The Red Dot thread

I put something in my cargo hold and I get red dots.
I know it’s there damn it I put it there.
Have to search the whole thing just to find out what’s giving me red dots.
Have to mouse over every item until it’s gone.
Please let me turn it off.


I have zero problem with red dots except that clearing them manually is a wee bit annoying per the above, but not terrible. If there was a single button tucked away somewhere for resetting red dots in the normal UI (perhaps in the inventory window, ie. not in ESC settings), it would be better. The button would be as readily accessible as the ability to reset broadcasts in the fleet watch window. But if you don’t clear them, they don’t hurt you, so I don’t see the problem.

This is worth considering (7 days is rather lengthy though)

Personally I don’t think even this is necessary, but without question the forums have been plagued with enough red dot posts that CCP should have done SOMETHING about them by now, whether it’s a temporary rollback (which I don’t think red dot fans would have complained too much about) or an ESC setting (basically the equivalent of a rollback, but in checkbox form) or a reset button, etc.

Otherwise, I have no idea what others are complaining about it. Meming? Sure. Complaining? Why though?

The only complaint I have about red dots is that ever since they came out @Zhalyd_Lyehin has been prefacing each and every single one of his posts and/or topic titles with a red dot, and THAT is annoying as hell. Most people that preface posts with red dots do so as serious objection to a previous poster, like “WRONG - here’s why” kind of thing… but he just… I’ve stopped taking him seriously ever since red dots rolled out :facepalm:

So this is an interesting point: perhaps red dots don’t have to show up with EVERY change, only those which the player did not directly initiate and therefore might not be aware of the specific details. So let’s take looting wrecks, for example: manually dragging and dropping items from a wreck to your cargohold should not create a red dot, but pressing the loot all button should since you might not necessarily know what you’ve gotten.


I think this is a minor empathy failure. Nails on a chalkboard don’t bother me at all but it’s a seriously uncomfortable experience for a lot of people. Sensory stimulation is complex and individual.


@Brun_Warbear I do in fact agree with you 100%. I was exaggerating when I said that. I meant it more along the lines of… there is legit, non-meme rage for something that isn’t not one tenth as annoying as nails on a chalkboard, so I’m just sitting here thinking to myself “really???”. I understand why it’s annoying to many, I’m just amazed at how so many supposedly mature, functioning, non-OCD adults are emotionally reacting to it. I love the memes and the satirical rage… but the actual legit straight up rage is like “dude come on…”

I mean, you’re not wrong but also internet outrage is a pretty well-engrained and continually reinforced behaviour pattern these days.

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:small_red_triangle_down: :small_red_triangle: :small_red_triangle_down:

All your red dots are belong to the triglavian collective!

:small_red_triangle: :small_red_triangle_down: :small_red_triangle:


I would like to know why it was implemented in the first place. Was it a random idea from soemone at CCP or did 3 people request it at fanfest… one day it was not there, the nest it was there and i have never ever read any request for a indicator of that type anywhere.

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Couldn’t say. I’m not employed by CCP, I just moderate their forums and interact with the community.


Awwww,. don’t make me blush. :innocent: :blush: Besides, I do not do that. I do not red dot posts and topics that I consider valuable. :slight_smile: For everything else: I will continue to red dot almost everything I post until these dots disappear or are redone into a better and actually useful feature.

Oh, alright then -

Red dots are fine for a new player maybe. All I have asked for, and many others, is a way to turn them off. It is not a lot to ask.


I have no problem with the red dot. I am a returning player, was a bit irritated the first moments of contact with it and then continued to ignore it. I have fun regardless.

The most amusing thing for me is, how out of proportion this dot is boosted here in the confines of the vocal minority in the forums. Everytime I see a red dot complaint (or the red icon in a otherwise normal discussion about a random thing - that is supposed to be “witty”?), I am relieved that eve has no REAL problems - at least that has to be the reason why people can use their energy on such an insignificant, minor issue. :slight_smile:

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Red dots make me angry… GO AWAY!!!

At least they aren’t flashing red dots, right? Well, I guess they sometimes do flash.




Ok, since the phenomenon has now resulted in a sticky thread, I have personified the dots as emojis for everyone. Please feel free to use these:

Dot1 Dot2 Dot3 Dot4 Dot5 Dot6 Dot7 Dot8 Dot9 Dot10 Dot11 Dot12 Dot13 Dot14 Dot15 Dot16


Would it be asking too much ask for these in SVG :grin:?

I have no programs that will convert to that format.
Using online converters, they come out black.

Oh don’t worry about it then. If you didn’t create them in any kind of vector format to begin with then there is no sense in providing them as such. Good work, though!

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The Red Hot Dot Hate is still strong here…

screenshot, space hamster caught in the act