Total War Against the CODE Alliance

Hey, genius, Concord does not automatically show up just because you are -10. The faction police do, but if you are tethered at a citadel, they can’t do jack squat. And CODE isn’t just going to sit there and let you shoot at their citadel. I’d personally give any member of CODE 1 billion ISK for each authenticated kill mail of your pod at this point.




If you wish to end CODE do what I do. Give them no power.

DrysonBennington someone™ do something™ thread #92815542


I’ve long known the type - but I can’t resist goosing them, although I know it only makes them worse…

Is the citadel unarmed? What if it is armed and a man is at the ready?

OMG, this newb has no idea of eve mechanics…so with my starter corp alt(s)…cough cough…like me, I fly’s me freighter to the structure and I docks…I gets the loots…because we all know…well maybe not all of us…but the rest of us know about these thingy things call timers and how they work to our advantage…
Ganking is part of the game, I support CODE and what they do and hope they continue to make crybaby’s cry because that is really what this game is about…gankers gonna gank !


Wait a minute how did all this anti-code trash suddenly turn to involve getting rid of Kane to??

Is this just some random CODE propaganda alt? I mean, the CODE meta on this forum had been less active for some weeks.

Dryson I think you’re committing a total war against the eve forums. You may want to cut down a bit on your topic creation.


You mean @DrysonBennington is just a CODE. shill we have planted in the game to spam the forums with threads about CODE. to make us look like a threat and to make anti-ganking look really bad?

A really interesting theory you have there.

Unfortunately, because of certain TOS rules I can’t conform or deny that @DrysonBennington is actually my alt. But I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Goonswarm overlords for making all this possible.


If you want to get rid of code fly heavily tanked mallers with double wraps through their space :stuck_out_tongue: They will soon run out of isk.


That’s all I see in these posts anymore.


Anyway, this game would be a lot less funny if everyone is non-salty and smart.


Typical response from a Clone Aspirant, using catch words the someone else has already used because they can’t create catch words on their own.

I was looking through CODE.s killboard and noticed that they have destroyed 60.28 trillion ISK worth of modules, ships and pods. That works out to approx. 1.6 million dollars worth of destruction that CODE has done through ganking or approximately 200 Revenants.

Therefore CODE probably has enough scooped loot on hand that is possibly around 3 million dollars worth that they sell on the markets and equip their gank fleets with.

That is a lot of stolen loot to have on hand not to mention the Permit Scam that they run.

The Total War against CODE in High Sec really isn’t about wiping CODE. out of existence. Its about destroying their Citadels so that their assets will go in asset wrap protection costing them alot of ISK to get out of Wrap.

If CODE has 1 trillion ISK in value in a station and it goes into Wrap after their Citadel has been destroyed it would cost CODE 150 billion in ISK to retrieve their assets from station that is not in the same system where they lost the Citadel.

For same system Wrap recovery it would cost CODE approximately 50 billion ISK.

Attrition basically.

I guess you will spearhead the effort and wardec CODE. now. Right?

Or will you just wait docked up and hope someone will fight the wars you dream up?


Speaking of dreaming…still living a life in internet space that you will never be able to obtain in space?

We own all of highsec. We are the biggest sov holders in this game.


Delusion…no one owns High Sec.

You do not hold any High Sec Sov because you do not have the ability to field Titans and Capitals along with Sub-Capitals to truly confirm a Sov holding let alone none of the systems are re-named to your liking.

But the smallest factor that separates Sov from Null space is…you don’t have the ability to bubble up any gates.

When James 315 was voted into office as Supreme Protector of Highsec many many years ago, the people of Highsec declared him their sovereign over all of Highsec.

Since James 315 is the head of our alliances this basically means that CODE. is holing sov over Highsec.

This is known by every man, women and child all around EVE, so I don’t know why you have so much trouble accepting it. We represent the officially elected and recognized government and the law of Highsec.

If you attack us you are against civilisation and democracy. You are a filthy little rebel, a terrorist. Not a very good terrorist I suppose, but nonetheless a terrorist.