To hell with the Drifter scum

Now now, don’t be mean. Someone out there has a different viewpoint. This is bullying, and these poor people must swathe themselves up in the role of the denigrated victim. The misunderstood heroes. Part and parcel of vilifying opposing views they have few to no answers for.


Did I come off that way? No, it was message to baseliners and Capsuleers anywhere and everywhere to speak up and not let this pacifistic dribble prevent necessary action against this inhuman threat.

The Amarr got the right idea, they repair them and couldn’t care less if they were removed. Sure, took the death of their late Empress to see that. But now they wouldn’t dare let anything remotely close to such a tradgey happen again.

My views are not threatened one bit. But these talks of being peaceful with these drifters do need to be stomped out. Only way to do that is if all of us really together and say "We will not tolerate these Drifiters lurking in our space.

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Do you really feel like they’re the majority, Ms. Teinyhr? It seems like the majority (definitely in ARC) are more looking for a solution than “total annihilation.” If there’s an accord that can be reached, that would be a good thing. I don’t think I’m really in a minority, holding that position. The Amarr might not be easy to satisfy, considering, but I haven’t really been hearing diplomatic doors slamming shut on our side.

It’s more that the Drifters won’t, or can’t, but either way don’t, open theirs.


Funny how that goes both ways.

Agreed. There definitely isn’t a “majority” who are hellbent on their utter destruction.

But of course, anyone who doesn’t think the Drifters are totally harmless and we should just leave them alone must be a fanatic determined to wipe them out at all costs!



Sure seems like it. At least the destruction of Drifter vessels wherever they are and whatever they are doing, or, aren’t doing seems to be the most popular course of action.

Oh piss off. In a similar vein, anyone who’d wish to leave them alone until they actually do something warranting a violent response, must be ridiculously passive pacifistic bleeding hearts… Except this isn’t true, no matter how much people seem to love to imply so.

While this is not exactly the best thread for discussing this, During my absence I heard of reports of a new, seemingly more aggressive Drifter unit appearing, and it does have me concerned and evaluating my priorities in regards to the Drifters. But for now I’m still in surveillance mode waiting to see if these “Cassandra Tyrannos” and “Orion Tyrannos” entities establish somekind of predictable pattern as their brethren have.


Yes, let’s just let them ramp up their own arms race to improve their fleet variety rather than removing this tumor before it grows to strong to stop.

Come now, it is time for action! It’s time to keep the pressure on them as much as we can until we discover the solution to taking care of them for good. We could always use another gun willing to help pitch in.

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Well, as long as we can’t reach their production facilities, destroying them is somewhat of a futile endeavour, even if necessary - maybe?. They could be churning out thousands of them every hour and we wouldn’t know and we can’t stop them because we can’t access the star systems where they seem to live. Could be that by fighting these cruiser sized vessels you are actually giving them valuable data on how well their new vessel performs against capsuleer vessels.


Well they can’t seem to get around fleets made up of Coercers, so that last statement doesn’t exactly ring true.

As for saying it’s a futile endeavor to blow up production facilities. How do you even know? I didn’t say we had a solution, simply that we needed to FIND the solution. If we can’t access these supposive home systems then you know what we do? Find a way. Go in, kick all their pale asses and repeat the process

If anything, good spoils could come from it. Maybe snag some of their weaponry or reverse engineer their vessels. That over shield of theirs is pretty fancy, i must confess. A single production facility could lead to all some of that information. Much like with any production facility in New Eden.

So no…It’s not a futile effort.

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Which was actually my entire point.

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Looking at this combat report, it took you almost 30 destroyers to take out one or two cruisers? That is roughly how many you lost, anyway. And big surprise, 30 destroyers put out a respectable amount of damage if nothing else. But then, imagine more than a couple of those cruisers and looks like you’ll be needing destroyers by the hundreds.

Uh, I said the exact opposite? Without being able to reach Drifter production facilities, fighting the drifters in anything but defensive capacity, if they attack our facilities, is somewhat of a futile effort. How do you win conventional wars? By destroying or denying the enemy’s ability to reinforce their armies, by destroying production facilities or logistics. As it stands, right at this very moment, we can’t do any of that. In fact, some people feed them what are theorized to be “supplies” in the form of capsuleer biomass.


…You do realize those were with ARC during operations to remove several “Drifter ball” fleets made up of battleships and now cruisers. It’s pointless to go at them alone, I’ve grouped up to be more effective in my fight against the Drifters. I certainly killed more than one or two cruisers…

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The only report I have on hand only recounts your losses. Other was conjecture on what I’ve heard, that these cruisers appear in groups of two or three. If you engaged more hostiles then that is different.


I’m sorry, you were saying?


No need to be a snide asshole. I’m only going with the sources I have, cut me some slack.


So … here’s the thing, Ms. Teinyhr. It might be kind of hard to find daylight between Mr. Yaken’s actual week-to-week behavior on the Drifters, and mine. That doesn’t mean there’s no daylight between us-- just that we’re “on the same side” as far as involvement with ARC goes.

This is kind of an old issue, or for-the-moment-non-issue: I have the same difference with Alizabeth, but I do fly with SERAPH as well when they’re active. She’s a little pro-genocide, where the Drifters are concerned. For now it’s not a problem, because there seems to be no real prospect for peace. If a chance for a negotiated resolution appears, you might see a parting of ways. But there’s no disagreement, as of yet, about what needs to be done right now.

Mr. Yaken’s feelings make him a dedicated soldier; they’re useful that way (though they might make the rest of us look a little bloody-minded by association). The same’s true of Ali. I’m driven more by curiosity and a desire to see the crisis resolved, and I think a lot of ARC feels the same.

It’s maybe a difference in approach to our work: to Mr. Yaken, if I understand his vision of his role, stuff like diplomacy is somebody else’s problem, and not his proper role to be involved with at all. It’s his proper role to be a warrior, a destroyer, so he cultivates feelings that help with that. Ali, for her part, desires vengeance for the death of Empress Jamyl I, so, her path is that of an avenger.

Naturally, for a researcher, the proper role, and mentality, are a little different.


Uh, yes there is? That’s why this thread and others, satirical or not, have been made.

And I don’t believe I’ve criticized you specifically, though I disagree with your methods of sciencing.


I meant between her and me.

… I don’t want to make cheap shots, and I won’t, but, please don’t take my quotes out of context to make them say something different?

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I hate it when people do this, but making cheap shots isn’t a bad thing. You can make loads of money selling them to the student market in Luminaire


Seeing as we’ve been talking about differing viewpoints the past several messages, it wasn’t readily apparent and that’s how I understood it in that context. Sorry, if I read wrong.


An unfortunate quirk of the reporting system, when objects are all identified as identical it only shows them once. This is made even more difficult to parse when you add the fact that Drifters don’t give killmails, so there’s nothing public to show whether they were defeated or not.