Humility. Moderation. Curiosity. Compassion. There’s only one of the virtues you seem to care about, Ms. Tsukiyo.
“But the virtues aren’t binding on me. I know the truth!” you might say. And you’d be right-- the virtues are not, in the most literal sense, binding on anyone. In a way they’re just sort of polite suggestions. Or maybe, suggestions about how to be polite. But to turn away from them is to embrace our own corruption. It’s not healthy-- not for you, not for those who have to share this world with you.
Freedom of this kind is poisonous, toxic, the freedom of a metastatic tumor, which grows without limit until its world fails.
But trying to funnel all passionate arguments to the same “hey here’s a bickering room for y’all so we can talk about pets in peace” collection is a very condescending and nonconstructive way to treat arguments that people are actually passionate about.
Also, Else, I’m kind of trying to draw back on the “doing whatever I can to hurt you” thing? I can be flippant, especially when I’m trying to be a little funny. I’m not sure it’s even really a flaw so much as a trait. But, I’m still basically indifferent to your opinion at best.
Respect others by taking stuff over here or starting your own thread when stuff gets heated AND off-topic, or don’t. I’m not interested in your whining.
You do grasp the irony of engaging in a conversation with yourself based on what you think i might have said had i answered, in a topic created to avoid this (perhaps), among other things, denounced on the previous one, right?
I do feel an urge to grab a walking stick, hit your head with it, scream makyo, cuddle your face and leave, but since we are distant at the moment, please imagine so.
That is very flattering of you, you handsome tease.
As for the recording mentioned, occam’s razor would lead me to think that it is just bad video editing as a prank from someone with a lot of time in their hands, a very bad trip from Aria with some sort os substance (do let me know what was it so i can try it too), or a mix of both.
“Please do not fast-forward, rewind, or skip through this video. If you fast-forward, rewind, or skip through this video, you or someone dear to you will die.”
Someone dear to me will die even if i don´t skip, so…
Reading further however, there are interesting elements being portraited, the astrological charts and the candle are indeed used in some Achur rituals, blood is a powerful conduit no matter the practice, the glyphs are either very personal or very consensus based (the most efficient ones anyway) so they could be from anywhere without a proper look at them.
If, emphasis on the if, there was indeed a ritual, of course you can change the current effects. To actually change them however, it will require a lot from you. Would you be willing to give what it takes?
The world’s full of ironies, Ms. Tsukiyo. I don’t pretend to be especially consistent; I change my attitudes and behavior all the time, sometimes quite quickly. I apologize if my fickle nature distresses you.
You on the other hand don’t seem to have changed at all in the months since last we spoke. I trust you remember what I said to you then. That way marker beside you does not mark the journey’s end, even if it’s on a mountaintop.
Putting words in my mouth, emotions in my chest, can we at least have you introducing something pleasureful in me so we can both have a kick out of it?
I possess the intolerable quality of cheerfully trusting my assessments of people, Ms. Tsukiyo-- especially when they make no secret of their beliefs. And also of choosing my words carefully. For instance, “you might say.”
I notice that aside from taking me to task for my heinous and hypocritical presumption, you don’t question my reasoning or explain another, different opinion. Of course, you’re under no obligation to explain yourself, but, Seeker to Seeker?
I’m no Master. I’m far from wise. But one who takes the teachings only as validating her whims will find them a font of mu. Even a demon may possess some understanding, and might cling to that insight like a precious jewel, but such an obsession will not cleanse its mind.
Like, a field under rainy overcast sky, with all crops dead and rotting, covered in cow droppings with an occasional solemnly creaking scarecrow here and there?
You can always hang out with the cool capsuleers and have a lot of fun.
I do wonder what restricts people from using their disposable bodies to extreme levels in our field. For pleasure and transformation/experimentation at least. As for destruction, well…
We are still human and have human instincts. To preserve our own life is one of them.
Personally, I have ‘died’ 6 or 7 times total. I would prefer it if I never had to do it again as it is, to put it mildly, very unpleasant. I have heard of other capsuleers who have had their mental health irreparably harmed by pod death. It isn’t natural to die but to live again and it’s why we have to go through so much rigorous training to become a capsuleer in the first place.
If you have managed to overcome this instinct, however, consider that more grease to your elbow and I wish you the best.
Thank you for the invitation, @Aria_Jenneth, however I have to respectfully refuse to move the discussion I participated in with certain personalities here, as I simply don’t believe it were arguments. When dealing with trolls, I am trying not to argue with them, but to show these obnoxious jerks their place, to tell them in a way to shut up and that I am not interested seeing them - really anywhere.
On the other hand, I am up to heated and intense arguments, provided the participants won’t disgrace themselves with personal attacks and I won’t have to “discard” them into the category I have spoken before.
For that purpose, I have an interesting topic:
The Federation must be destroyed.
And I am willing to prove it to anyone who will disagree!