Multi-boxing is a players choice not a necessity. If you feel you need to do it ‘just to keep up with the Joneses’ then take a look at what you want from this game.
You can make 3 toons on your account that will do pretty much anything you could want, if you want to do it all at once then become a multi-boxer, if not then don’t.
As for paying for more than 1 account, I have never met a multi-boxer who pays for the game, ever. People multi-box to generate isk to buy PLEX in game.
Your choice, no one else’s.
If you compare it to other games how many give you all skills in every class on the first day? It takes time, same here, you want to go everywhere and do everything, take your 3 character slots and plan. Or multi-box and plan, it still takes a looooong time.
A common misconception is ‘most games ban muilti-boxing’ nope. It used to be but that has changed. Most (non pure pvp) MMO’s know multi/dual boxing is the way and encourage it. Companies like SSG (who now run DDO and LOTRO) will give codes to add your DDO account to your LOTRO account and vice versa, when I put in a ticket to have it done I stated I would be multiboxing 5 accounts, the reply I received was ‘have fun’
Multi-boxing is just another game dimension, it does not cost real life money unless you want it to. Other people multi-boxing can only break your game if you let it , like griefers, bumpers, gankers or anything else in this game.
As for botting, who cares? A station trader can break markets quicker than a botter (and do), all the ice and ore replenishes every 24 hours, PLEX prices are affected mainly by CCP thinking up new idiotic ways to spend them, if you see a botter and don’t like it, KILL THEM, they will move on.