Theoretical DPS to break tackle EHP?

Your PI may still be running. But PI + ice = fuel.

(At least that was why I combined the two myself. You could of course combine it with even more resources and start a full industry.)

I produce about 20x the pi needed for 32000 fuel blocks a day. Lol

I go wherever the profit is. The whole way I operate is based on drop of a hat changes

I find that any weapon system, plus a webifier and a scram, equals a dead “tackle”. Tackle in this case being an interceptor of some sort.

True, but usually by that time the tackler’s friends have you locked as well. :frowning:

In order to kill tackle you need dreads as those insta locking Hels with support fighters and remote shield reps are tough to take down.

Killing a tackle can be done. Question is, is it the ship or the effect?

You can tackle with a tackle, and basically its down to who has the better tank and damage output.

You can kill the tackle by means of ECM modules or Command Burst modules and scripts (though this only works if you or a fleet m8 is using a command capable ship), or just force them to increase range or you increase range to break target lock on you.

Using Drones can help too.

Just need to think outside the norm.

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Someone should call the police and have us arrested.

There is no such thing.

Max Plank != EVE Online

And since you claim to be good at math or something, you can quantify the amount of possible fit by the number of ships a capsuleer can fly divided by the number of modules available to capsuleers and the statistical (im)probability of enchanted modules.

A wild guestimate says the number is 42.


I’ve said this before, but anything over 10 dps can kill a tackle frig, shield regen on those is pretty low.
If you want to kill them quicker, you just need more dps

Can someone break down the dps needed to typically break a tackler’s ehp?

In general it depends on the situation, but lets assume we take into consideration the following

  1. You are kiting just inside warp range (120-140km) from the rival fleet.
  2. You are in a frigate based killing ship (things like garmurs, and nano-anti frig ships)
  3. he just got a point on you

In this situation You will likely need in the area of 2500 dps to kill and get away. You’ll also need to be aware of how to fly, what direction, and be ready to align-warp if needed (perf with some sort of non-0 warp range)

In this situation the target dps will need to be high enough to kill the frigate with in 3 seconds, or no more then 3 vollies.

If you exceed this value, its likely they will get another on you and will result in killing you. however, if you are playing this game already then you will likely be in a ship specifically for this, and that ship specifically will be set up for this exact purpose (picking off fleet tackle).

keep in mind this type of game play requires experience at doing it specifically, and smart decision making. Often the anti-frig cruisers are 150-300m, so it can be a costly game to play but super fun and great for personal km stacking.

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If i may, it depends before all on the player’s skills.


As others have mentioned, I think the critical piece herebisnyou are asking the wrong question - dps isn’t the way people typically think about dealing with tacklers. So instead of trying to focus on dps, let’s talk about ways that you can break tackle and when you would use them. This list is by no means complete, but approaches the question in a slightly more direct way.

ECM drones

  • these are sort of a catch all for dealing with single tacklers against drone ships with extra/unused drone bay space.
  • typically you will need to be in a larger/more tanky ship than the tackler since you are waiting for lucky dice rolls

Energy neutralizes

  • depending on the ship you are flying this is usually for single or double tacklers
  • typically you want small neutralizers since they cycle faster, but against heavier ships you may also need a medium/heavy neutralizer as well to deplete capicator


  • depending on which if you has a web/scram/long point and each party’s selected prop mod, you may be able to break tackle with speed, slingshotting, or other piloting


  • I’d consider this last case because if you are trying to break tackle, you likely aren’t winning the fights so your dps is probably lower (or less well applied) than your opponent

When I fit ships to be evasive I usually try to have at least two of these, sometimes three if we are counting damage. Dropping multiple tackles at once is hard and requires a fair amount of luck.

The question you are asking will depend mostly on the ship you want to fly and how it is fit. If it is a MWD, kiting ship, for example, you probably will choose either ECM drones or energy neutralizers as the goal is to stop a scram and get your speed back up to bail.

I won’t go through all possible options and variations, as others have pointed out that is a long list and isn’t the fun of the game figuring things out? Looking at the tactics above and the ship you want to fly should at least help you reduce the work you’ll need to do


You don’t understand how this works.
To prove you wrong:

Quantify Gravity.
I’ll wait.

The problem is that you’re stuck in the land of theories …
… and aren’t really aware of the fact that theory isn’t practise.

Theory, Numbers and Data are not a proper representation of the real thing.

When you open a Map, in theory you know the area,
but in practise you don’t. The Map can never give you the experience of being there.

With practise and experience you can always learn theory …
… but with theory you can never gain practise and experience.

There are too many variables. There is no theory you can develop around it. It’s super complex system based on a complex system of variables, the most important being those who come up during the engagement itself.

As long as you refuse to accept this …
… you’re not going anywhere and will always be stuck in theoryland.

That’s actually sad, but apparently you’re too stubborn to accept when people know better.
Really common among people who have a closed mind.


When you’ve got both


Posting on the same thread, you know that thread is doomed …


Never not post evidence that Naari Naarian is a worthless, lying piece of bull ■■■■ …
… and never not point out that CCP is not banning this giant, gaping asshole.

Actually I can’t be sure someone has tried.
I’ll do the honour.


In fact I’ve petitioned him seven months ago and nothing happened.
I forgot I did that. Been seven months. It’s unacceptable.

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I am also" amazed at the level of idiocy displayed here"… i mean in your posts

  • If almost everyone answers you the same thing, maybe it could be that they are right, and you are wrong, don’t you think so?
  • Experience in eve allows you to adapt to the situation and to bring the correct/most efficient answer to a specific problem, by integrating different variables in your mind at the same time. For example: My ship type, the enemy ship type, range, proximity of a gate/a wormhole?, proximity of enemies/friends, etc. So no, it cannot be “quantified”. Quantification could be possible if you gave us a specific situation, somethg like “i am in this ship type, and how much dps would i need to kill this ship type tackling me solo if i am able to hit him perfectly”
  • Furthermore, as stated by others above, raw dps numbers are not meaningful to kill a fast tackling ship orbiting you.
    We explained to you that 1) your question is too vague without precisions on a specific situation 2) your question is not the good one, as raw dps is not the good way of thinking to get rid of a tackler
    But you don’t want to listen
    And finally this
    “Clearly you have no understanding if you can’t quantify it”. Eve pvp fights are not only about maths. There is also intuition, knowledge, situational awareness, AND, because it is an open-pvp (and not instanced pvp 6v6 with mirror classes), friendship/diplomacy/politics/batphoning.

“and your statements are illegal”… euh… can you quantify how much our statements are illegal? please


Too wildly divergent to be worth a reply. Basically there are a lot of different ways to get tackled and you really aren’t going to get a solid answer because the simplest way to break small ship tackles is typically neuting. And if you get tackled by some of the larger specialized platforms you better have friends. Because there is no damn way you are going to break out of a recon tackle that has at least one of his small gang logi watching his ass via solo DPS. To say nothing of getting hazed by a carrier with sirens and dromis.

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Please, add me to the list. I would normally not even bother to read posts in a crappy thread like this, much less reply, but every now and then I do, just out of curiosity, wondering why on earth some people do even try to be helpful, as if someone asking such meaningless and silly questions and saying what you just said there would be able to understand…

Also, to those claiming there are no silly questions, “participants” like this in these forums prove you wrong all the time…


Well, you started it… What are you tackled by? a condor or a broadsword? a solo hunter? where?


Tbh idk why so many people answered with “it depends” cause that’s not a useful answer and you might as well have just not posted at all if you didnt actually want to let him know anything.

Yea you really dont need a lot of dps you mostly just need to be able to apply it to a small fast moving target. Like some people have already said though, you would probably be better off useing ECM or nuets.

it depends on the person.