I did not say he was a good guy for blowing up a ship.
Gonna send OP 2mil.
I want to be known as a “good guy” too!
Awesome. Now tell that silly original poster how people are just playing the game as it is supposed to be played and that judgeing someone to be "good’ just for doing the equivalent of jumping an opponent’s piece on the checkers board makes him a psychopath who is resorting to out of game means to resolve in game problems.
I’d tell him but I think he should hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. He’s gonna laugh so hard. This is gonna be great . . .
If you can explain how this oxymoron makes any kind of sense, Ill be more suprised you could type that long without losing your temper than by reading the gibberish you will spew.
what? salvos i, i thught, but you’re, you’re good aren’t you??? lol
You too can be a good guy!
Just send me 2mil
No. He was clearly not saying the guy was good for blowing up his ship.
… or send me 4 million to be very good!
Sky is the limit!
Clearly. He was saying the guy was good for giving him space monies after space blowing up his space ship. Maybe he actually meant that the guy is space good rather than really good. I hope that’s what he meant, otherwise, he’s a psychopath like me. Or, do you guys mean SPACE psychopath?
Oh, damn man…
Maybe I dont want to be THAT good…
Or, do you guys mean SPACE psychopath?
If you don’t amend everything discussed on these fora with the “space” modifier, either implied or literally stated, then you’re talking nonsense and you should probably take it to a forum dedicated to something more substantial than a game of internet spaceship explosions.
Good people also make mistakes. He went out of his way to make it up to me.
I like your attitude buddy, Welcome to Eve Online. I can see you will do very well in this game, its great to have you on board and I wish you a prosperous Eve experience.
Not sure if this perspective exists in this thread… the OP was given a PvP lesson and then he was paid for it. Two positive actions. Seems all good to me.
You guys… Once you go into low sec (or nullsec or WHs), you’re saying to the world that you’re up for combat. There’s no “bad” in fighting in low sec. It’s all consensual. I get my butt handed to me in low sec about every day, for good or embarrasing reasons. Even when I derp hard, the other guy almost always gives a “GF.” Because he’s cruising around in low sec, and also taking his chances at getting popped. And most likely will, before the night’s over. No bad, just hard squinting and gunslinging in the badlands. o7
Once you go into low sec (or nullsec or WHs), you’re saying to the world that you’re up for combat. There’s no “bad” in fighting in low sec. It’s all consensual.
I agree, but it’s too narrow. The same goes for HS. If you are not docked in an NPC Empire station, you have declared your willingness to PVP.
Agree with everything else you’ve said!
EVE veterans prefer the phrase “EVE has the best and the worst community”, which isn’t so easy to understand it as it appears to be. The social interactions and PVP in EVE are not like most real sport competitions and aren’t like the interactions in other MMORPG. Players which blows up your ships aren’t always bad, even if they didn’t give money back to you, and some players which are your friends for years (a whole college term) can theft and betray you much more horrible than the most badass enemy (even Hitler can’t do worst).
My suggestions. Don’t fly that so bad fitted Nereus in Placid low-sec. The Placid, like Black Rise, are veeery dangerous regions and especially for that slow ‘wagon’. Just climb down to Essence, Verge Vendor, Sinq Laison or Everyshore. Use special bonus ships for different activity aka don’t mining with Nereus - use cheap and so good ORE Venture for this purpose. Only with high skill levels (V) you can use special ships for different purpose - Interception Exploration, FW with Exploration ships, Destroyer Salvaging, Dreadnought mining (Chribba version) etc. I can help you with this plan. I made to you a 1 ISK contract (you will pay 1 ISK!) at Hek hub with a well fitted ship (with usable for you T1 modules). Just show up and get it:
Now, enjoy your ‘rookie friendly’ time, before you’ll began to win competitions, after which players will place bounties on your head just to trigger EVE community ‘space paranoia’ and ignorance
I made the original post, made another comment on it and then forgot about it because… work.
When I logged in and saw your contract I had no idea what it was. I though it was from an NPC .
Then I remembered this post, went to check it and was amazed to see the reactions here.
This is a really great community. I won’t even begin to try to answer many of the comments here. Let me just say I definitely don’t have Stockholm syndrome (even though I’m relatively close by to Stockholm ). I wasn’t kidnapped ;), just shot at, in a game, where I was expecting to be shot at.
To me Eve is just a game, a game with a lot more depth than the games I’ve played before, but something that is just one of the many joys I have in my life. I think I’ll keep on playing this game for a long time. The depth it has makes it very enjoyable and a great escape from day to day pressure.
Stay well!
just one of the many joys I have in my life.
Haha, this will change
Seriously though, great attitude ang a huge welcome to the community. You’ll go far in the game with an approach like that.
Don’t know if I am on ignore still?
But I find it incredible that you are still behaving like your ‘arguments’ have any significance
What was your contribution to this thread?
PS. sent 50 mil to OP cause I wanted to, so
change record plz?
PS. sent 50 mil to OP cause I wanted to, so
Now I’m jealous