So, here’s a picture of Snarf holding candy.
Complaining about carebears,
With walls of text and such,
Forums are apparently still more fun than EvE,
Methinks the pvp crowd doth protest too much.
Who are you addressing this nonsense to?
Is this for the “bears”, or for other ends?
Are you looking to say something worth reading?
Or farming for headpats from your friends?
If people arent having fun, theyll just leave.
Why would you pay money to get burned?
Then we’ll just get another “player retention” thread.
And as always, not a single lesson will be learned.
On the subject of being green ( in more ways than one )…I’ve yet to actually set the safety icon to anything else. So I have a question I have asked before but never really gotten an answer to…
Can others see if I have my safety set to yellow or red ? Or is it only visible if I actually lock on them. I know one can see other people’s ‘security’ status…-5, -10, etc…but is safety setting visible in any way.
Nope. No one can know, except in cases where you visibly perform acts that confer the appropriate status flags to you (e.g. stealing from someone’s can).
That is just pure nonsense, bordering on jabberwocky.
You otherwise end up with the absurd situation where one person could genuinely demolish the ship and be responsible for 100% of the damage, and rightly claim a ‘solo’ kill in its true meaning…whilst some other person could merely cause a splinter of woodwork from the console to go into the pilot’s thumb…cause 0.000000000001 % of the damage…and wander off claiming a ‘solo’ kill and 100% responsibility.
To argue that the two are comparable is bordering on Alice In Wonderland levels of absurdity. But then this is Eve…so par for the course I guess.
You’re still on about that?
There is no shame in admitting you had not thought about continuous NPC damage when you made your earlier claims about ‘solo kills require you to deal all damage solo’.
Doubling down on it is a bit silly, however.
I’m not ‘doubling down’ on anything. It’s more that the situation described, where someone is being attacked by NPCs for 48 mins and another player comes along and ‘tips the balance’, is absurdly unlikely and is very clearly not what is happening in most ‘solo’ kill cases. The chances of it all being SO finely balanced that a player is sitting there repping for ages at 98% damage is really stretching things. Not least because if the NPCs got a person to 98% damage then there really isn’t any reason they would not go all the way to 100%. If the NPCs do 98% damage in 48 mins…they should do 100% damage in 50 mins…even with extra power to shields etc when below 25%.
You may be interested in the following video, then.
Not exactly a solo kill, but the EHP on the killmail and how the Sigil gets taken down with the slow addition of DPS shows that yes, something that is stable at some DPS, gets “tipped over” with the addition of 1 source of DPS. Not unheard of in PVE fits.
Hey, have you ever seen the video were Suitonia (now CCP Kestrel) got people to chase him into bubbles with diamond rats on them? So, do you think he shouldn’t get credit for those kills if he didn’t do enough damage? I personally think he should, as he was instrumental in causing their deaths, no matter how much damage he did to them. Speaking of which, what about anti-gankers that do nothing besides get a point on a ganker, and let facpo kill them? Or FC’s and ewar ships that apply little to no damage to no damage to kills, but still play an instrumental role in getting kills and winning battles? What about 250 man fleets where no one does more than 1% damage because there’s just that many people on the kill?
Honestly, I could go on. I think the whole idea of looking at the percent of damage done in order to determine if someone should be credited with a kill is flawed. Plus, as I said before, who cares? Why do you care so much about this?
And, on a side note, please don’t flag her for off-topic posting. I hate all the flagging that has been going on as of late, people seem engaged in the debate, and this isn’t an official feedback thread or something. So, if people want to talk about it here, let them talk about it. And if she does get flagged and the ISD’s see this, know that I’m OP, and I’m okay with it.
You accidentally overlooking active tanks, or what?
That’s not true. Lots of players intentionally roll with the minimum amount of tank, as that means more fitting resources for things that improve isk efficiency.
That simply isn’t the same situation. I had something similar when I took on a bait Nereus…it all went on for almost a minute due to him having half a dozen shield purgers. I simply could not bring up enough dps to match that recharge rate…and ultimately lost.
Not really the same thing as someone firing a single shot somewhere in the middle of NPCs attacking a ship and claiming that without that shot the ship would have survived.
No…simply asking why, if the NPCs have already done 99% damage they would not be able to do the last 1%. That might happen once in a very blue moon, but to suggest it is common enough to account for a large portion of the ‘solo’ kills where someone intervenes is absurd.
These are not equivalent, which may be the source of confusion.
What confusion ? Why couldn’t the last 1% be a single shot ?
Credited, yes. All I am saying is that it is anachronous to call something a ‘solo’ kill where a person does not do 100% of the damage…as that is the very meaning of ‘solo’…and even more so if they only do 0.8% of it. It detracts from genuine solo kills where a person does do 100% of the damage. That’s all I’m saying. It’s not a question of mechanics or dynamics…its a question of terminology.
The percent is “of all total damage done to the ship since tracking it began”. The percent is not “percent of ship hull or armor or shields”. If I have a ship with 100 HP but active repair 10k NPC damage and get into a brawl at full health just as i destroy the NPC where someone shoots me 10 times for 10 damage and I dont repair (say, out of cap), it is:
- 99.9% NPC damage (10k)
- 0.1% Player damage (100)
But it wasn’t one shot. And realistically a solo kill.
Edit: In the video I shared above, you can see the Sigil took 250k damage. Each player contributed to that total, which is a percent of that total. It is not a percent of the ship’s EHP on paper.
Those are outlier situations. The grand majority of cases where NPCs are involved that aren’t CONCORD criminal kills are in situations where someone gets baited or attacked while doing PvE content that they can tank without any issues. Which is to say, there’s almost a 0% chance they would’ve died to those NPCs.
Also, you’re overlooking a very important aspect of such PvP scenarios, and that is that NPCs will often switch targets to the attacker while the fight is taking place. This is especially common for “AI” NPCs like Sleeper and incursion rats, which will instantly prioritize any hostile ship on the field that’s engaging in e-war, with scramblers/webbers handily falling into that category.
Regardless, if this is something that upsets you, you should contact the maker of zKill and voice your concerns, as the “solo” marker is applied according to the logic on which they decided. CCP has nothing to do with it.
Here’s a simple practical example: Ishtar | nalalen Uit | Killmail | zKillboard
Not 2%, but 9.4%, but same story: the guy had been ratting for a while and had taken a lot of NPC damage over that time which his armor repairer had all repaired. I came by, killed him solo and did ‘only’ 9.4% of the total damage in order to kill him.
The percentage of total damage that I did in that case was irrelevant, what mattered was that I was there and killed him. As I was the only player around, it was flagged as solo kill by zkillboard.