To end The War

I’m pretty sure we’ve still got a bunch up there.


Yes, it will be giving up the survival. Probably weaklings gallente would do that way if they would be bullied. But if we are bullied - we fight back for what is ours.

But that’s exactly what they do in the Federation - they die for someone’s else wrong ideology.
In the State we die not for ideologies. We die, defending our families, land and assets from agressors. And we are not “forced” for military duty, we are trained how to defend ourselves from foreign agression. After all, our duty - is defense of ourselves. Corporate property is property of all citizens of the Corporation, and it is their duty to defend it… because, yes, it belongs to them.

Your corporation is your home. And the last thing you want inside your home is a gallente vagabond, who comes to kill your family and steal your resources.

As the Federation living “peacefully” and welcoming every citizen with open arms, it meets those, who don’t actually want to live there not with open arms, but with butts of their rifles, that they strike them, until they “want” to live peacefully inside. Which is, technically, anything but peaceful nation. It is a straightforward agressive, bullying and warmongering nation, but not peaceful.

And finally about brainwashing: how else would you call it, when they run 24/7 on every channels media, that claims, that democracy is good, that freedom is good? Even in entertainment media, “good” side fight for democracy or freedom. Can you imagine any gallente media offering an opposing point of view, showing that freedom is actually evil? Or that democracy is evil? I am pretty sure that producers of such program will be instantly “disappeared” by hands of Black Eagles. And compare with State media. Corporate system is good? Okay. Corporate system is bad? Okay. Patriotism is good? Okay. Patriotism is bad? Okay. Templis Dragonaurs are good? Okay. Templis Dragonaurs are bad? Okay. Liberalism is good? Okay. Liberalism is bad? Okay. Practicals are good? Okay. Practicals are bad? Okay. Mercantilism is good? Fine. Mercantilism is evil? Fine too. New Meritocracy is good? Awesome. New Meritocracy is bad? Fine~ offer something better?..

As you see, ideals in the State vary, and Citizens are provided with lots of options, they aren’t brainwashed to believe that only one thing is good and can’t be evil (like gallente false setting about freedom or democracy). Citizens are taught to think critically and make their own opinion, which is still mostly determined by the corporation they live in (because of the atmosphere, talks inside family and values).

Federation Navy. Black Eagles. Federal Senate. Federal President. Federal Navy HQ.
And they aren’t in our territory. They are in yours. Try catch them and bring them to justice, then we’ll talk.

Though except I’ve never ever called for genocide. It is a common gallente propaganda, that fails to defeat us, so they resort to dumb slandering of us, for example, claiming like we would want to genocide them.

But all we want in fact - is just to secure our lands from foreign invaders. Unlike gallenteans, we don’t really care about Federal citizens. We are professionals, we fight only those gallente, who take up guns against us. Counterwise, it is the gallenteans, who genocide Caldari colonists in Black Rise, who go there only to do honest work and make profits in peaceful ways.

Such gallente hypocrisy and slanders shall not stand :rage:

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Only thing I can say is, I don’t think cfc is the seen in the same light as the TLF to StaPro. I could be wrong on that, and i think I’ve been rather vocal on the fact GalMil has been rather hostile towards my group( including telling one of our members were the same as calmil in their eyes followed by destroying their ship since we don’t shoot allies though none of us have even stayed on field with them for more than 30 seconds. Yes I’m unhappy with them. Some allies… but I digress.) in local and mail. Hek, Cal mil has honestly been friendlier and they shoot at us mind you.


Why should the gallente media claim that freedom and democracy isn’t good at all? Why should they not run 24/7, showing the people what they all achieved together. From the entertainers in our casinos who bring fun to all of us, to the scientists in our universities who work hard to rewrite the limits and restriction of nature’s laws. From the traders who supply us with all the goods the universe provides and the engineers who make dreams reality, up to the brave soldiers who risk and give their lives for the Federation, for our families. Protecting us from the dangers of the universe.

Why should the gallente media oppose freedom and democracy and the heroes who live within and work hard for this great nation? Because of those wonderful people and their ideals these medias exist.

If someone really struggles to find his place in our nation, everyone is free to make his own mind by watching the caldari propaganda and become a slave of one of their corporations. But I don’t see a mass exodus of Gallenteans, that alone should say everything about who’s here the “good” and who is “wrong”.

The only exodus I see is that of Caldari, storming our borders in search of protection. Stripped of all of their possessions, separated from their families, traumatized by the continuous war instigated by Caldari fanatics. Fanatics who take away the children from their mothers, teaching them to fight and hate all Gallente wherever they are.

Maybe you should stop “protecting” Black Rise and let your citizens there decide by themself what kind of life they choose. Fighting the Gallente or live with them together in peace.
A live where children only draw pictures from flowery meadows in one of our countless space domes, instead of nightmarish monsters your people put inside their heads.

But I think I know your answer, that they aren’t worthy able to decide their destiny by themselves.


The actions you advocate are illegal in the State.


More like a fact statement.


Aren’t there authorities that should, you know, consider an officer inciting to commit illegal activities a good reason to initiate an activity so fondly by many known as “Court Martial”?


Because it is what I said it was: a brainwashing. Hammering down ideals into people’s heads without giving them a chance to comprehend and compare. Repeating same thing again and again and again ad nauseum, so gallente brainwashed people can’t even start to think that freedom can’t be not good.
They lack analytical capability to reason about freedom, to reason about democracy, because they think they are “good things”.
Just like you’d been told every day from earliest age, 24 hours a day that “Sitting on a chair is evil”, if in every movie your heroes would never sit on chairs and will be defeating those, who will be sitting on chairs, while those, who will be sitting will be displayed as terrible people by multiple standards and characteristics. And after that you’ll never sit on any chair. And you will say bad things about people who will sit on chairs.

It’s the same with democracy and freedom in the Federation. They make people believe they are good without even trying to understand. But if you try to think about these concept analytically, we can easily show that the freedom is actually one of the greatest evils of the mankind, and the democracy is one of the lest efficient ruling systems.

Is that what your brainwashing federal media told you? Ha! Have you seen any real Caldari who would try to run away into Federation? They would be laughed at in the State, because, trust me, no one with sane mind would run from the prosperity and opportunities that the State offers to these fanatics in the Federation, that fail to supply its citizens with manufactured goods and food, offering just some hedonistic shinies and empty words about freedoms and democraZies.

That’s what the State does. We create corporations and opportunities, we deliver goods and let our citizens chose whom to work for. And we protect their choice, their homes and their lives from gallente agressors, that storm their homes to destroy what they built and kill them, just beause they didn’t choose Gallente way of life.

They are perfectly legal in the Amarr Empire, after they will capture the Republic and make them part of their territory back.

Sure. But it remains illegal in the State, and I’m of the impression generally not thought well-of in the State due to various reasons.

Ergo, you’re advocating a policy that most right-thinking citizens would look down on, and doing so happily because you’re not for any damned thing, so much as you’re against whatever you feel like for the day.

Because you’re a troll.

There’s a reason why so many try to ignore you, counsel others to ignore you, and you’re resoundingly detested by so many.


That’s who you are, Priano. Joining the discussion not do discuss the idea, but to falsely accuse me of violating State rules even after I plainly and clear explained that I wasn’t talking about State territory.

You’ve been poisoning these forums for long enough, spreading lies about me like calling me mad, or provist, or flying ships I haven’t just for the sake of your inane rhetorics.

Just go away and stop spamming forums with your bile. Once a liar and losing your honor in public(as was documented here A chance for Makoto Priano to restore her honor (challenge) - Intergalactic Summit - EVE Online Forums ), no sane people will believe your rants anyway.

Be gone, troll.

Why attempt to discuss what you propose, Kim? You don’t really do that with anyone else, after all. You rail, you rant, you insult, and are probably laughing behind the screen.

Even here, you advocate actions that might fatally weaken the State, because you hate the Federation more than you love the State. Even here, you use Caldari Prime and the Malkalen attack as reason for total war against the Federation, even though your beloved criminal Heth attempted to destroy Caldari Prime, and even though you take every chance you can to insult and demean Ishukone. You make standards and martyrs of the very things you’d destroy yourself, given a chance.

Why bother trying to discuss anything with you?

But if we’re trotting out the old standby, then I may as well point observers to Kim’s complete derangement. Here she is denouncing some of my statements about Tibus Heth’s misdeeds, here I am providing extensive historical review, and here she is ignoring reality. Here’s an AAR of her attacking fellow StaPro pilots, and being destroyed by State station defenses for her illegal action. Here we have Diana Kim refusing to turn known terrorists in to State authorities even after the death of millions at Myrskaa. I’m sure the eagle-eyed could find other instances of her misbehavior. There’s no shortage.

To the observers, I ask: why discuss anything with a creature like this? She doesn’t actually care. Her zealotry is bereft of any actual purpose. It’s zealotry for the sake of zealotry.

For all that Kim claims to be the sole, the best example of a true State servant, she demonstrates that she’s morally bankrupt, little better than a pirate and terrorist.


If you don’t want to discuss my ideas, then why the hell are you in here in the first place. To troll? Looks like.

As for when I do insult, maybe if you will find ability to read when and whom I insult, you will find out, that I do that against those, who insult me, who insult the State, who insult my honor or try to stain my unsullied reputation - because, unlike you, I’ve never lost my honor so far. And I like to keep it like that. And I won’t tolerate any slanders against my person, against my organization, against my State.

If you don’t like being insulted and disrespected like that, Priano, learn yourself to treat people with respect, learn yourself speak like civilized person without insulting others, without slandering others. And I don’t talk about just myself, because in the exact rant you posted before you insulted former executor Tibus Heth.

And stop trolling threads, if you have nothing to say except insults and ranting with slanders about State personnel, keep your dishonorable mouth shut.

Thanks in advance.

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Heth-guri, Kim.

He’s a criminal. Unless you don’t accept the authority of the CEP?


And pounding it. Then in for some more pounding.

I’ll drop by to just remind about the definition of a Troll. No, not the cute mascot with funny hair.

Neither am I talking about a fearsome creature that roams the hills. It is often considered fuzzy, but it’s unwise to approach it - for its mighty, fuzzy arms serve it only to hold its prey still while it is devoured! Alive! Alive I say!

…okay, that was less fearsome, more disgusting. Anyway.

A common GalNet Troll is known to antagonize people. Often by posting derogatory comments, in a way to garner the most attention. They love to spark conflict with their rather polarizing opinions - which, of course, they don’t share themselves - it’s just a way to get the crowd riled up in the right direction.

…Or garner attention. I wonder which way we’re going in this case.


Not more than you.

Really? Because Heth-guri’s been declared an outlaw in Kaalakiota territories by KK. He’s been declared the leader of a terrorist insurrection by the CEP.

It didn’t help that he caused a true Caldari hero, Yanala-haani, to kill herself, and then lied about it. Or that he ordered the destruction of Caldari Prime. Or that he nearly bankrupted KK, and after this mismanagement tried to seize power over the other Megacorporations. Or that he and his terrorist compatriots stole State property, not once, but several times.


Your insults and slanders about our greatest Hero are appaling. None of your claims against him were proven to be true in the court or tribunal. You even dare to follow that gallentean way of thinking that it he caused Adm.Yanala to kill herself. I am even surprised you didn’t say “murdered”, like usual gallentean bootlickers tend to say. Anyway, just shows your lack of knowledge of Tea Maker ceremony and Caldari ideals.

And returning back to the crimes, your crimes weren’t proven in the court or tribunal as well, Priano. But unlike your alleged accusations of Caldari hero, the proof of your crimes is already on everyone’s plain sight, posted right here:

Now, cease your derailing and trolling. That should be already a different topic, as what are you coming with is not related to the current war we have, rather your futile attempts at staining our stainless reputation.

If you have any more question to me that are not related to the discussion, send a mail or start new discussion.

So, again, you disavow the declaration of the CEP, the highest body of the Caldari State.

And yet, somehow, you claim to be the most loyal to the State, the very one whose customs you blithely ignore, whose enemies you harbor, and whose policies and arbitrations you ignore at a whim.

How very loyal of you.


So, you are insisting on behavior of an uncivilized trash, Priano?