The Permanent Green Safety Brigade

My take on it is that when someone starts victim-blaming, then it’s likely a person who’s engaged in such behavior before, and this kind of public discussion hits a little too close to home.

Just inject about 10-15 million SP, and you’ll be mostly there. Or splurge and buy a character from the bazaar.

If it annoys you…then I do.

What’s that supposed to mean? That I am an abuser enabler?
You’re delirious if you think that.

Care to point me in the direction of that? I’d love to see an example.

Or is this like the “lie” thats upset you so much you cant tell me what it was?

I’m wasting my time with you.
Try gaslighting on someone else.

I’m pretty sure I’ve never threatened or insulted anyone in-game, ever. The most antagonizing things I’ve ever said to anyone in EVE were dad joke-tier one liners like “where’d you learn to shoot? stormtrooper school?” or anime girl ASCII emojis. Pretty much how I do things on the forums too, actually.

So let’s get down to what you actually consider as in-game abuse: killing other players in PvP engagements without their consent.

You are a perfect case study for the OP’s “permanent green safety brigade” argument.

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If destiny is guilty of online abuse like you claim. Show me the threats? Show me the barrage of abuse?

It either happened or it didn’t. If it happened then point me towards it.

I don’t believe you.

And I find that absolutely hilarious.

Weird. You post exactly like Gix.

You hero worshiping? Want to be just like puppy?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

You literally said that in a post where you agreed Destiny deserved abuse for being a “liar”

What else did you mean if not that?

Boy, do you do anything on your own or do you have servants to wipe your butt?
Want to find out, go there and read. Otherwise shut the hell up.

Outside of all the forum chest thumping ( which is to be expected given the tribal nature of the game ) Destiny has actually helped me in the game itself…though I’ll leave it to her as to whether to say how.

the correct safety level for most players in HS is yellow / orange(?)
that way you can pew pew and steal and avoid being accidentally murdered by concord

I wondered how long it would take for you to default to suggesting I’m an alt coz i pointed out your a d*ck.

In fairness you lasted a lot longer than i expected.

Congratulations on the significant progress.

I’m not saying he’s the devil. I’m sure he’s got redeeming qualities but telling the truth isn’t one of them.

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I’m not suggesting you are an alt. I’m suggesting you’re a simp.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Thing is. Ive read the entire thread. I cant find it. So I think you are the one LYING.

If destiny is an online abuser as you have just claimed then it should be easy for you to provide evidence.

Okay, let’s me try one more time. I know I’m going to cover some old ground here, but you dodged my question. So, I need to explain why the question is important to our discussion.

Okay, you assert that kills with NPC’s on them being labeled as solo kills cheapens the solo tag. People responded with various arguments, one of which included: “solo” only refers to whether other players are on the kill, and not whether NPC’s are on the kill.

You then asserted that the solo tag should take NPC help into consideration, and that there should definitely be a line where if the NPC is doing most of the damage, players shouldn’t get credit. Others then responded with things like (1) NPC’s can actually be more of hindrance than a help because of their tendency to switch agro to the attacker, (2) people should get credit for the kill because the kill wouldn’t have happened without their actions, and (3) that damage percentages for kills will factor in damage done by the rats before the hunters even arrived on grid. This is important, because you seem to be failing to account for this quirk in the killmail reporting system, which is leading you to discount the crucial role hunters play in kill prey, and liken what they do more to whoring on NPC kills.

And, so, that is why I asked if you understand this quirk in the killmail reporting system. It undermines one of your arguments, and you seem to be dodging people’s attempts to bring it up. In fact, you straight up quoted my attempt to ask you about it, and still failed to answer the question.

So, yeah, that’s generally how arguments work. People make points, and then others make counterpoints. And if you don’t like their counterpoint, you should ignore it… no wait… not that. I mean you should address their counterpoints. And, if you find their argument persuasive, possibly even change your mind.

Also, thank you for etymology lesson. Did you know that the etymology of the word “etymology” comes from the greek “etymologia”, which means study of the history of a word.

Do you get it now ?*

Checkmate atheists

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OMG :rofl: