That is not an issue as per my explanation above, if you read it of course and don’t misquote me!
Its a huge fking issue.
11 Omega players can suddenly add another 11 Alphas to their fleet, for free.
Instead of 11 ships, it doubles to 22.
How the fk do you not understand that simple math?
Makes no real effective difference in many situations, and I can say that as someone who multi-boxers. The more you try to do the less efficient you are.
Lets say a roaming gang has 10 Omega players.
In your ludicrous suggestion, that gang will turn into 10 Omegas + 10 Alphas, doubling the size of the gang to 20 ships flown by 10 players, for no cost.
What are you smoking, that you think “that makes no effective difference”?
Ive flown multiple accounts for years. It is not hard to operate them.
Salvos very rarely reads anything else than what he wants to see in what one says.
He has this idea of what you said in his mind, and what you actually said doesn’t really matter to him at this point.
Lets say a major battle has 2k Omega players.
After you stupid suggestion, that will mushroom to an additional 2k Alpha characters in the battle, doubling the size of the engagement.
He wants a free Alpha to fly alongside an Omega.
But only one Alpha, no matter how many Omegas that client has subbed.
And this is where you absolutely do not get it… There is no real value in doing that, most nullsec players will have multiple Omega accounts flying something a lot better and there is a limit to how many accounts you can effectively multibox, so you are wrong, your example does not hold any water at all.
So for me I would have a sub cap main and perhaps a dread in that fight on Omega’s, I would be too busy operating them to bother with an alpha.
Explain then.
It’s funny how always the same people tend to drain my reserves.
He just did and he’s right.
Most people in null aren’t multiboxing in fleets, especially sub cap fleets. It often happens with a capital on a second account, or people might have scouts out.
There are very few people that can multibox roaming subcap fleets effectively (look at the AT feeder rounds from last year with the one guy running a whole fleet. He didnt win a match - multiboxing splits attention and reduces efficiency at subcap level) though Capitals give more time to make decisions, so they can be multiboxed.
But these are all Omega accounts. 2000 Omegas in a system won’t turn into 4000 characters. Most of those people still won’t be able to effectively multibox subcaps.
Its a piece of cake to multibox.
Most of us have been doing it for years.
With two toons you dont even need split-screening and/or multiple monitors.
You are grossy overstating it.
A free Alpha alongside Omega will FORCE people to multibox, moreso than now.
It makes multiboxing, systemically, the new meta.
If you want to fly two ships at the same time, then sub them.
Any fleet of Omegas that did NOT bring their free Alphas along, will be at a disadvantage, if this change happened.
The potential to DOUBLE the amount of ships in space for every Omega player, for free, will become a requirement.
Every FC will require it.
If you believe multiboxing is bad now then you should of been around when macroing was legal.
You see CCP didn’t always have a conscience when it comes to game mechanics. Obviously they do now but this was not always the case, there were fleets of 20 to whatever ships deep flown by one player all with macroed action so they could control all ships with 1 keystroke.
This was not fun and did ruin the game for many, but those times are past (hopefully) and saying you cant do fine with 1 ship nowadays is just wrong as we see many many mistakes made by multiboxers nowadays.
This is EVE.
Not just when it comes to multi-boxing either.
Anything not allowed / encouraged in other games is pretty much the norm in EVE. This is what makes EVE different. Not necessarily saying this is what makes EVE good, because in many cases I think it doesn’t (including multi-boxing which I think has reached ludicrous levels) but such is EVE.
If you play EVE you have to leave that ‘other games’ mentality at the door.
Any attempt to convert EVE into a more ‘other games’ type space is missing the point.
You play EVE because of / despite all these things being allowed.
If you can’t accept these things, you don’t play EVE.
It is that simple.
Ok. Let’s do a challenge. I’ll grab just me and one other alliance member and we’ll go up against you dual boxing a PvP engagement.
Are you up for it?
You are conflating two minds and four hands, with one mind and two hands.
Nobody has claimed that a solo player can fly 2 accounts together better than 2 players flying one each.
It’s a natural extension of what you were claiming. 2000 would become 4000, which it wouldn’t, combined with your claim that multiboxing is a piece of cake.
If it was so simple, it would be happening at subcap level already, because all those players taking part in large fights have multiple accounts and could multibox now.
It doesn’t happen, because it lacks efficiency. 2 is in many cases is less than 1 because you can’t put 100% attention into either character.
But since multiboxing is so easy, prove it. Take the challenge.
If you think it evens the odds more, then dual box against me solo. Surely that will make you so much stronger.
I dont like the idea of multiboxing so I dont do it.
I completely disagree it puts your to a disadvantage. I am doing mostly high sec escelations which land me easily 30 mil per hour of semi afk actitivy.
The money is more than good enough to easily PLEX my account.
EVE is easy when you figure out the over complicated stuff and avoid any common advice.
Also I recently dropped from omega to alpha and I am very suprised how much fun stuff I can still do. I was ready to plex my account but I decided to test out alpha a bit more instead.
It seems my experience with EVE has been the polar opposite of most people.
I dont think so. That seems pretty typical.
I think there’s just a difference in what is being discussed, with one discussion being about multiboxing roaming fleets, so PvP.
Multiboxing pve activities, depending on what they are, is simple. Multiboxed mining fleets or AFKing multiple ratters, that is straight forward (not to diminish it as a play choice).
That’s also not to compare PvP v PvE and say one is harder than the other. PvE is a fine choice of play, just not totally what is being discussed.
The OP mentioned multiboxing mining so I fail to see how PVE is not what is being discussed.
Obviously PVE is harder when the majority of PVP in EVE is 10 vs 1. But then 90% of the game is PVE anyway so not that relevant.
I cannot say if multiboxing PVP is harder than multiboxing PVE. So far my experience was taught me is that the hardest part of PVP is to find a real fun and challenging battle.
But both come with their degrees of difficult depending on what you target.