Totally Inaccurate "Survey"

Interesting survey, gave me some insight in motivators. And gave CCP some insight in the types of players that fill in surveys.

Anyway, the survey only holds a mirror in front of you based on your answers, so whoever is complaining about it ‘being inaccurate’, you didn’t fill in the right answers. :wink:


You can only do it on one account.

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You’re just mad because it sorted into Hufflepuff.

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I’m sure I’ve screwed up their “buckets”, through being “weird”. At least I hope I have. :wink:

Meh…I keep a venture around some hangars. Helps offset ammo costs as I when I take a long walk from “home” systems I bring ammo BPC’s. Even basic crap indy skills makes ammo decent enough to avoid gouging.

Oh you are in a backwater area and need titanium sabot? Gonna cost you…

Not really. Cost of indy job install and done with just a few rocks mined.


Seems the survey just want to say: " I know your life is a mess but your doing great.":expressionless:

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I tried to do it but I gave up at “7 emotions you feel when you launch eve”. Like, what kind of question is that? I couldn’t name 7 different emotions, period, the only thing I’m feeling when I launch Eve is bored (which is why I’m launching Eve).
Whatever CCP thinks they’re getting out of that survey they should really reconsider, because it’s sure as hell not actually useful.

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links freeze my mac client in current eve version
so i cant do the survey , can you guys make it accessible thought the site?

I have participated on the survey. If this can possibly help CCP to improve our game and gaming experience , why not…
To be frank, I would have liked for CCP to invest their resources into something more meaningful , than a silly questionnaire . I remember having these kind of questionnaires almost 17 years ago while I was in high school on psychology and professional counseling classes . They do not help very much in defining one’s personality , at most they can give a general picture.


CCP havent. They were presumably paid by a third party company to (seems to be) test their newest, most useless corporate exercise.

Its clearly a prototype for a service that companies will buy to use on their staff to tick the “We have to pretend to be interested in you as a person and want your brain to function at maximum work efficency, so we will pretend to help” box.


Or it just was a quid pro quo thing.

Meh… hope it will help them somehow…


Well Im sure the EvE specific questions will be used for something by CCP.

Dont worry, It can always be worse.

Am I doing it right?

Ha, all these people revolted by taking a look in a pseudo-scientific mirror. :slight_smile:

To the guy who claims to be mentally unwell & being diagnosed as o.k, your hypocondra is probably “o.k” on the who we should be concerned about mental unwell chart.

When it says your mental health is “OK” it means for society not you. I understand a self obsessed narcasistic hypacondract would not even presume the valuation of their mental wellness pertained to the well being of others.

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The survey is just junk science. Ignore, move on.

It is psychiatry, the whole field is mainly pseudo science with only its fringes entering real science.

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Unlike Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health!

Buy now!

Not sure about the pretend to be interested in you bit… I work for a company that uses EQ testing extensively and it really works. IQ will get you recognised, but it’s often EQ that determines if you’re suitable for progression. We have a great SMT as a result.

In contrast my wife works in the health sector where there is very little testing and as a result lots of high IQ low EQ types managing people. They lose their ■■■■ at the drop of a hat, cannot accept responsibility for their own failures/misgivings, employ character assassination should anyone try to share a difference of opinion and harass people based purely on assumption… Which is interestingly a lot of the types you see on here!!

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