Bring your daughter to the slaughter.
How much beer can she carry?
Bring your daughter to the slaughter.
How much beer can she carry?
2 cans! Training her for three as we speak
Ok, good for you. As nobody asked… can i have your stuff?
sorry but i promised it someone before you
Fair enough.
or ‘most’ of your money back, like in “They mostly come out at night, mostly”.
If anybody is leaving, I am taking donations in form of exotic dancers.
I stopped playing a few years ago but I have yet to experience anything that draws me back in. So far each time I logged in to give it another go, the things that made me leave crop right back up.
I don’t see the point in biomassing other then freeing up database records. Since it’s not MY database there is no advantage to doing so.
Maybe next year.
Seek help if you are that affected by a game…
I did the intelligent thing when I quit (the week before CCP announced they were selling to PA)
I invested my isk in assets I know can’t go down in price, I kept all my other assets, gave nothing away.
I don’t plan on coming back any time within the next many years, but if I do I’ll be sitting on a gold mine
Praise James
Not so intelligent, you didn’t quit, you are taking a hiatus, quitting is biomassing, and trashing all assets (kinda wasteful, contract to me and be green).
Taking a break is not quitting, we all have taken a quit… I mean break.
It’s not
I know a lot of people who didn’t biomass or trash assets.
Biomassing is a waste lmao
Besides, I have the best corp name in existence so why would I even consider biomassing
Don’t know, but only know quitting is quitting to me this means ending in my understanding but it can mean something else to others so apology if I misunderstood the interpretation.
You put it all in Fedos? Well, ok…
I quit EvE a couple months ago, but not because I hate EvE, quite the opposite. I found I had played EvE for over 16k hours. I was surprised at myself. EvE has been great, but that’s much too much. 1.8 solid years of 24-hour playtime days. Yikes.
The stuff was taken care of. Folks like stuff, of course. Then I extracted the SP from my guys and turned it into plex. Gave the plex to someone to be donated to the next plex-for-good campaign, biomassed and requested permanent account deletion. Fini.
I will always cherish my time in EvE, but now the only remnants are the folders of screenshots and eve pics as mementos.
I am not playing, I just keep you in touch
I quit about a year ago and haven’t regretted it once nor have I seen anything worth reinstalling. Just got done checking out Onslaught, seems pretty boring so still nothing worth reinstalling for.
I take “quitting” to mean a definite end to something though I should point out I had to quit smoking several times before it worked.
The whole business of extracting SP and biomassing does seem a bit drastic to my way of thinking, but whatever is needed to make the quitting stick.
I don’t know for certain, but I think people biomass and trash everything because they feel addicted/stuck with the game while having developed a good amount of repulsion for what they perceive it is. If they don’t biomass, there is a high likelyhood for them to log back in sooner rather than later. My guess is the biomassing crowd are the ones who tried quitting or taking a longer hiatus for a while and not being able to withstand the temptation, while having repetetive experiences of no fun when doing so.
In other words, it’s really why people quit. If they quit on good terms, meaning they just have something better to do at this point, there is no reason to trash everything and I don’t think any of those guys do this. If you quit EVE not for such external but intrinsic reasons, like hating the game, the trashcan seems to make lots of sense. Just like a clean cut is best to end a bad relationship.
So at best you’ll be preaching to the salty people, but your suggestion will only make them come back and be even more salty, not doing anyone any good.
I ve found new game for me. Its called “long-term closed rehab”. Bye bye EVE
All the best to you @Kuba_Ganowski