Time to make Windows 10 as *minimum* supported on Windows platforms

Excluded Windows versions (Not eligible for Windows 10 free upgrade):

Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 8/8.1 Enterprise, and Windows RT/RT 8.1. Active Software Assurance customers in volume licensing have the benefit to upgrade to Windows 10 enterprise offerings outside of this offer.

Enterprise and RT. You run those?

Those are not what Eve is marketed towards.

Your argument doesn’t hold.

Enterprise licenses, for one - and yes, some of us are running on work PCs. At least one kind of educational institution license group for another - I have one of those that cannot be upgraded.

You’re the one calling it all free to upgrade/free to use. Turns out you are incorrect that anyone and everyone who is capable of running EVE is also capable of upgrading to Windows 10 for free or using EVE Anywhere for free.

Also, CCP has noted the EVE Anywhere beta is ‘no additional cost’ to Omega during the beta test - there is every indication it will be an even more expensive subscription service once it is launched in full.

Look, if someone cannot or will not upgrade right now, and CCP is able and willing to support them as-is, it isn’t hurting you. Your gaming experience is not suffering because CCP is supporting older OSes. CCP is clearly still making a profit off the time going into that population - so the dev hours required to support it aren’t coming from other work, they are being paid for by that population.

Too bad. Use a proper license for gaming and claim your free upgrade. Otherwise, ask your work to upgrade.

Since when is a specific license type required for gaming?

That’s between you and your boss/company.

I am referring to consumer gamers.

No, that’s between you and your assumptions.

There is no reason for CCP to drop support of a specific OS so long as the cost of supporting the OS is more than recovered by the income from the users of said OS.

You have no valid argument.

I don’t think we should waste time listening to people who waste company time and resources on gaming in the workplace holding everybody back.

Nice assumptions and personal attacks.

If you want a computer to play games on in the workplace that can meet the mininum of W10, ask your company to get you one. They’re already paying so why not ask for more.

Where is the benefit to any other user in removing W7-8.1 support?

Oh. There isn’t one.

Well it would help you focus on doing actual work in the workplace for a start. That’s a big benefit to the company and their customers.

Again, the assumptions.

Using workplace hardware =/= failing to deliver work or costing the employer more time/money for the same work.

Well that’s between you and them, W10 for mininum. You can take it up with the company.

The company has no reason to upgrade.

Just like CCP has no reason to kick W7-8.1 users to the curb.

If they can afford volume licensing and enteprise editions, they can afford to get you a games machine.

Still dodging answering where the value add to customers or CCP is in this proposal, I see.

Eve anywhere can run on those volume licenses with a free browser, you already are using their network bandwidth at their cost so why not use it for Eve Anywhere.

sigh Can’t you answer an actual question?

I suppose the dodge is answer enough. You don’t have anything to say, because you know you don’t have a leg to stand on.

You already answered it for me, you use company hardware, company network bandwidth, company time, company volume licenses and you don’t like to pay for luxury services such as gaming.

You just want free things.

No, I don’t. You made a swath of assumptions and are sticking to them as if they prove some kind of point. They don’t, other than that you are incapable of honestly arguing for your change.

Your ad-hominem attacks only underscore your lack of honesty in the reason for requesting CCP drop support of the W7-8.1 OS platforms.