The Trigs are coming!

If all the carebears are crying it’s a good sign that everything is still fine.


CCP better fire whoever the hell proposed RNG modules being introduced, ideas of this sort are dangerous to player well-being. If that demented fantasy gets released, you’ll face the player base diminishing rapidly.

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It’s almost like your bittervet kneejerk reaction to anything CCP does was driven by pavlovian emotion rather than any real thought.


My bittervet kneejerk reaction? I’m fine with the new stuff. How is that a kneejerk reaction?

Probably the post where you as a ganker found yourself in the ironic situation of supporting anti-bumping and was forced to check yourself by deleting it.


Some updates to read there:

Apparently the highsec problem is still in discussion. I still believe having the most valuable sites only in lowsec would do the game a big favor.


No, I just wrote the counter down for the bumping the other player suggested, but then decided to keep this to myself for obvious reasons :kissing_heart:

Single player instances are abysmally wrong.

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You mean “how will you bump orca that is warping in?”

As for the sites, I will get there at least to make a bunch of pretty screenshoots. Just like I have done it in wormholes in the beginning when I started playing. Maybe it will feel again like playing for first time. :ok_hand:

This abysal deadspace kinda looks like when entering a gate to oblivion in Elder Scrolls IV, only that this time it involves spaceships…
As for those mutaplasmoids, it’s like enchanting items in Diablo II using Horadric Cube, or gambling for items. Feels like the level of effort put into this is… absymal .
There will also be some issues with these new ships, as they will just override the role of some current ones already in the game, etc.
Typical CCP… don’t fix what needs to be fixed, instead flood the server with more garbage.

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The tears are human nature. People tend to think that those “others” have it easy while “we” have it hard.

The thing you identified always gave me a chuckle too. If null has it so good and is so safe, doesn’t it mean its the height of stupidity to play in high sec?


If you dont think that “sinicization” of tranquility is a bad thing.

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With Serenity’s existence, wouldn’t that be de-sinicization of Tranquility?
Or am I missing some context here?

–Confused Gadget

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I generally like the new changes. There are some fairly visible issues with them tho.

  1. The selection of modifyable modules is one-sided to benefit tanking. Tanking modules may be improved, while damage modules may not. The reason the T3 changes were so healthy to the game was mainly because they shifted the damage/tank ratio towards damage, resulting in way less unbreakable bricks staring at each other. The module selection endangers us of taking a step back here.

  2. The problem with the contract system being the only one available to trade these modules is not very realistic and needs some additional features implemented which would make it viable. Clicking through hundreds of unwanted modules to finally find one you like… yeah. The changable attributes of a module have to be selectable with minimum and maximum values for them for a desired item, so you actually filter out all the variation you do not want. At this point, this might even get included into the main market system as some extra tab, in which you select the item type, have some sliders for min/max value and then see the list of available items of this specification in the normal market system.

  3. It is not impossible to add weapons to the changeable modules. This merely requires a change or option to the current gun grouping system, so weapons simply fire when ready, not nessecarily at once. So different weapons with different cycle times could be grouped together, resulting in an asymetric damage output in case the ship is fitted with different weapon systems or variations.

  4. The Abyss is an actual completely pvp free environment - which also means it prevents player interaction. There is no reason to enter the Abyss from a non-Highsec system. The value generated from 20min of work will - due to the market system - not be high enough to make it economical and thereby an actual playstyle to gank tanked cruisers coming out of these in Highsec. I can see two ways to fix this: Either first - make it possible for other ships to follow into someones else abyss and the entrance combat-scanable, not a beacon, like a force recon ship. Or only allow the first level and the cheapest loot to be found in an abyss that was entered from Highsec - and since there are no bubbles in Lowsec - a slight limit in possible findings for entrances from Lowsec.

These issues might have to be adressed before this good idea can be included into the game.

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Without putting words in Nana’s mouth…pretty sure you can read it as any viceroyal system combined with huge income inequality along in/out group membership.

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I am trying to find a way to say this a good system, but it comes out looking like lazy pvp where the person sitting outside has a unreasonable advantage by already having his drones out and you are probably coming out damaged.

Don’t see why you couldn’t just allow people to enter instead of making the lazy suspect flag on a spot they are guaranteed to exit from.

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They have to be “broken” otherwise the whole content will flop. Ultimately these sites will settle at an average isk/hr, just like every other activity in this game. If you can get equivalent (or better) modules with a method of safer/quicker/easier farming, those will be the ones that will be farmed. Also if they are “dangerous” as people CLAIM they are, which means ships losses beyond regular pve, then those losses must be covered even before calculating the isk/hr. So, there must be jackpots to bump up the isk/hr otherwise they basically just release another drifter incursion to die a week after release.

The isk is going to be made from the rare (broken) jackpots with this content, not the trash.


Concerning the system being called unfair because of RNG: The value of a modified module will be linked to the chance to recieve one of its kind when experimenting with a default module. People will apply the new paste items (forgot the name) to modules they can be applied on - their only purpose. If T1, T2 or Faction is used will depend on the price ratio of the modifier and the base item as well as the performance difference of base T2 / Faction items. If done in masses - which is the thing that will be done by people ‘manufacturing’ these modifications, the average kicks in. Of course, if you’re susceptible to gambling you might as well take one single item and try to modify it in your favor - just don’t modify what you cannot afford to lose. Remember these things will be traded (= be a different form of ISK)


I mean how lazy of pvp do you want when you know almost the exact type of ship they are using (cruiser), you know exactly where they are exiting from, you know exactly how many people are coming, you also know exactly what to use before the fight to make sure you win everytime (t3).

This is EvE quality? Sounds like everything about chance and pvp just ended.


Averages will kick in and in my view it isn’t so much an RNG unfairness, just an issue of balance on what the right level of modification can be as a result of the RNG (ie. even good RNG outcomes should only modify a module slightly). This reddit thread suggests the balance might be a bit screwed up (which commonly happens and leads to more things we all whine about as a community):

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