This is Abuse, and ccp has made eve pay to win. Players should be outraged and know about these issues

hot leaks of how naari treats the corporations in his alliance


Got this far to confirm that this infact a troll, low effort trolling at best i rate this a 3/10

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Nice kitchen sink fleet. Utter lack of even T1 logi, no cohesion, no range similarity.
No support ships to make the upwell missiles effective…
Yeah. About all that need be said.


So, you painted yourself a target by spamming nonsense ideas on forums, got your arse handed to you in-game and now cry about the outcome on forums again…

@hisison I salute to you people for making it happen! :clinking_glasses:



No, he isn’t a troll. He really believes everything he writes.
You should read his alliance mails, or some of his other nonsense from discord.

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It’s people like him why EVE is not getting any more players.


:clinking_glasses: Talk ■■■■, get hit.


and there i was thinking we developed something special.

@everyone else who actually cares about this game,
this thread was started as a means to awaken people to the blight of this game, to the abuse you people inflict upon it.

If this game has any chance to heal, it would be found in removal of non-consensual pvp from high sec.

Eve is a game of consequences, the OP spouted shite on the forums and is now suffering the consequences ingame.

Working as intended.


What issue? The bulk of your alliance is immune to wardecs as you are using a holding corp, well holding alliance. You opted-in to unfettered PvP when you deployed a structure, just like you do when jump into a wormhole or lowsec. Safety, and immunity from the “abusive bullies”, is already easily accessible to you.

If you want safety and immunity from non-consensual attack, just don’t deploy a structure. It’s simple and 100% effective. I mean really, as a game designer, how do you propose people contest player-owned structures in highsec? It doesn’t have to be the current war system, but whatever system you replace it with, people will still use it to kick you out of a system or take your moon or whatever, especially when your words give them so much reason to.

Time to HTFU I’m afraid and find some friends to defend your structure. Or call it a day and head back to the social corp where honestly, a corp run by such a polarizing and diplomatically inept CEO as yourself probably should stay.


ftfy :rofl:

It is simple monthly rent for the paid to empire and rent is exponentially higher by number of station in system :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wonder what CCP in general, and CCP Falcon in particular, did to you that makes you so salty and pained?

But never fear, Dr Zoidberg is here.



@Noori_Naarian not very ethical of you at all to take advantage of these new players is it? its almost as if you were in fact a predatory hisec corp like i told you the first time i ever interacted with you lmao


That just makes him a delusional troll :stuck_out_tongue:

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I just give them their own medicine and now I am “salty and pained”

But how could you take a moon mining spot from someone? Or kick them out to lower your industry index? Or remove their competing market hub?

If there are going to be player-owned stations, at least ones that do something, there has to be a way to remove or fight over them. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. There are either wars or something similar in highsec to provide gameplay around structures, or there are no player-owned structures allowed at all.


And asset destruction is always good for game economy, so the choice is obvious.

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You’re posting irrelevant ■■■■ on a forum.
You really believe they care?
