Too many f##'&$%&^$%$ blues

I don’t want to get off topic, so I will simply point out that the above statement is an absolute. Are you sure you want to take an absolutist stance, here?

Really, both societies are not advanced, they are only differently indoctrinated. Considering china, its a country with thousands of years of traditions and with teachings of people like Confucius, but what does it mean when you cant keep people from fighting themselves.

Thats why it doesnt really matter, only two things are important for survival of the regime, being a step ahead of the enemy when it comes to indoctrination and tools of violence.

This is seen very clearly by people in Syria, in Venezuela, and other regions where conflicts are arising.

If regime loses monopoly on indoctrination and violence, “advanced” societies return to more primitive structures, like in mesoamerica.

For example in a movie “the things to come” engineers used more effective weaponry and ideas than everyone else to rule the world and end all conflicts.

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“only two things are important for survival of the regime, being a step ahead of the enemy when it comes to indoctrination and tools of violence.”

This is an incredibly pessimistic viewpoint. In essence, you seem to be saying that you believe ultimately, only lies and force determine the course and outcome of history, society, civilization. In the words of a little, green, fictional hero I saw in a movie, “You must unlearn what you have learned.”
This idea is unacceptable.
That you believe this idea, is unacceptable.
That the world has exhibited this pattern, is unacceptable.
This is why I play EVE Online.

When I started EVE, I was assaulted by the stark vision of civilization in retreat, of a cluster of people who had abandoned many of the concepts that comprise my idea of civility. Maybe they never subscribed to such silly, idealistic notions as mercy, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, tolerance, etc. to begin with. But, I do. I am not a person who just exists within the construction we call “civilization”. I am a person who builds it. It is not my refuge from aggression and chaos. It is my unrelenting response to it. It is the height of absurdity for me to accept an idea like “lies and aggression are all that matter in the world”, even in a game, especially in a game. I can not abandon the tenets of civilization. I AM civlilization.
I will not retreat.

We’ll see what ultimately determines the outcome of our shared story. I am already sure it is not deception and violence.

Adapt or die.

Adaptation has occurred for me like it has for the hordes of chaos players I represent.

Sadly, that mostly looks like the purchase of other games.

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If you like chaos, why don’t you just create it in game? And, what does it look like, anyway? I would think that if you liked chaos, you would be licking your chops to blue everyone and then sow the seeds of chaos from within, but you are uwilling to accept the paradigm you find yourself in in EVE. Instead, you are retreating in defeat. That is your prerogative.

Godspeed, capsuleer. o7

Nana is a Sith!

No, WE are civilization. Civilization build on reciprocity. Violence and indoctrination is just there to assure that reciprocity can be executed.

Reciprocity is underlying all social structures and is most primitive and most basic form of social bond that is tying group. Everything is build on top of it.

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It is whatever you decide you want it to be, I can play solo as a player and I can play as part of a team.

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Retention low. CCP makes high sec safe.
No like? Buy CCP for $500 mil to $1 bil.
It is not that complex.

Some people don’t want to be the npc in your game. If you cannot find any of the 32000 players to play with you maybe it’s the 32000 guys and not you…and CCP has to force them to be your toy. Hmm retention.

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Okay, well, Goonswarm obviously wants it to be a team game, and as a team, they have prevailed. Unfortunately, I declare that EVE is a single player games, and as such, most of them are losers. :frowning:. What now?

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You can declare whatever victory condition you feel like, I won a victory against mining boredom getting a Nid into production… Yay!!!

Examples of chaos:

The first war I ever declared went great. My Indy Corp kicked the jolly crap out of some other Indy Corp because One of their members insulted me in local (and he was absolutely right about me).

Well, true to my nature, I started liking 3 or 4 of these guys because they just kept fighting. But their leadership didn’t think I was such a swell guy… so their leadership hired some little PvP Corp to attack my Corp.

But by that time, I was chatting up their Corp mates and teaching them stuff and becoming popular with my war targets… and they wanted me to teach them to fight.

Obviously they needed a target.

Who did I talk them into declaring war on? The PvP Corp they had just paid to declare war on me.

Don’t know what those guys thought… but we chased them together.

Another instance (if you google Mobadder Thworst, you can read a blog entry a guy wrote about this one… called “Blast from the Past” somethingorother)

I declared war on some industrial Corp from a few jumps away from Akiainavas. On the opening day of the war, they rolled a fleet on my little Corp and we gave them a pretty honest kicking.

Well, the next day we went hunting them and some terribly rude players were ststion camping them… and being downright nasty about it.

We bowed out… didn’t want anything to do with that.

Another day later, one of their top guys contacted me and wanted to know why the war. I was hoping to score a “contract buyout” so I implied that the other PvP Corp hired us to support their dec. and I got a billion isk buyout.

But I liked the guy.

So, I decided to make sure they got their money’s worth… so I got in with them and started training… refitting… and ultimately we took them hunting… for the rude PvP Corp.

With a little training, scouting by my Corp mates, and all the remote reps I could squirt… we smashed that little wardec Corp with a kitchen sink fleet of total PvP noobs…

And, that blog I mentioned earlier… written 3 years after the incident happened… that sort of expresses how much fun those guys had going from pure Indy to successfully annihilating a small PvP Corp.

The guys blog… written 3 years after it happened

One day I was can flipping in griffin, and I flipped a new player who was mining in a cormorant. He stopped mining and warped away.

Maybe 20 minutes later, he started questioning my raising and heritage in local and suggested I would never have the fortitude to flip him again.

It felt suspiciously like a trap.

As I have always done with traps… I went back to the belt and flew right into it and flipped his can.

At which point his ceo (who my memory says was quit a bit older character than me) arrived in a thorax and they attacked.

I was able to jam the cormorant while my one little drone was killing him and I orbited the thorax outside his range. Then I started work on the thorax, trying to balance the damage inbound on my absolutely paper tank and do enough damage to make progress on him.

I was jamming him maybe 2 out of 3 cycles and when a cycle dropped, he would just knock my shields off and I’d have to orbit away in order to survive.

His buddy came back again in the Corm… and I killed him again with the drone.

Eventually, I closed the kill on the thorax… griffin on fire, deep in structure, hands shaking.


I remember an instance where some noobs that were like a week old flipped my cab on station

Quaaid and I shipped down to velators (with remote reps) and played until they got us.

You would have thought those noobs won the Super Bowl.


A fun morning of losing my ship:
Taking every fight in town in a merlin

Another reckless morning explained of forums

I feel like this has a lot of bearing on the topic at hand, as taking over the game by simply making friends with everyone is antithetical to what you have said about regimes needing deception and violence. (I know; I know; are they REALLY being friends or just using the pretense of friendship to get what they want?)

I also feel like he connection might be hard for some people to see and this whole exchange might get scrubbed from the thread. If so, please feel free to send me an EVE-mail or convo me in game. :fearful:

I have occasionally quoted Thunderdick7 as having said: “You [expletive deleted] on me I [expletive deleted] on you, mother[expletive deleted].” I think he and I agree with you on this point, to an extent. Like, maybe reciprocity is 50% of what society is built on, and non-reciprocity is the other 50%. lol

It sounds like you were “playing”. Play occurs without expectation of outcome, except maybe the expectation of fun or learning. Why can you no longer play EVE? Is it the game that has changed or is it that you now have specific expectations?


Essentially, everyone who used to “play” by your definition has quit.

Now, everywhere I go everyone is just pve’ing or blobbing (if I go low or null, the additional tedium of organizational rules and logistics tends to bore me out of the game). The interaction is dead, specifically in the small gang and solo field.

I loved highsec for the market availability and the transient nature of fights. I loved small gang and solo for the tactical and maneuver elements. I loved Eve crime for the drama of it.

But if there are no skilled fighters left to fight… the drama that used to be playing in local chat has gone silent. The war fleets of high no longer hunt and camp targets.

I can go blapping noobs in ventures I guess…

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This doesn’t sound like there are too many blues. It just sounds like the game has changed and so have the people who play it. At some point, your opposition adapts to your strategy. Now, the onus is on you. Go and kill the PVE-ers. Resist the blob. Disrupt the tendency to over organize and over analyze. Go and interact with those people you claim aren’t interacting. How hard can it really be to say hello. Send them a convo. Send them an EVE-mail. Shoot them! Help them.

When you first started, you went and made the game what you wanted it to be, but other players were doing the same. Eventually, your opposition adapts to your strategy. Adapt back.

If this is your idea of a good time or a good gaming experience, then I can understand your gripe. CCP and the players have made it harder and harder for you. But, that’s what you get for making it harder for them.


The problem is that I don’t want to fight pve players.

They’re not really that interesting to fight and they’re so shrouded innsafeties now that it’s a lot of work to fight someone who has never fought before.

I want to fight PvP players… but the skilled cadre that used to push me is just gone.

Even when I get fights… it’s just empty. But it used to be amazing.

Think ecosystem. If pve players are plants… I can eat plants… but I want to eat the rabbits who eat plants. And the foxes who eat rabbits. And the wolves who eat foxes.

All that’s left is plants. I’m looking for a game where I can exercise skill and analytics against worthy opponents.

Eve used to be the best at that.

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Why do you ignore me challenging you?
I can’t make it easier for you than offering you to try and deal with me in a 1.0.

I’ll fit something up. Maybe later today I can get on.

I lost most of my ships and SP when I biomassed Mo

Get ready for some T1 scuffles.