The Permanent Green Safety Brigade

I really don’t know if thats a step up………or a step down.

One to ponder.

much worst than a NPC in a solo tag is the guys tha fight you 2v1 and shot their friend wen they see you are murdering them to steal your solo tag :frowning:

btw zkill should implement a alpha tag , i have some solo alpha kills
solo alpha would be a good bragging tag

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So if I can’t see the sun it doesn’t exist?
NICE logic, Mr.Spock.

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If it exists. Then show me.

What was the lie? Where is the abuse?

You know thats how things work. Evidence based.

No, they’re absolutely right. I’m a big mean bully. I bully the internet spaceships.

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I need to stop looking under the bridge. It never ends well :slight_smile:

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the problem is not looking
the problem is trowing a Doritos bag under the bridge every few hours

Here, Sherlock:


I found it within a minute and you supposedly looked for it? Yeeaah, riiiight

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I especially like bullying and abusing the Vexor, because when it blows up (against its consent), it leaves its drones everywhere, like a Japanese schoolgirl tripping and spilling her lunch.


No…nothing can undermine my argument that if I go and zap a ship totally on my own and score 100% of the damage, it is simply not the same thing as me turning up and firing a shot or two in the midst of an NPC attack. In one case the damage is totally down to me. It is the very epitomy of ‘solo’. Regardless of how you see the other attack involving the NPC…whether the ship was repping for 45 mins ( which would mean it was warp scrambled and already held there when you arrived ) and you delivered the killing blow…you have NOT done it totally on your own. The two are simply not comparable…yet they get the same label.

To be fair, you had your Activities to look through, he didn’t.

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I know that argumentative fallacies are a time honored tradition on the forums, but ad hominem attacks are forbidden by forum rules, and can get a thread shut down. Thus, we do not explicitly attack people.

Instead we merely imply our insults, like Bob intended.

@Altara_Zemara one of the problems we have in LS is the contrarie of what you are talking about
the mission farmers hide 100km + from the beacon that way the NPCs shot the guy who in other situation could kill them

First, I’m not Mr_Epeen, although it would be cool but I’m not.

Second, you may be right. I apologize.


Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Maybe he meant “duck”? Epeen does quack a lot.

Oh ……….see i was looking for something significant given the way you were worked up.

How is that a lie. A blank stare is an expression thats used in my country that refers to an unconvincing answer. And as far as i can tell from that exchange the answer was unconvincing.

I mean the way you guys were going on i expected something like she had accused you of mating with a platypus and eating the offspring or something.

If this is really what we are getting upset about then there is perhaps no better summation of the PERMANENT SAFETY BRIGADE

So how are we getting along on the online abuse front. I assume the examples of that are far more convincing than this?

Easy, big fella. Shifting the goalposts can throw out your back.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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You’re arguing just to argue and you’re tiring.


Ill defer to your superior knowledge on that front. I have very little experience of such things