TQ under DDoS attack - 12 January 2020 [RESOLVED]

The situation looks to be under control now. If anyone is still having problems connecting to the game, please let us know - we are going to continue monitoring our services and inform you about any further issues accordingly.

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yeah sure you will

So now Iran is playing EVE?

No, Trump’s Athanor is in hull timer and he needs a few more minutes to get his fleet up.

Looks like there was another attack at approximately 22:13 UTC which may have led to a wave of players being disconnected from TQ (myself included!) but this time it was not as widespread as earlier today. Our engineers were on the case quickly and are monitoring the situation.


Thanks for the update, hopefully CCP can find a way to keep these attacks from happening.

It is 8.35 UTC. Still cant login! “Cant connect to port… etc”. CCPlease makes EvE great again! :pray:

Is it really a joke. WTH are you doing game is not playable what is solved?

Just crashed again

connection lost… UK, just now

Crash on my side too .
Looks like the DT is coming soon today
Don’t know if it is a DDOS related issue

broken connection 10:32, cannot get back in at 10:40. If you catch them, give them a good kick in the nuts from me, now have a fully loaded Hauler god knows where as I was just undocking when it crashed.

My clients went down hope my drones are there when it goes back up

Same here for fresh log-ons, although an alt I had logged-on anyway is still OK.

Disconnect and error Handshake Failed - Server Failure on login

Crashed. Game wont start.

‘The client for ACCOUNT could not be successfully started’


‘Game client start up for ACCOUNT was skipped as the in game client for this user is already running’

which is of course bullsh#t because I’m not in the f game am i.

I have logged back in after 5min just now.

same here logged in

logged in after 5min

There was another brief outage a short while ago at approximately 10:35 UTC that lasted for less than 10 minutes. We apologise for the inconvenience!

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