There are some good people around here

Yeah. The judgement of what is good or bad isn’t a black or white issue.

The OP is well within his right to judge that the guy is a good guy for what he did.

Your judgement is irrelevant to anyone but yourself.


The M&M thinks he’s smarter than you, guys, but also avoids any and all possible confrontations where he feels like he doesn’t have control.

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Which confrontation am I avoiding?

What I have come to understand about the human animal is that it does not tend to engage in confrontation unless it thinks it has a huge advantage or has no choice.

It’s objectives in the confrontation and how it accomplishes them are a separate matter.

This is the only part I disagree with. If we are to proceed with the axiom that humans are important, then don’t we have to accept that their constituent pieces, behaviors, and aspects are important? Does it matter in evaluating those parts, behaviors, and aspects that they are “in-game” or “out-of-game”? How does it matter and how much does it matter?

Is he still going on with his reactionary psuedo-philosophical rubbish?

He cant even spell his own name and only picks semantically at things other people say.

An original thought would kill him, I hear.


His irrational behaviour will just ruin every thread eventually, but it’s not just his behaviour, it’s also the behaviour of the people who respond to him. it’s as if they didn’t realize that he doesn’t care about learning, but only cares about being correct.

One can not approach an irrational person, who is hellbent on provinv that you’re bad, in a rational manner.

No one would do this irl. i bet he’d never even dare to behave like this irl, because such behaviour would have actual negative consequences for him. Honestly, i’d just ban him permanently and those who keep responding to him over and over again should be slapped with a temp ban.

You all will just keep ruining good threads, doing exactly what he wants.

Moderation? ISDs think it’s all opinions and we should respect everyone and anything they say, no matter how childish, stupid or irrational it is. That’s not how adults should behave, though, when their willingness to converse is being used against them!

Dear adults of this thread: if you want to be recognized as such, stop giving trolls, princesses and griefers like this guy the stage to operate on. Would you argue around like this irl as well? Argue with an immature child and potential psycho, who cares about nothing else but constantly trying to find ways of making you look like bad people, so he can feel like a good person? do you have any idea how such conversation would end ? do you honestly believe he’d stay calm and reasonable, even though he clearly shows that he’s neither?

Why do you people deliberately help someone turning this forum into the same shithole as the last one? Is “being right” the only ■■■■■■■ thing you care about? And please spare me with the “google argument”. It’s nonsense and not true at all. all that people see is idiots arguing about each other.

Stop. Behaving. Like. This.



You have exposed a view that . . . “Fairy tales are real.”
You are declaring that EVE or any certain game is not part of the larger reality from which it is derived. Like, if I break my arm in an arm wrestling match, that’s okay because it’s only a game. I didn’t REALLY break my arm. Please explain this process of detachment. How does the real person who has “entered” the game not also experience the game events? Do they cease to exist? Do they become their in-game persona? If so, then why does the arm wrestler still have a broken arm after the game is over?

The process of detachment you are conjecturing would be so incredibly valuable. Think about it. Wouldn’t a military force like to detach from reality to “play” a war “game”? Wouldn’t prize fighters and other professional athletes like to only get beat up “in-game” rather “in-reality”? Wouldn’t a doctor like to “play a game” of performing an important and risky medical procedure before trying it “for real”?

Please tell us how to do this detachment from reality.

Cheating is expressly a non-conformity to rules. If you are saying that cheating is part of a game, then what you are actually saying is that it’s not a game. The rules (limits) make the game.

The Johns family may “cheat”, but they don’t cheat. Mr. Johns doesn’t send the kids to bed halfway through the game to make them forfeit. Mrs. Johns doesn’t set the kitchen on fire to avoid defeat . . . or do they?

In order to accept that you are playing a game, you must accept limits to your action.

There you go again. DO NOT WANT!!!

How does he know what kind of guy the other person is “irl” without having interacted with him “irl”?

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Why must you howl like this?

What do you think this signifies?

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immature children behave like that, didn’t you know?


Im not sure how your post doesnt feed into what you are railing about
I dont think Ive seen anyone on a forum online engage in adult behaviour.

Unless you mean Adult behaviour.

Yeah but he’s claimed that capitalised and exclaimation marked statements arent yelling.

So Im just wondering what the signifgance of typing like that is to him.

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uhm… what’s the capital difference between adults and Adults?

oh, so he redefines what the whole internet accepts as a fact: WRITING IN ALL CAPS IS EQUAL TO YELLING.


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Adult Content as opposed to adults conversing.

oh. okay. well, i don’t see adults conversing here… only children arguing with one other child, ruining what was a nice thread.

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Why would we proceed with that? That is not at all a statement that needs to be taken as true.

It can be true to you, no problem. You’re entitled to believe what you like. Your beliefs however aren’t general truths.

This is stupidly off topic.


True but Im not sure what if anything can be done about it.

Im not sure Ive seen a thread around here that hasnt though.

For totalitarians valid:

  • they believe in their free will
  • they believe that everyone’s special and important
  • they believe that everyone’s a victim, somehow
  • they believe that an authority has to take care of them
  • they believe that every opinion is valid
  • they believe that everything pretty much is opinion
  • they believe that everyone has their own definitions
  • they believe in the idea of good and evil
  • they believe that they are entitled to what they want

i don’t want to go on. Please note that the above is being believed to be true for everyone, as long as these everyone agree with them.


And you do you believe the diametric opposite of all of these?

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I like to go straight to the point, I’m as raw as can be :stuck_out_tongue:

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What i believe is irrelevant. What matters is that more people learn how these nutjobs think and operate.

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