hi its been good 20 years … its time to reset , i stockpiled multiple trilions of isk and people are just quiting and so will i , if anytime in future u guys deside to make a reset , a fresh start , make sure to send me mail i will play once again …


Can @Mike_Azariah and his Operation Magic School Bus have your stuff? :thinking:



Hi, I only have 30 million Isk right now. Could you spare some change?
Thank you!

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Any blue prints I could have to play with?

Please and Thank You.


Multiple trillions ?? I doubt that. Send me 100 bil to prove that your not just full of it lol
But if you do leave GL with your dreams and any new game you play



I agree. And the best possible way there could be a reset would be for you to give me all your ISK and stuff, as I’d actually spend it…and wisely too… rather than sitting on it like Smaug with his gold.


My take is that it appears that @migy comes off as being wounded slightly in their wallet because you expected pilots to flock here to pester you all day asking for give me your stuff.

It never happened and from your lack of response shows that no one bothered to contact you at all.

That kind of hurt your feelings a little bit didn’t it!

Thee are a few things that tell you s you have a bruised ego for Eve Online so don’t worry about that anymore and enjoy whatever your future plans may take you.


Send me your money and contract me all your stuff.

Dare you to but you won’t :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

OP was not just receiving the opposite reaction he hoped for but also a gigantic wordsalad insult post to the face as well, getting told off by a Frostpacker. As such his humiliation is now beyond measure.

:thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

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That’s not fair I sent them an evemail.

Sometimes it’s hard to carry on when all the people you know leave, that’s what happened to me in other mmos to. It’s those core people you spent years upon years with just disappearing, sure there’s always new players but they are not the ones you explored your first dungeon with or helped you grind the starter quests etc.

I know this feeling.


While the “loss” of old comrades is an understandable source of grief there are always new relationships that can develop just as in real-life.

One just have to be open to it it and also accept the fact not everything (even relationships) last forever.

Remember the good when your path converged for a while with those of others’ and carry on building your history even after the paths separated (which is just temporary sometimes) and continuing your journey.



I like this, thank you for that.

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Well said.

Main character syndrome: the forum post.


Resetting the game is the best way to make me quit.

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I hear people say that sort of thing but don’t leave or give their stuff away. If you’re going, go?

Right? I double dog dare even! :slightly_smiling_face:

Resetting doesn’t really work though, the same groups will just rush for the same resources and we will be back to square 1 again


If you dislike isk so much send me some of it, began less than a year ago and I struggle staying above 1B

Fear of no ISk leads to Hoarding ISK … we should all just eat the wealthy then no financial inequality. :biting_lip:

we need the devs to patch this mechanic into alliance nullsec gameplay. :sweat_drops:

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