older people, it’s plain as the nose on your face, and makes me doubt your entire narrative.

The problem with your ‘logic’ is that by definition if you started as a younger player then everyone else will be ‘older’.

Also, the actual age distribution within a game will affect everything. Over on another MMO, I happen to know ( as the stats are published ) that the average rl age is 40…which suggests there is a higher proportion of older players in the first place. So once again, almost by definition, a person complaining about anything is more likely to be ‘older’ simply because more older people play the game. And I’d suspect that is equally true in Eve…given how many long terms vets there are.

See…the benefits of doing statistics at colllege :slight_smile:


But this is just selection bias…no different to Aiko’s blog where she finds all the most egregious comments and posts them as if they were 100% of the comments rather than just a selected few.


It doesn’t make what’s said untrue though does it? Either way its concerning how many people on the wrong side of 40 are acting like they are teenage boys.

Anyway. Who cares if they are 13, 30 or 70. The kind of behaviour we are talking about is just plain unacceptable period. And over a ship loss…….in a game……


Coming from the master of bias. That’s a bit rich.

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I’m glad to know that Cilly is an avid reader of my blog!

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You must be so proud. How does it feel to have finally made it in Eve?

If someone starts badmouthing and threatening in chat then you just block them…immediately. End of story. You don’t start keeping a detailed record and diary which you then post online in a blog…carefully selecting all the worst cases for posterity.

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If you studied statistics, then you should be fully aware that the “average” doesn’t explain the whole picture, or that it explains the picture accurately.

But that is irrelevant to the point that I’m making anyway, as an older average age shouldn’t belie the absence of younger players.

I have, in fact, also killed many younger players as well, and they rarely reacted this way. A much more common reaction from younger players was trying to find out how I did what I did, rather that blind, unadulterated rage. In fact, most of the friends I made in this game were players who initially found themselves at the opposite end of my guns, or found me at the opposite end of theirs.

Aiko doesn’t discount rage that comes from younger players; she keeps all the rage, and it just so happens that the worst kind mostly comes from “family men” and retired geriatrics.

Why the hell not? That’s literally the best part of this game.

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Alas, contrary to the OP’s claim, EVE online actually stands for: Environment Versus Environment online.

When the original developers envisioned mining and made it integral to the entire game, they KNEW that to succinctly describe their new creation, they needed a new Superlative to the older term PvE, so EvE was coined.

EvE: players acting like bots versus scripted NPCs and rocks.

Collectively we deserve all the ridicule from the rest of the MMO community. We still have a long way to go before we have a true PvP game. This is our punishment.

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Why not? Victims should just block and hope no alts show up to continue the abuse? And the rest of us just pretend it isn’t happening?

Or maybe publically shaming the people doing the abuse goes some way to shining a light on it and potentially shaming into stopping.

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Sick and obsessed people do that. It’s scary.

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