Today is my birthday and one guy sent me a eve mail wishing my family die from the coff

I guess it only works for empty topics.

Maybe one of the “Veterans” on the forums can do it :thinking:

they prob do
i flagged for moderation to delete lets see how it works

I didn’t say it was acceptable, I said it’s well known some people react that way. Given the number of fights you’ve had I’ll have to call BS if you’re going to pretend you only expect “gf” responses.

When I took a certain disciplinary step against one of my nephews once, he flew into a rage and screamed “I’ll stab your eyes out with a fork you *&$^#! I’ll burn your house down!”. I didn’t turn around and tell everyone “OMG this is not normal how could this kid threaten murder when he’s angry?”. I made him aware of the consequences of his actions.

Kids blow off steam because they get mad and don’t have the power to do anything besides vent angrily. Some adults and kids get their jollies out of asymmetric combat and they go out of their way to find games where they can win fights against comparatively easy opponents, because it makes them feel special.

Personally I find both behaviours reprehensible, but I certainly don’t run crying to the forums just because some rando with personality issues engages in them.

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yeah but I’m used to GF
you would be surprised how people like to pvp and its a civilized affair most of the time


Closed at OP’s request.

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