To: All lthe players who are quitting

Why devote time to scanning the message boards of a “dead game”?

Hmmmm… let me think… what this game gave me? pleasure?…fun?.. no… ISK?.. hell no!.. relationships?.. mos def no…knowledge, progres, experience, skill… also no! no! no!..
So what then?Pain?.. oh yeah, a lot of this ■■■■ i have tried… whats more? Shame, chaos, panic… true., true… How world have I found in this game looks like?.. full of lies, manipulation, fake propaganda… without humans… without right behaviors… without right comunications in it… world where some stupid mechanics are more important than humans… sick world no doubt…full of criminals, deviants and dirty planktons…
And believe me, i have put into my gamestyle all me, totally, no fakes, no manipulations, no lies…
■■■■ that i have lost many ISK and alot of time, thats nothing… i ve put my heart, my passion my creativity….and for what?To realize that once again i have trusted someone who not diserve it?
Sorry, i wont wait longer for some postive moments. I have waited too long for that. I cant be even sure that moment will appear someday.
Eve was created not for players only for system which proces game. Players start to be like live mechanics outside the game, not like players
After realize that you are only loosing when you play, , choice is so simple. Stop it! Loose It! Never come back to it! Now is much better, and for me was easy to loose it because i am not addicted. And if one day i read in newspaper something abouth my game…same moment proud fill my soul, no questions…
What will they feel game creators when they will realize that people after trying play tchem game, they escape far far away from it?Who cares?

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Give me your stuff if you think the game is dead…

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I didnt say game is dead. I said that game is sick and brings nothing.

You can always have goonswarm hold your stuff and this also helps when you come back and your application (if desired), nets you a guaranteed seat in the goonswarm family :roll_eyes:

Maybe if TEST didn’t have a ton of furries targeting small corps in high sec you’d have less players quitting. There needs to be a balance but no corporations want to stand up to that ■■■■ anymore. In the old days no corp would stand for that. So yes people will quit they’ll see an article 4 or 6 months from now to bring them back for a few days before being camped by the TEST furries which will ultimately have them leaving the game again.

Stand up for the little guy again, and see this game flourish.

Maybe the little guys should band together and become bigger.

The problem with hisec, is that youre bullied because you always rely on “Someone else” to solve your problems for you. Its far too common when i gank someone and they say “You’ll get yours” or “One day you will be on the losing side of ganking”, and its always the same question i have for them, which is “Why dont you do something about it instead of hoping that someone else will?”

Woah woah woah… whats wrong with furries? TEST yes but furries as a hole? I mean furries in general are a little… alot… okay we’re weird but not all of us deserve the bad rap that TEST brings us… p.s. as someone who’s lost multiple characters i can attest that starting over suuucks especially before skill injectors kicked in.


Furries don’t need an EVE corp to give them a bad rep.

eve is dead in the water. Ive played since launch and gone through many phases of inactivity. But of late Ive come to realize the stagnation in gameplay and mechanics wont end until ccp are faced with failure. The have failed to address massive issues with the game that make people want to quit. They cater to greifers. Most of EVE players don’t remember when the game didn’t have crap mechanics. Its become bloated under weight of more and more mechanics. The more they add the more people meta it to crap and the less fun the game has become.


I’ve accepted that I can never quit as I have played for too long and put lots of work into my character. CCP’s policies are good due to one being able to take a 5 year break and then come back and still find your character untouched.

Just like in real life nothing is ever going to be perfect, these days I just ride the waves as best I can and try to have fun times.

I like Eve with a passion as it is still a very unique game. All the best to the quitters, the remainers and the people currently taking a break.


I’m starting anew today.

Lock up your personal belongings, and wives and other things you may covet that are space related

(edited due to concerns regarding things and an assumption that people may not be familiar with bad 60s period comedies)


Lock up our wives?

Sorry, I meant assets. Edited for clarity.

I thought we were going to duet an acdc song. I see I misread the situation :frowning:

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Not at all. I’ll grab my shorts!

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The worst changes to this game were made in the name of small guy.
It already gets boring.


I was an eve online player from 2006 amass stuff and being in some good alliances and corps though I grew tried and very bored. My only connection with eve is through this account for nostalgic reasons. Eve online is a huge time commitment that I simply cannot afford and had came to a point where login filled me with dread. Now days I just play MWO at least it’s not a commitment but I can feel the same cycle, amassing stuff only to become bored.


back after 4 years with both of my accounts :slight_smile:


What about our daughters? Eh whatever leave them behind so we got time to get away