This was the skin reward I got today:

Waited like months for the pink-tier reward to show up (admittedly I don’t claim the regular queue every day unless there’s an event going on), and I got a trash tier destroyer skin.

I am obviously very angry and am considering unsubscribing five accounts over this.

Did anyone get anything interesting from the pink skin reward tier? On my other accounts it was mostly capital and black ops skins, but one account got an Ace of Podhunters for the Rokh.


Seeing that you want attention, yes you may receive some attention that you seek from Frostpacker.


Keep up with that tough guy act, and the skin I’ll be putting on my ship is going to be yours.

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Well if this is the way you want it to be when Frostpacker was just about to send over a small gift to you.

You never picked up that hint “yes you may” but instead showed some territorial aggression just like a nasty cat would in highsec.

How about; “No, you Can’t”

It’s not my fault! You know that I have bloodlust!

Cat Bite GIFs | Tenor

I am trying my best to behave, so give the shiny thing!

Pin by Empress Moonchild on Hilarious & Adorable Kitties! (Including Grumpy Cat!!!!!) | Cat gif, Cats, Cute cat gif


You do know that I am playing the mouse on this chase!
pink @Destiny_Corrupted Destiny Corrupted]

Coercers actually a good ship.

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It sure works for getting the daily skilling junk for one of my little alphas. The Thrasher flying alphas are jealous.

One week had passed and the kitty is still hiding from the mouse!



You got nothing I want
You got nothing I need

I don’t need crying lies
I don’t need stupid Wardecs
I don’t need Forever Wars,
And don’t think you can push me too far out of Highsec
You got the ISK, I got the time,
Nothing better to do, so you might just change my mind.

I don’t want to see you again
I don’t want you for a friend
I don’t want you hanging around
I don’t mind just putting you down.
You got the ISK, I got the time
Nothing better to do, so I might just change my mind.

I don’t have to tell you
How that you should decide to respond,
I don’t want to have to be the one to pod your Capsule.

Just like to mention to Des…about my new skin I had been rewarded on today’s log in.

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Absolutely over the moon with the skin I received today on this Pilot too.

Starts playing and dancing to the song Isn’t She Lovely - Steve Wonder.

If you still need attention after all these months then you know where to find me and on which system today there Missy.


What I need is a billion ISK.

If you can catch me and pod me 1v1 then you may have your wish.

I will be in my Jackal set so you will need to be on apple juice to lock me.

Jackal as in the set that makes you harder to probe down and jam or are you talking about something else?

Yes I moved the side topic to grief and salt as it was not skin related other than

[Jun 14] still waiting.



I remember not long ago when the daily rewards were way more rewarding.
We used to get 150k skill points.
Now we get 15k skillpoints and a bunch of random trash.
You can tell by the player count how well the revamping of the log in rewards worked.


You get the same amount of SP, you just dont have to wait to get it all in one go.

The skins are now also permanent.


They SAY you get the same sp. I do not nelieve them.

Have you TRIED working it out?