Lol most ridiculous haul ever. Maybe he was going to sell all that and inject his way to a rhea
Did he have a webber alt? Alts should never be mandatory but in his case one is definitely mandatory.
Good for you. Other people don’t have that luxury because they want to pursue a certain activity. Furthermore, considering how detrimental Bulkheads are to your agility, 2 webs should also put you at risk if you fit those.
Perhaps they were diversions for a bigger shipment.
Here’s today’s highlight. Not a freighter, but the same rules apply. Here we have a Bustard, perhaps the tankiest sub-capital ship in the game. This genius installs no rigs, no damage control, and a piss poor tank.
Here’s another juicy one. Again, not a freighter, but still a worthy gank. This player apparently has more ISK than brains. A 30 BILLION ISK blinged-out marauder loss, and to only 7 gankers…
Yes, but Gallente are scum. Oh, are you talking about your “Goofus and Gallant” analogy? Sorry, then. But you don’t seem so unhappy to participate in “rules lawyering” when you revoke people’s permits. Then again, I live in null, so I can only really hear about other people’s stories.
CODE. agents do not need to rules-lawyer. In the interest of efficiency a CODE. agent is authorized to act as prosecutor, judge, jury, court of appeal and executioner. If there are hints that a miner might be redeemable the agent can also fulfill the role of defense lawyer. The role of Supreme Court is naturally reserved for the Supreme Protector James315.
If you are not familiar with the CODE. alliance you might suspect that a system that concentrates such responsibilities in one agent would suffer from abuse. However, all agents have a high sense of civic responsibility, and are carefully selected and trained on due diligence and the highest moral values. No incidents and a 100% clean record since CODE. alliance was established in 2012 shows the system works!
Let me get this straight: they’re essentially God, and can exercise any authority over a “miner”?
Good thing I don’t mine, then.
I’d hate for ganking to be nerfed. It’s a pure form of excitement to see the combat probes on dscan within 5au. I know they’re coming before they do.
But it speaks to the poverty of gankers when they think they’ve won with a 10b kill (oh and loot fairy says you get 10% or less). The gankee probably said, ‘meh’.
That’s certainly how I reacted when I got ganked on a gate for 6b. I saw it coming two systems away but, because I’d never been ganked before, I wanted to see if and how it would happen. “Interesting”, was the word I muttered when it did happen.
Pretty sure the players who get ganked for 10+ billion don’t go “meh”, since insurance only covers a maximum of 1 billion…
So many threads to choose from, but I’m just going to leave this here
LOL, 331 billion ISK loss and insurance only covered 1% of it. Bet that pilot didn’t just say “meh”…
Is a Ganker/Scammer because no one purposely flies 6 billion in loot to get it ganked.
That’s the most beautiful “Did not want this XYZ anyway”.
Dude, I won’t let it happen again, but, even though the mechanics were obvious, I needed to see it once. Thanks for the content. It was pretty cool at the time, although pretty basic on reflection.
Every time I think I’ve seen the most of stupid in this game, someone manages to have a “Hold my beer” moment.
That’s like jumping infront of a car to understand whats going to happen to your body. You’re full of crap
Yeah, you guys! Give this dude a break, he clearly only allowed himself to be ganked because he wanted to and because 6 billion ISK is nothing to a wealthy carebear like him. He’s clearly not mad about it at all, in fact he’s unimpressed by ganking as a whole.
No, not mad. Not one bit.
Do you know how quickly you can make 6b isk? Clearly not. You’re all busy flipping burgers. AKA ganking.
You equate losing pixel money with endangering your life. You seriously equate exploring an unknown experience in a video game, which can not do harm, with throwing yourself in front of a car, which can kill you.
In a single post you managed to allow everyone to dismiss any of your future complaints about real life analogies, just by pointing at your ridiculous post. Maybe try that again and stop going full retard.
Sorry about that, though.