To our friends in the State: Who did you work for?

Fair enough. Though I have to remind myself that the original purpose of the poll was to get an idea about the contribution of each megacorp and ideological camp in the State to our capsuleer population here at the Summit. The disenfranchised, sad to say, are not technically recognized citizens of the State.

I’d be more than willing to keep the option, though. It’s not as if this was a rigorous, hyper-technical census. I’ve edited the request. Many thanks for your contribution to the discussion.

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It’s worth noting that CalNav is not a Megacorporation in the full sense. It is a corporation, absolutely, but in the State the term Megacorporation has specific political and economic implications. CalNav is effectively a subsidiary of the CEP, and subordinated to the CEP and thus the eight Megacorporations. In theory, it should have no monolithic ideological bend, lest that cause power to gather in the hands of a central government and result in the disenfranchisement of the Megacorporations. We had already had that issue with the Gallente domination of the Federation, at the expense of its other member states.

Now, of course, reality is always infinitely more complicated than the abstract, as we see. Still, it bears consideration.


It certainly does. Particularly your point regarding the dangers of the Navy having any particular ideological/political bent.

It is for this reason that the State has always held a fascination for me. Its governance, the shifting undercurrents in the power dynamics within its political sphere, and the realities of daily life for its citizens seem topics nearly impenetrable to the common outsider. I might be guilty of speaking in hyperbole, but it makes the court intrigues and power struggles within our Empire seem like child’s posturing.

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I’m sure the Disenfranchised think all sorts of things - that doesn’t make them citizens.


Although just to clarify, these days I am in fact nothing more than an independent operator and I have no tacit associations with any Megacorporation in the State.


I had assumed that, for many capsuleers, that would very much be the case. It is perhaps the case that I have not made my intentions with this poll explicitly clear, so I will attempt to set the record straight now.

Wherever we are now, we all came from somewhere. It’s that “somewhere” that I’m interested in looking at. I’m attempting to get a general idea of the origins of the members of the Summit that are/were State citizens before they were granted the unique status we enjoy as capsuleers. Where their allegiances, or nostalgic fondnesses, currently lie is a topic for another time.

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Hey, I take offense to that. My husband is CBD and he’s a perfectly normal human being… aside from being unhealthily obsessed with accounting, planetary logistics and high efficiency manufacturing.

…damn. Okay, never mind then.


I find that Kaalakiota make weapons that are great but not the type that I preform best with but probably second only to Ishukone weapons that suit me better and I also prefer Ishukone in regards to politics as well.

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The thing is this, everything about Kaalakiota from the weapons it designs to its internal culture, to its foreign policy reflects a simple philosophy: If you desire peace; prepare for war. Is a weapon system like the Stahl Rail Rifles the best suited to platoon level engagements like Dust troops engaged in? Not really, no. It is however, a fantastic weapon for conventional war.

This is because the 2mm ferrous ammunition is cheap and easy to manufacture, easy to supply, and easy to carry a whole lot of in the field. The 0.25s delay and automatic fire only is less of a concern in a full-scale conventional conflict because current doctrines don’t emphasize precision, they emphasize sheer volume of fire to suppress enemy positions to outflank them with maneuver elements.

It is a maxim of history, that in periods of relative peace it becomes in vogue to reduce the military, to convince oneself that we can all be friends, we can all be nice to each other, and surely there is no need for all the construction of weapons that can be resources better placed elsewhere. It is an equal maxim of history that societies that do so only set themselves up for a fall in their misguided belief of some better nature existing in man. Just look at the lessons of the Minmatar who pursued peace at any cost thinking that resulted in nothing more than the destruction of their society and their enslavement for centuries.

That “Peace at any cost” thinking and the dangerous lack of foresight inherent in it, remains the crux of ire at the politics of the Liberals within the State, among many within Kaalakiota. When the Caldari people already have their own lessons to draw from such thinking. There was a time when, prior to the formation of the State, people espoused much the same thinking – that Caldari could live in peace with the Federation, that they would accept the principles of self-determination, independence, and the autonomy of a separate polity.

What was the price of such thinking? A homeworld bombed and forced to fight a war with converted civilian craft for decades because surely according to such people as existed then and exist now in Ishukone we should trust in the better nature of others at great cost to ourselves.

Never again, I say.

Never again to trust the delusional who believe the words of those who would seek to disguise malice behind the cloak of noble intentions.

People can say what they want of Kaalakiota, that it is bellicose, its people arrogant or imperious, stubborn, recalcitrant, hawkish, or xenophobic, but at the end of the day it matters little what people say or think so long as peace and prosperity remains secured through force of arms.


I was born to citizens of the Ishukone Corporation and thus hold Ishukone citizenship. I grew up planetside at an Ishukone company town on Itamo IV, which specialised in light industry, agriculture and research and development. Admittedly I spent little time in the direct employ of Ishukone, having pursued a career in the State Armed Forces upon completion of my compulsorily period of national service and subsequently being selected for officer training at the State War Academy, where my compatibility with the capsule was discovered.

However, after spending nearly a decade as an independent starship captain and having dealt with individuals and organisations from the Republic, Federation and Empire, I’ve found the philosophy espoused by the Ishukone Corporation to be the best way forward for improving relations between those entities and the State itself. The most effective way to ensure peace and prosperity for all is to take steps to build bridges, encourage economic co-operation with foreign parties and to forge friendships across borders, rather than withdraw from the cluster behind our fortifications and isolate ourselves.


That was me… I was never really that good with numbers.


That’s interesting. I know that because of their ties with the Kingdom the State tolerates the Khanid a little more than other non-Caldari bloodlines, but I would have expected the Khanid to gravitate towards the megacorps with more consequential ties to the Empire and the Kingdom, like Lai Dai.

Born in the State? Immigrated? If the latter, how did you end up with CBD?

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Immigrated. The place I lived (in the system of Sankkasen) was owned and leased by CBD, so I just went with what was closer and easier.


Disenfranchised. I gave up my Caldari citizenship and I now work for the Minmatar. As a former associate of Tibus Heth it was difficult to find work within the Caldari.


Okay, I have to ask. How did you manage to get pilot school admission with that sort of background?




Short, simple, to the point. Very Caldari.


My first question would’ve been “how was it any easier to find work with the Minmatar?”


The Minmatar are no strangers to hiring the…questionable elements of society. They take what they can get. Just look at Republic Security Services, the Valklears, and the terrorist cells supported by the Republic Justice Department for examples.

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We’re just awful, awful people.