Totally Inaccurate "Survey"

The trendy name for this these days is “soft skills.” And you’re right, soft skills are the important things these days in bigger companies.

Fortunately, I usually work for smaller companies that just have to ship products to survive, so they need hard skills more than softs skills.

Grumpy neckbeard nerds FTW.

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Well, its customer feedback survey not “Find Out What Kind Of Bread Are You Quiz”. Main point of which is to gauge product satisfaction, not to diagnose your clinical depression.


Eh like any religion, as long as you feel a benefit, then whats the harm I guess.

My mental wellbeing would be better served not being required to do tedious only-helpful-to-progression-if-above-my-paygrade exercises.

In my experience its as kind of “look how we care about our staff” in the same way as “look how much our company donated to charity” when it was just the staff donating part of their own pay.

I suppose experiences and how you view will vary depending.


how did the OP answer the survey wrong? very strange. it’s not hard.

I didn’t answer the survey “wrong”. I answered to the best of my knowledge. The survey is flawed, imho.

Dray Cil

Might want to learn how to spell “Hypochondria” correctly.

I’m the guy that “claims” to be unwell. What do want, my diagnosis documents? My disability award letter? Get off your high horse and realize there are some in this world that are real-life affected, not just with “society” but individually as well. No, I am not a self-obsessed narcissist (another word you got wrong), I am in pain both physically and mentally. Anyway, you and the forum don’t require my life story, just another example of societal stigma against the mentally ill.

Dray Cil


FWIW, it’s depressingly common in RL… sometimes the forums are the “safe space”.

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Odd, I don’t recall any questions related to product satisfaction on the survey.

What I do remember is a lot of personality-diagnostic questions.

Did you actually take the survey?

CCP is apparently trying to understand motivators for their playerbase - and didn’t bother telling 12traits to disable all the COVID wellness evaluation messages on the final page (as 12traits has been primarily providing employers with wellness check-in surveys for their employees who are now working from home and thus not getting opportunities to check-in directly with their teams). Everything after the motivation-related stuff is bunk, as insufficient data was requested in the survey to make any analysis of general health and wellness indicators.


I haven’t seen such a bunch of meaningless psychological babel since I read all the fortune cookie messages from my last Chinese takeout. :roll_eyes:

I mean there was one question that needed asking, it’s the same question that is debated over and over again on these forums, and that divides the playerbase. Why not ask that one question?

I guess they’re afraid of the answer. As are most of the people who post on this forum.

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I did answer those as accurately as possible but did realise how little brands matter unless it’s chocolate or tea. Good luck to anyone trying to make sense of the data.

I put Acme, Wazco and The Tyrrell Corporation


It is quite the decision to use this type of “Service” to try to boost your numbers. If you go to the website of 12traits and start reading their promises you’d think you just jumped into Jita on a bad day and you’ll be offered a visit to the dark room for the bonus round and triple money.
Anyway, the usual EvE public can have its field day trolling the survey. And given the results of the personal survey, yep, I’d say it’s not even close to recognizable. My favorite brand is Smith&Wesson, and my favorite app is Pirate’s Little Helper. There.


Sounds like a normal CCP survey. I mean the Other CCP. Lol. Giving them your private data unknowingly.:sweat_smile: seems something dirty going on here.:roll_eyes:

Fixed it for you.


How do you unknowingly fill out a survey?

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Also, all they have on you is your email address which if you’re not stupid isn’t going to be your real one. IF CCP even shared that with them which I doubt.