This forum is brutal

After 200 posts it was bound to happen.

your hair was suspicious from the beginning

Yep. Oh well. Just like everything in life, forum topics have a lifespan, too, whether it be a natural death or one cut short by the mods.

That’s what my old master said before I struck him down and burned his villa and freed my fellow slaves. He had a crush on me too, dirty old man.

hey… im not that old

Not you, silly. LOL!

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You got something against monkeys? Speciesist!

Don’t believe you. Take a tour of Caille and let your righteous indignation loose. Some of the things I saw while at the university…


That is not a monkey with whom you want to F

I think those differences are illusions. I think we have more in common than not but some groups have been hard at work developing fake differences. Somewhere, it’s in some people’s interests to emphasize those made-up differences. Divide To Rule is as old as the Roman empire. We have to be vigilant not to fall prey to those manipulations or the enemies of humanity would have won.

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the dam fac police keeps shooting me
not cool :frowning:

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I wasn’t. I was referencing a separate discussion where, ironically, a group of players were preaching on the forums that we shouldn’t insult eachother…whilst they themselves were insulting others.

Welcome to the game and the forum! Most people are nice, but the assholes are front and center. Don’t let anyone make you feel unwelcome. You are welcome here and in the game regardless of whatever play style you choose.


And here’s the punch line

I agree 100% and would keep this in mind. 99% of EVE players don’t use the forums. Of the 1% that do, only a fraction are active posters, most of whom are bitter vets. Disproportionately, those people tend to be very vocal and make sure they never miss an opportunity to defend their playstyle and/or attack anyone trying to suggest EVE changes in a way that would impact them in any way.

But in game, most people are fairly neutral or even friendly if it comes to a conversation.

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Welcome to the eve forums! Posting on the forums is like undocking in game, you consent to just another form of pvp.


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Romani ite domum


How did you know I was Italian?

Or that I used to speak Latin for that matter? :thinking: