This is Abuse, and ccp has made eve pay to win. Players should be outraged and know about these issues

What nasty tasting medicine did CCP give you?

and now I am “salty and pained”

Your multiple forum bans and alts confirms my diagnosis of salty and pained.

If you weren’t you’d have stopped posting a long time ago.

I’m sure CCP Falcon finds your hardon for him to be amusing, if a little on the small side.

Eve is a game of consequences, the CCP ■■■■■■ up the game and is now suffering the consequences IRL.

Working as intended.

I am naari naarian, and i am running for csm, and i approve this message.

You might want to remove that, IIRC forums rules don’t allow the posting of personal mail.

That said, it offers an insight into just how much the person sending it doesn’t understand about Eve.; GM’s rarely getting involved in player interactions unless they break one of the rules or use an exploit.

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Sounds like every other carebear who got killed.


It was me all along and I didn’t know!


Confirming we are all CCP Falcon alts, and our task is to FUBAR the OP.


I’m wondering how to proceed with this. We’re at a point where it is undeniable that this guy needs to be institutionalised, if that’s the right word. How can we tell he’s not a danger in real life, given how he clearky can not separate reality from fiction?

That mail is yet another delusion. If he had trillions, why’d he require any money from new players? What is he thinking he’s going to achieve with pixelmoney owned by ccp? What is he thinking in regards to getting on the csm, which ultimately is run by CCP?

Are there any rules for this? Is there a way to force people to getting themselves checked based on indirect signs that they’re potentially a danger to themselves and everyone else?

ʾIn shāʾ Allāh, also inshallah, in sha Allah or insha’Allah, is the Arabic language expression for “God willing” or “if God wills”. The phrase comes from a Quranic command which commands Muslims to use it when speaking of future events.

So… he’s a terrorist?

This is good stuff be proud

Definitely: threatening and terrorizing forums, customer support and, apparently, CCP and Pearl Abyss.

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Using Arabic does not a terrorist make…
Trying to link the two is honestly pretty ‘racist’ (being the closest applicable word)


Having read some of the linked materials, this sounds like a job for @Scooter_McCabe and the Goonberets.


He once wrote he instructed the CEO of Pearl Abyss to fire Hilmar.
Can’t find it anymore.

So he’s delusional thinking he’s some sort of messiah who needs to fight evil ccp,
he believes he can tell people what to do,
he believes he’s infallible,
he’s paranoid, believing people pile alts on his “arguments”,
he’s unaware of his constant lies,
he believes he’s a player from 2003 with zero evidence,
he believes he’s a game designer with zero evidence,
he believes in a creator,
he believes his isk, owned by ccp, are going to help him fight ccp,
he believes that a blog will take down a multi-million [currency] company,
he believes he’ll be on the csm, unaware that ccp owns the csm and decides everything.

I’d call the police on this guy.


The local Mental Health Unit may be more appropriate.

@Solstice_Projekt your forum fu appears to be broken.

are where he posts about how Hilmar being given the boot will “cure” Eve.

It needs a court to put him where he belongs, even in the US of A.

Nono, it was an image. He literally wrote “instructed”.

Ah missed that, he’s done it writing a few times too, linked a couple more.

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I advocate the opinion it is idiots like you that should be removed from the game. On the other hand you also are a infinite source for ridicule.


Wow, this is one hot mess of a thread.


Not to sure this truly applies but i feel like it shows a smidgen of how naari acts. Some future wannabe CSM. Also i want it on record my characters last name was eve generated i want no part with him.