This is eve - Trigleve


Yeah i am not concerned about big alliances stuff and no politics in this game. Because there is no politic in this game. So yeah if you speak about abuse they are just a shame. Personnally it made me biomass my characters.

Get a bit of respect slave. Your null sec is boring as hell. People are bored and say it. I got another issue about that, I have troubles to get bored. No wormhole is life simply. What I see is mass triglavians more and more everywhere. I use to be ganked in capital. I mean killing a capital was something. Something i would say hard or dangerous. Now take 2 leshaks 1 nestor 1 bhaal and eat a carrier. Press : F1 to the capital, F2 F3 F4 F5 to your mate. and this is it. You know that you will tank him easely.

A Fortizar is a 10b cita dude. Isn’t it supposed to be an adventure to destroy it ? It was. Oh yeah, they remooved the void bombs… yeah… Mmm… Even a keepstar is a joke. Take ravens do kitting 400km range and yeah… Hard…

So yeah I am complaining about this : The idea is 1) to have challange with citas or not ? 2) pushing players to find a fleet composition with diversity to face a situation. You don’t need that anymore. You got the all in one package.

Now, imagine this and tell me what you think. Triglavians has 1 slot for gun, and one empty slot. So the remote rep or the neut or the smart bomb is just a slight bonus, bcse they are made for dps, not for everything.

What do you think about that ?

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You will cry when they will remoove asset safety in null sec and you will change your speech, believe me.

I am not a bittervet because I am not bitter, but I am a vet and yes, I see the change of the game and the change of mecanic. To fly capitals was something you had to wait mister injector.

lol I needed that giggle. You’re complaining that 1 person in a 2 bill ship can’t easily take out 4 people in like 3 billion in ships. Kudos sir, you win the arguement.

Don’t blame trigs, blame capital proliferation and the need to remove it.

I think you need maybe a bit more of knowledge of the game. I am sorry to say that. Really sorry to say that. Since when the cost of the ship has something to do with that ? Take 20 or 30 bombers at 50m piece they will destroy a cap. It doesn’t work like this. We are talking about a ship and his clase and what he can achieve. Yes, triglavians are op. over. The question is, what can we change to fix it.

I mean give the ability for a bomber to jam, an insane bonus to paint and web, and even to have the ability to add a command link.

20-30 bombers requires 20-30 people working in tandem to take out a ship that you can now inject into if you feel like cashing into. Back in the day when it took years to be good at it sure trigs would be a travesty. The problem is, caps aren’t special anymore and there is a metric efffton of them out there. Carrier ratting has become the norm for wormholers like yourself. Don’t expect them to take a 4 v 1 fight like they use to.

You could also use comd dessies to jump 1 or 2 of the leshaks away and then jump on them with others. If you break the leshaks apart they become weaker.

I will enlight you a bit young fellow. Carriers had previously the ability to be in triage mode. THey could be or dps, or logi and change it like this ! Ccp fixed it by creating faxes. They wanted players to play with caps like they play with sub caps, same logic, dps and loggistics.

A leshak is both again at the same time, but for subcaps. Cheap, bcse dude, for that, a leshak is cheap. With skills at 5 dps oriented i reach 2700 dps on a carrier. you got 2300 on a lehsak. The leshak kills the fighters, the carrier can’t kill the dps of a lehsak. You want to speak about price ? Yeah, stop playing with caps ! BUT dude, as our friend said, there is another world than your world. And in wormhole space 1) We don’t have titans, 2) we don’t have super. So end game for an old player is ? Caps ! Dreads ! Yes ! And if you farm in a c5 with dreads (I am a fukin dinausors dude, I do it !!!) you have an ESCALATION. Who 1) is unusefull deadly and don’t pay well (oh look, you spoke about risk reward right ?) 2) Is no risks rewards. I don’t seek safety, I don’t fly safe.

So yeah, you are right, I am dumb, I take risks and I offer content, why i would do that ? Why i don’t play safe like everybody with 1) cheaper ships 2) imba ships… Mmmm let me think…


you are right dude but hey, we are speaking about battleships class, I am most of the time a solo dual boxing pvp guy. When i come with my harbi and brutix and i face 2 drekavac, game over. When i take my bhaal and hyperion vs 2 leshaks… dude… com on.


I enlight you : I use carriers only to collapse. YOu don’t farm in carriers in wh space but with dreads.

What i see now is mass leshak and 1-2 nestors, no more dreads. So yeah, I know in your null sec carriers are just common, in wh space it is the opposit.

Just because you are in an end game ship, doesn’t mean you should be able to solo the world. As per your example 1 carrier vs 2 leshaks, 1 nestor, and 1 bhaal will lose. However, 2 leshaks, 1 nestor, and 1 bhall will get crushed by say 1 Command Dessie, and 7 of his crusier/frig support friends

There is no reason your Bhaal and Hyperion should lose to two Leshaks, you just need to exploit their weaknesses and/or bling to equivalent level.

Not to solo the world but not to be a pickle front of 4 bs.

Vs 1 dedicated neutralizing ship, 1 dedicated logi, and 2 specialized anti capital/structure ships… yes you should.

dude, they are not anti captial only, they are logisitc at the same time. you get it or not ?

remooving high slots is giving them the possibility to be a bonus not a logy itself cap stable without any cap chain to manage.

Shut up Scoots


he allready shut up.

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No he didn’t shut up, he just switched to another alt character.

Oh like that, so smart, what is the point ?

Send it me in eve mail game, I got an answer for you :heart:

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