The Trigs are coming!

While it’s fun to read all the blather in here, the bottom line is that the smart players have already figured out how to exploit it to hell and back. And within a week of release it will be a zero risk activity that can be done while watching Netflix on your other device.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Yeah, the panels were extremely underwhelming. The first one was only 30 minutes, and a good chunk of the frst two was spent “reminiscing”.

I mean, here’s basically what we got out of it:

  • These Trig ships are gong to have heavy cap usage, high utilities and few mid slots. Thermal and explosive damage and they’ll apparently use ammo.
  • New skills for the ships, weapon and weapon specialization.
  • T1, Faction and T2 (no T3C) hulls. The Abyss pockets are gong to vary randomly so you’re going to need to refit for different weapon types. Get your Pacifier now…

That is the actual elephant in the room.

Null sec highfiving CCP.


This ^^

yay… Nullsec gets huge buff at the cost of wrecked game balance for everyone else

This is garbage

EDIT : I over reacted. These mods will be a nightmare to plan for and obtain and fit with any semblance of consistency and will only ever be a tiny tiny niche


Not sure why all the nullsec tears suddenly. If you think it is so save there then go and run them there :joy::joy:

Not to go off on a tangent, but strife seems to be coming to EvE due to trig - cos we all see the sines.

–Gadget reminds you to tip your servers


That would mean be a part of the problem I think.

At the round table they’re already asking for limits to be imposed on high and low-sec so that only null and wormhole space will get to run the hardest Abyss pockets. I mean, they already monopolize every other aspect of EVE so why should this be any different…

They’ll just put Titans on these to ensure they can run them with minimal effort and zero risk. Between the legal ganking (suspect) status in high-sec and the ability to make obscene profits null bears must have such a hard-on right now…


You think people socializing and working together is a problem? Really?

Straw man argument- no one said that.

Fact: it is safe to run the site in a system where you have 150 alliance mates hanging out than anywhere else.

Why not go there and run them? They are not my alliance so why run in area with 150 hostile sin local :stuck_out_tongue:


risk-reward relation. I could any day join a null renting corporation and make billions in safety.

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I actually don’t care about null getting another gift.

I just hate the idea of majic mods.


Then do it. But then you would probably be back complaining about cloacky campers because it wasn’t as save as you imagined without putting in any effort.


I think I accidentally flagged you cause I am bad at forums and I am on iPhone - F

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Awesome idea ccp… this will save alot of money for me when i cancel most of my subs

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Ha ha ha :joy:

I had many propositions to change my style of playing to an easy and making bilions of ISK in my EVE career, but I am not here for that and I dont want to contibute to that broken part.


Suspects can cloak no? So just cloak+MWD trick away, just like going through any empire gatecamp.